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对策和建议 countermeasures and suggestions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-22 17:31:16


对策和建议 countermeasures and suggestions英语短句 例句大全

对策和建议,countermeasures and suggestions

1)countermeasures and suggestions对策和建议

1.On the basis of analyses of the problems in China s SAR command system as well as the international development tendency of SAR technology,countermeasures and suggestions helping to realize the scientific harmonious SAR are given: Firstly,a new dynamic concept shall be introduced to the reconsideration for SAR s position and role.总结了国家救捞体制改革4年来中国海上救助的5个前所未有,指出了我国救助指挥体系存在的问题和当前国内外救助技术的发展趋势,提出了实现科学救助、和谐救助的对策和建议:1。

2.Better effects have been acquired,at the same time, we put forward threecountermeasures and suggestions.在取得良好帮扶成效的同时,还必须把加强软硬环境建设、以市场机制为基础加大政府的宏观调控职能、加速推进区域经济体系的工业化和提升企业竞争能力作为未来发展的对策和建议。

3.On the basis of analyzing the exploitation and utilization of China s coal resources,sustainable development as the guiding ideology,putting forward the concept and the meaning of carrying capacity of coal resources,researching the evaluation methods of the bearing capacity on resources,finally,giving thecountermeasures and suggestions of enhancing the carrying capacity of coal resources.在分析中国煤炭资源开采和利用现状的基础上,以可持续发展为指导思想,提出了煤炭资源承载力的概念和含义,研究了资源承载力的评价方法,最后给出了提升煤炭资源承载力的对策和建议。


1.Strategy and Suggestion for Improving Education in Ethics at the Present;论新时期加强道德建设的对策和建议

2.The Countermeasure and Suggestion of the Tourism Harmonized Development in Urban and Rural;统筹城乡旅游和谐发展的对策和建议

3.Effective Control of Floating Population;有效控制流动人口犯罪的对策和建议

4.Countermeasures and Proposals about Development of Yunnan E-Commerce;加快云南电子商务发展的对策和建议

5.Analysis on situation of mining industry of Heilongjiangprovince and some suggestions;黑龙江省矿业形势分析及对策和建议

6.The Countermeasure and the Suggestion on Our Country Build Agriculture of the Saving Water Highly Effectiv;关于我国建立节水高效农业的对策和建议

7.Counter-measures and Suggestions on Speeding up the Construction of Agricultural Water Conservation Guaranteeing System;加快建立我国农业节水保障体系的对策和建议

8.Countermeasures and Proposals of Breedingand Enlarging the Middle-incomeClass of Shanxi Province;培育和扩大山西中等收入阶层的对策和建议

9.Solution and Suggestion for Strengthening Supervision of Engineering Tendering Agent;加强对工程招标代理机构监管的对策和建议

10.Countenneasure and Suggestion to Effects in Alongshore Entironment of Developments of the Tarim River Irrigated area;塔里木河灌区对沿岸生态环境影响对策和建议

11.Some Deference between the Weaponry Acquisition Policies in China and USA and Proposals of the Countermeasure;中美采办政策的若干差异和对策建议

12.Constructing Harmonious Nantong and Countermeasures;建设和谐南通的存在问题及对策建议

13.Some suggestions and countermeasures are put forward.提出了若干改进建议和发展对策。

14.The countermeasures of Agriculture and Rural Economic structure Adjustment;农业和农村经济结构调整的对策建议

15.Analysis on Influencing Factors and Countermeasures of the Increase of Peasant s Income;浅析农民增收的影响因素和对策建议

16.Analysis of Causes for Current Unemployment in China and Countermeasure Suggestions;我国目前失业的原因分析和对策建议

17.Current Situation of and Countermeasures Against Drug Crimes in Chongqing;重庆地区毒品犯罪的现状和对策建议

18.Recommended resolutions to the issues of employment and competition for talented people after China s WTO entry;“入世”后就业和人才问题的对策建议


countermeasure and suggestion对策和建议

1.And put forward somecountermeasure and suggestion to the government and enterprises on how to make China\"s overseas mining investment more effective.对我国海外矿业投资的现状做了简要的阐述,分别从政府和企业的层面上,分析了我国企业实施海外矿业投资的过程中所存在的问题和不足,并给政府和企业提出了如何使我国的海外矿业投资更加有效的对策和建议。

3)strategies and suggestions对策和建议

pliance Investigation Report of Enterprise ISO9001 Quality Management System——Data,Analyses and Strategies and Suggestions;企业ISO9001质量管理体系符合性调查报告——数据、分析及相应对策和建议

4)Suggestion and countermeasure建议和对策

5)improvement countermeasures and proposals整治对策和建议

6)countermeasures and suggestions对策建议

1.Status-quo of China s coal mine safety technology,problems,countermeasures and suggestions;我国煤矿安全科技现状、问题及对策建议

2.Exemplified with Shanghai,the authors expound the strategic significances from inner subur- banization to outer suburbanization progress,identify the major signs of outer suburbanization,and propose somecountermeasures and suggestions for fur- ther development of outer suburbaniza- tion in Shanghai.以上海大都市郊区化为例,阐述了从近域郊区化向远域郊区化推进的战略意义:辨识了远域郊区化发展的重要标志,并提出了进一步发展的对策建议。

3.This paper,based on the first state economic universal survey data and applying the method of industrial location entropy evaluation,gives a deeper exploration of developing degrees of different businesses from Hebei Provincial third industry,reveals its superior and inferior businesses and puts forward the correspondingcountermeasures and suggestions.本文基于第一次全国经济普查数据,利用产业区位熵评价方法,对河北省第三产业中不同产业的发展强度予以探讨,揭示出其主要优势和劣势产业,并进而提出了相应的对策建议。


