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中医治疗学/历史 Therapeutics (TCM)/ History英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-01 06:36:14


中医治疗学/历史 Therapeutics (TCM)/ History英语短句 例句大全

中医治疗学/历史,Therapeutics (TCM)/ History

1)Therapeutics (TCM)/ History中医治疗学/历史


3)medical history医学历史


1.Cross-cultural Research on the History and Present Status of Traditional VIETNAM and Chinese Medicine越南传统医学历史、现状及中医药的比较研究

2.the law, medical, history school法学院、 医学院、 历史系

3.Historical Research of The Forming of The Basic Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医学基础理论形成过程的历史研究

4.Study on the origins of Chinese traditional medicine and western medicine;中西医学差异起源的历史比较与分析

5.Research on the History of American Medical Education and Its Current Situation;美国医学教育历史与现状的考察研究

6.A Historical Study on the Revival of Supporting Yang School从历史角度谈中医“扶阳学派”的复兴

7.Historical Causes and Enlightenment of American Elite Medical Education美国医学精英教育的历史成因及启示

8.The doctor"s talk covered the complete history of medicine.这位医生的讲座涉及了医学的全部历史。

9.Historical Review and Enlightenment of Higher Medical Educational System in China;中国高等医学教育学制的历史演变与启示

10.A Historical Approach and Philosophical Analysis of the Relationship between Evidence-Based Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine;循证探源——中医学与循证医学关系的历史透视与哲学分析

11.The Programs and Historical Contexts of Medical Education in Argentina;阿根廷医学教育的培养方案和历史背景

12.The History Current Condition and Development of China s Forensic Science Investigation Affirmation;我国法医学检验鉴定的历史、现状及发展

13.Neo-German Historical School,Germany s Practice and China s Medical Reform--The Reform Thoughts of China s Medical Care;新历史学派、德国实践与我国医疗改革——兼论我国医疗保障改革设想

14.Medical Professionalism and Confidentiality:Historical and Current Conflicts in the United States;医学专业精神及医疗保密:美国历史及现状中的冲突

15.The Hong Kong College of Medicine afterwards merged to HKU Faculty of Medicine, which became the most glorious medicine educational institution in Hong Kong.香港西医书院后来合并于香港大学医学院,成为香港历史最悠久的医学教育机构。

16.History, English, and math.历史,英语和数学。

17.Efforts are being made to establish more departments and schools of Tibetan culture covering Tibetan language, medicine, art and history and so on.进一步兴办藏语言文字、医学、族艺术、族历史等藏族文化系科(业)学校。

18.a historian who writes annals.著述编年史的历史学家。



3)medical history医学历史

4)prevention and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine中医预防治疗学

1.Based on theprevention and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine,the concept of preventive treatment of disease was discussed.从中医预防治疗学中"治未病"的概念内涵出发,阐述了"治未病"的基本原则有四:未病先防、将病先防、既病防变、病后防复,而"治未病"的基本方法主要包括养护正气类调治方法和祛邪于未发、未传类调治方法。

5)Chinese medicine treatment中医治疗

1.Osteoarthritis of the kneeChinese medicine treatment;浅谈膝骨性关节炎的中医治疗

2.Osteoarthritis ofChinese medicine treatment;浅谈骨性关节炎的中医治疗

3.Objective:To selecte 50 patients who had Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head and used theChinese medicine treatment in Wangjing hospital of CACMS,matched control with 50 patients healed in China-Japanese Friendship Hospital bone necrosis and joint reconstruction reservations centre.目的:通过对中国中医科学院望京医院、卫生部中日友好医院骨坏死与关节保留重建中心的股骨头坏死病例分别采用中医治疗和西医治疗,并选取各50例进行配对对照研究,观察中医疗法与西医疗法的治疗效果,明确中医辨证论治治疗股骨头坏死的有效性和安全性。

6)TCM therapy中医治疗


