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基本句型 basic sentence pattern英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-04 00:45:13


基本句型 basic sentence pattern英语短句 例句大全

基本句型,basic sentence pattern

1)basic sentence pattern基本句型

1.A theory on thebasic sentence patterns temporarily staying in the memory and its application rules;基本句型记忆暂留理论及其应用规则


1.Semantic and syntactic issues involved in the classification of basic English sentences英语基本句型划分的若干语义、句法问题

2.A theory on the basic sentence patterns temporarily staying in the memory and its application rules;基本句型记忆暂留理论及其应用规则

3.There are many ways to vary the basic English sentence pattern of subject-verb-object.由许多方法可以变换英语“主—动—宾”基本句型。

4.The Foundation and Arranging Sequence of the Basis Sentence Pattern in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language;对外汉语教学基本句型的确立依据与排序研究

5.Contrastive Analysis on English & Chinese Basic Sentence Patterns And Its Use for Teaching Practice;英汉基本句型的对比分析及其教学应用

6.She discusses parts of speech, basic sentence patterns, verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs, prepositions, relative clauses, imperative sentences, and so on.内容包括词类、基本句型、动词、名词、形容词与副词、介词、关系子句、祈使句等等。

7.Formalism and functionalism are two rival approaches to grammar study.语法学家在划分基本句型时,对宾语补足语的存在一定的不足。

8.The form of the lines and their number followed a basic rule in all qu tunes,句型句数都随所有的曲牌而有一个基本的规定。

9.Types of Linguistic Metaphors and Their Syntactic and Semantic Features;论隐喻的基本类型及句法和语义特征

10.Because the xiaodiao were basically composed of four lines each, they were commonly known as "four-liners."小调的基本曲体是四句型结构,即民间所说的"四句头"。

11.Basic Transformation Model of the Chinese-English SentencePattern and Analysis of the Error;汉译英句型基本转换模式及其错误分析

12.To make sentences based on the38 sentence patterns we have learned this semester.能运用本学期所学的38个句型来造句.

13.To understand the sentence patterns and be able to make sentences with them.能掌握并运用本学期所学的103个句型造句。

14.Bei constructions are one of the Chinese basic syntactic forms, which are continuously studied by scholars.被"字句是汉语的基本句式之一,历来受方家重视。

15.Extracting Topic Sentences form Web Text Based on Sentence Relationship Map基于句子关系图的网页文本主题句抽取

16.3. Rewrite the sentences.改写下面的句子,要求改写后的句子与原句意思基本不变。

17.Chinese Sentence Similarity Computing Based on 3-Dimension Representative Model of Sentence Semantic基于句义三维模型的汉语句子相似度计算

18.An old saw can have a kernel of truth in it.一句谚语可有一个基本真理的存在。


the word order of a basic sentence基本句型的语序

3)basic types of sentences基本句子类型

4)basic statement基本语句

5)basic sentence基本句子

6)transformation model of basic sentence pattern基本句型转换模式


