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赤潮成因 red tide cause英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-03 12:10:10


赤潮成因 red tide cause英语短句 例句大全

赤潮成因,red tide cause

1)red tide cause赤潮成因

2)red tide formed赤潮形成

1.a 1995~,the discussion on the reasons and mechanism ofred tide formed was done.的分布特征及其与环境条件、环境因子之间关系的分析,探讨了该湾赤潮形成的原因和机理。


1.Study on Environment Factors Affecting Outbreaks of Red Tide in Haizhou Bay Coastal Waters;海州湾海域赤潮形成的环境因子研究

2.Effect of Nutrient Characteristics on HAB in the Typical Coastal Waters in China and the Methods of HAB Mitigation;我国典型海域营养盐特征对赤潮形成的影响及赤潮防治方法研究

3.Brief analysis on the red tide disaster"s formation reason,harm and disaster reduction work浅析赤潮灾害形成原因、危害与减灾工作

4.It sense d a mineral called hematite that forms under wet conditions.它也探测到了一种称作赤铁矿的,在潮湿环境中形成的矿藏。

5.Effects of Nitrogen and Silicon Limitation on Resting Spore Formation of Red Tide-causing Alga Chaetoceros compressus (Bacillariophyta)氮、硅限制对赤潮藻扁面角毛藻休眠孢子形成的影响

6.consisting of or causing a climax.形成高潮或者引起高潮。

7.It sense d a min eral called hematite that offen forms under wet conditions.它还发现了被称为赤铁矿的矿石的存在,这种矿石通常是在潮湿条件下形成。

8.Researches on Microscopic Image Diagnosis of Harmful Algal Blooms Based on Biological Morphology基于生物形态学的有害赤潮显微图像诊断研究

9.Red Tide Dominant Species Recognition Research Using Shape Descriptors基于形状特征描述子的赤潮优势种识别研究

10.Harmful Algal Blooms in Coastal Hebei Sea: Causes and Mitigation Countermeasures河北省沿海赤潮的成因及调控对策研究

11.Morphological and Phylogenetic Analysis and Detection by Fluorescentin Situ Hybridization of Several Red Tide Causative Microalgae;几种赤潮微藻的形态和系统进化分析及荧光原位杂交检测

12.Study on the Removal of Symbiotic Phaeocystis and Heterosigma with Isothiazolone;异噻唑啉酮对共生的球形棕囊藻和赤潮异弯藻去除效果的研究

13.Taxonomy,Physiology and Dimethylsulfonopropionate Prouduction of Phaeocystis globosa Scherffel;有害赤潮藻——球形棕囊藻的分类生理特性及产硫研究

14.Analysis on the Circulation Patterns and Hydrometeorology of Akashiwo sanguinea Red Tide Outbreak in Xiamen Sea Area厦门海域血红哈卡藻赤潮的环流形势和水文气象条件分析

15.Cell proliferation of Phaeocystis globasa,a red tide causative marine microalga in various phosphorus(P)-and nitrogen(N)-replete conditions海洋赤潮藻球形棕囊藻在氮磷富营养下的细胞增殖(英文)

16.Study on heredity of the pigment formation ability in Fusarium moniliforme藤仓赤霉菌色素形成能力的遗传研究

17.Effect of Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients Composition on the Growth of HAB Algae in East China Sea;无机溶解态营养盐组成对东海典型赤潮藻生长的影响

18.Source and Distribution of N-alkanes and Fatty Acids in Sediments from the Red Tide-frequent-occurrence Area in the East China Sea (ECS);东海赤潮高发区沉积物中正构烷烃、脂肪酸的组成与分布


red tide formed赤潮形成

1.a 1995~,the discussion on the reasons and mechanism ofred tide formed was done.的分布特征及其与环境条件、环境因子之间关系的分析,探讨了该湾赤潮形成的原因和机理。

3)the red tide causative organisms赤潮原因生物

4)red tide赤潮

1.Research advancement on controllingred tide by natural clay;天然粘土治理赤潮的研究进展

2.Preliminary Study on using MODIS to detect the Red Tide in the Yangtze Estuary and adjacent waters;利用MODIS遥感数据探测长江口及邻近海域赤潮初步研究

3.Influencing analysis of human activities on frequency ofred tides(HABs) in Zhejiang Sea Areas;人类活动对浙江近海赤潮发生频率的影响分析

5)red tides赤潮

1.Studies on PSP in harmfulred tides of Zhejiang Sea-areas;浙江近岸有害赤潮发生区麻痹性贝毒素研究

2.Characteristics of ecological environment and monitoring ofred tides in the waters of Qinhuangdao;秦皇岛海域生态环境特征与赤潮监测

3.Survey and adapted hydro-meteorological conditions of Noctiluca Scintillansred tides in South China Sea;南海夜光藻赤潮概况及其对水文气象的适应条件


1.Spatial and temporal distribution of the nutrients and its controlling factors in the high-frequencyHAB occurrence area in the East China Sea;东海赤潮高发区营养盐时空分布特征及其控制要素

2.TheHAB Species Prorocentrum dentatum and its Characteristics in East China Sea;东海赤潮生物具齿原甲藻及其特征

3.Numerical simulation of the dynamic mechanismof the occurrence and spread ofHAB;赤潮发生和蔓延的动力机制数值模拟


生物学犯罪原因论生物学犯罪原因论biological aetiology towards crime生物学犯罪原因论(b iological aetiologytowards erime)西方研究犯罪原因学说的一个流派。企图以自然科学的研究方法探索犯罪原因。这一学派认为,一个人之所以犯罪是由体型、体质、内分泌、染色体等生理素质决定的。这一学派的创始人是意大利的精神病学家、犯罪学家龙勃罗梭(Lombroso,C.)。他在《犯罪者论》(1876年)一书中提出:犯罪人的头骨、大脑、颜面、四肢等都具有与正常人不同的生理特征,这些生理特征是他们犯罪心理活动的生理基础。这些生理特征是人类祖先原始人和野蛮种族“隔世遗传”的结果,是人类的返祖现象。犯罪人是再现于文明社会的野蛮人,是“生来性犯罪人”。所以龙勃罗梭的犯罪原因学说又称为“隔世遗传说”、“天生犯罪人说”。龙勃罗梭的观点受到广泛的批判。但是,现代犯罪生物学派运用现代的科学技术手段研究人的生理素质与犯罪的关系,仍有不可忽视的地位。主要有:(l)体型说。认为人的体型与犯罪倾向有关。(2)染色体异常说。认为性染色体不正常的人,智力低下,攻击性强,容易导致犯罪。(3)内分泌失调说。认为内分泌失调会影响人的正常心理活动,特别是情绪活动,因此与犯罪有关。(4)脑电波异常说。认为脑电波异常与异常的暴力犯罪有关。(5)物质代谢说。认为人体某种物质含量的高低和平衡与否同犯罪有关。(解玉教撰何为民审)
