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子宫下段剖宫产术 cesarean section lower uterus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-23 11:48:37


子宫下段剖宫产术 cesarean section lower uterus英语短句 例句大全

子宫下段剖宫产术,cesarean section lower uterus

1)cesarean section lower uterus子宫下段剖宫产术


1.Clinical analysis on 68 cases of caesarian operation by transverse incision underlying section of uterus横切口子宫下段剖宫产术68例分析

2.Analysis of 287 Cases with Modified Low Cervical Cesarean Section改良式子宫下段剖宫产术287例临床分析

3.The new mode and midline incision for caesarean section and abdomen cavity adhesions新式剖宫产术与腹部纵切口子宫下段剖宫产术后腹腔粘连情况比较

4.Clinical analysis of 100 cases on upper part of lower segment cesarean section子宫下段高位剖宫产术100例临床分析

5.Color Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in previous caesarean section scar彩色多普勒超声诊断剖宫产术后子宫下段疤痕妊娠的价值

6.Analysis of 5 cases of sterwise uterine devascularization for CSD hemorrhage;分段子宫血管结扎术治疗剖宫产出血5例

7.Improved lower segment transverse incision cesarean section:Analysis of 65 cases改良式子宫下段横切口剖宫产65例分析

8.Myomectomy during cesarean section子宫下段剖宫产同时行子宫肌瘤剔除89例临床分析

9.An elective caesarean section with a lower segment uterine incision was performed in our hospital on Aug 4,1996.1996年8月4日在我院施行子宫下段选择性剖腹产手术。

10.Clinical Analysis of 70 Cases with Uterine Laceration of Micheal Stark Caesarian Section新式剖宫产术子宫切口撕裂70例分析

11.Ultrasonography of uterine adhesion with abdominal wall after caesarian section.剖宫产术后子宫腹壁粘连的超声分析

12.Exploring the Necessity of Cervix s dilatation in Caesarean Birth Operation;剖宫产术中扩张子宫颈的必要性探讨

13.Clinical analysis of cesarean scar pregnancy:report of 11 cases剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕妊娠11例分析

14.Diagnosis and Treatment of Ectopic Pregnansy in Cesarean Scar剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕处妊娠临床分析

15.Clinical Analysis for Ten Cases of Cesarean Hysterectomy10例剖宫产术中子宫切除的临床分析

16.Effect on Uterine Involution in Primipara of Modified Cesarean Section改良新式剖宫产术对初产妇子宫复旧的影响

17.Clinical Analysis of 42 Cases of Hysteromyomectomy during Cesarean Section剖宫产术中子宫肌瘤剔除术42例临床分析

18.Hysterectomy formed during cesarean section:ananalysis of 96 cases剖宫产术同时行子宫肌瘤剔除术的临床分析


lower segment caesarean section子宫下段剖腹产术

3)Cesarean section剖宫产术

1.Cesarean section after pregnancy vaginal analysis of the clinical trial production;剖宫产术后再次妊娠阴道试产的临床分析

2.Clinical study on delivery mode in patients with previous cesarean section and the neonatus state;剖宫产术后再次妊娠分娩方式的选择与新生儿结局的临床研究

3.Observation of physical rehabilitation after cesarean section with different paregoric methods;不同镇痛方法对剖宫产术后产妇身体机能恢复的对比观察

4)caesarean section剖宫产术

1.Diagnostic value of color Doppler ultrasonography for abdominal wall endometriosis aftercaesarean section;彩色多普勒超声诊断剖宫产术后腹壁子宫内膜异位症的诊断价值

parison of Effect of Levobupivacaine and Ropivacain on Caesarean Section;左旋布比卡因与罗哌卡因在剖宫产术中的应用比较

3.Evaluation on 172 Misgav-Ladach Techique ofcaesarean section;新式剖宫产术172例分析

5)Caesarean operation剖宫产术

1.Experience of nursing care of improving breast-feeding rate after caesarean operation;提高剖宫产术后纯母乳喂养率的护理体会

2.Objective To discuss the effect of patient controlled epidural analgesia(PCEA) after caesarean operation on secretion of breast milk and recovery of stomach and intestines function of the mothers.目的探讨剖宫产术后硬膜外持续自控泵镇痛(patient controlled epidural analgesia,PCEA)对产妇泌乳及胃肠功能恢复的影响。

3.All of them had aCaesarean operation more than half a year ago.方法对56例月经期延长的剖宫产术后半年以上者经阴道超声探查。


1.Clinical analysis on new-improvedcesarean of 526 pregnancies;改良新式剖宫产术526例临床分析

2.Clinical study on the prevention of postcesarean infection using iodine-clearnng uterus and intravenous injection with ceftriaxone;碘伏擦拭宫腔加头孢曲松钠静滴预防剖宫产术后感染的临床观察

parison of different proportion ropivacaine in spinal incesarean section不同比重罗哌卡因用于腰麻下剖宫产术的比较


