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科学发展战略 science-developing strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-23 06:04:34


科学发展战略 science-developing strategy英语短句 例句大全

科学发展战略,science-developing strategy

1)science-developing strategy科学发展战略

1.How to apply the guiding effect of scientific developing views onscience-developing strategy making;如何把握科学发展观在制定科学发展战略中的导向作用


1.Promote Cultural and Economic Interaction and Implement the Scientific Development Strategy;推进文化经济互动 落实科学发展战略

2.On Promoting Scientific Development by Implementing Three Development Strategies实施三个发展战略 推动学校科学发展

3.Scientific Outlook on Development:University-running Idea and Development Strategy科学发展观:高校办学理念与发展战略

4.Discussion on Using Science Development View to Establish Communications Developing Strategy;论运用科学发展观制定交通发展战略

5.Viewing China′s Energy Development Strategy in the Scientific-outlook-on-development Perspective用科学发展观思考中国能源发展战略

6.Intelligence Research on Development Strategy of Key Subject(Ⅱ)重点学科发展战略情报研究(二)——共词战略坐标

7.Meditation on the Development Strategy of the Discipline of Chinese Judicial Administration;中国司法管理学学科发展的战略思考

8.The Momentous Transformation:from Traditional Development Concept to Scientific Development Conception;发展观与发展战略的流变与科学发展观的树立

9.Development Strategy of Plant Protection Science and Technology in China;中国植物保护科学技术发展战略研究

10.Research of Developable Strategy in Chong Qing Research Institute of Building Science;重庆市建筑科学研究院发展战略研究

11.Development Strategies and Management Modes of the Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute;长江科学院发展战略与管理模式分析

12.Study of Leader Strategic Thinking Based on Scientific View of Development;基于科学发展观的领导战略思维研究

13.View of Scientific Development and the Research on Strategy of Western Region s Foreign Capital Utilization;科学发展观与西部利用外资战略研究

14.On the Developmental Strategy of Tourism Public Policy;旅游公共政策学科专业发展战略探讨

15.Strategic Decision of Scientific Development of Higher Education;论高等教育实现科学发展的战略选择

16.The Strategic Orientation and Innovation Value of the Scientific View of Development;论科学发展观的战略定位和创新价值

17.On the Tactic Development of the Subject Curricula in Normal Universities;高等师范院校学科课程发展战略研究

18.The Study on Scientific Development Conception and “Six-interaction” Strategy;科学发展观与“六大联动”战略研究


strategy for developing scientific instru-ments in China科学仪器发展战略

3)space science and technology strategy航天科学技术发展战略

4)science and technology development strategy科学技术发展战略

5)science of development strategy发展战略学

1.Thescience of development strategy is an interdisciplinary comprehensive subject, which springs up after the 1950s and generally studies the basic laws of overall and long-term development planning of the human society in every field.发展战略学,主要是指20世纪50年代以后兴起的、从总体上研究人类社会各个领域全局性和长远性发展谋划的基本规律的一门综合性学科。

6)S&T development strategy科技发展战略

1.Since the beginning of new Century, instead of gradual development with priority of follow and imitation since reform and opening, striding across development with the character of self-determination and innovation has been the great transformation of ChineseS&T development strategy.新世纪开始后,我国科技发展战略上的重大变化是以自主创新为特征的跨越式发展代替了改革开放以来奉行的以跟踪模仿为主的渐进式发展。

2.This paper analyses the conditions which restrict the selection of theS&T development strategy from the following aspects: technological innovation developing stage, the intensity and the configuration of R&D input, comparative advantage, competitive advantage, etc.本文针对目前理论界存在的关于科技发展道路选择中存在的争论,从技术创新发展阶段、R&D经费结构、比较优势、竞争优势等方面,分析了在科技发展战略选择中面临的约束条件,提出了现阶段引进创新对中国整体技术提升的重要作用,并进一步指出在技术发展道路中,竞争要素与高级要素的有效结合和转换应作为政策关注的焦点。

3.This paper sets about the analysis of the factors influencing the enterprise sS&T development strategy and presents that the choice of the enterprise sS&T development strategy should base on the coordination between the outside S&T surroundings and the enterprise s technological capability.本文从研究企业科技发展战略的影响因素入手,提出了企业科技发展战略的选择,必须以对外部科技环境和企业技术能力的分析作为基础,外部科技环境是外因,企业技术能力是根本,企业技术能力是企业科技发展战略选择的决定性因素。


