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第一句子网 > 累进性价格 progressive price英语短句 例句大全

累进性价格 progressive price英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-24 14:11:53


累进性价格 progressive price英语短句 例句大全

累进性价格,progressive price

progressive mesh累进网格

1.Algorithm of fast generating reversibleprogressive meshes;一种快速的可逆累进网格算法

2.Algorithm to generateprogressive meshes based on quadric error metric;一种基于二次误差测度的三维累进网格生成算法

3.A novel data format for storage and transmission ofprogressive mesh (PM) was proposed based on the mesh simplification method, which recursively collapsed triangles in dense mesh.该方法首先记录网格简化过程中网格局部的连通性(Connectivity)修改信息,并通过对原始网格中的顶点和面片进行重新排序,生成了由基网格和累进记录序列组成的累进网格数据格式;通过对累进数据格式中的连通性信息进行哈夫曼编码,以及顶点数据的区段离散化,实现了网格拓扑信息的无损压缩和可以预测精度的几何信息压缩。

3)progressive meshes累进网格

1.Aimed at the existent problems, to take the geometrical approximation error brought forth by vertex clustering into consideration and start fromprogressive meshes, some diverse measurement methods are unified to the quad.针对存在的问题,文中以累进网格为基础,并将点簇合并引起的几何逼近作为研究重点,将多种度量方法通过权因子统一到基于二次误差的模型逼近度量方法中,并提出了改进的基于二次误差的多边形表面简化算法。

2.We propose a method for constructingprogressive meshes based on vertex removal and an interpolating algorithm between different LODs.对虚拟现实中多细节层次模型间的平滑过渡技术进行了详细讨论 ,提出了一种基于顶点删除的累进网格的构造算法和一种模型的不同细节层次间的插值算法 。

4)cumulative mark-on累进加价

1.3-stepcumulative mark-on was adopted for the tap water price and sewage water price, and the standards were different owing to different water users.其中城市自来水价和污水处理收费实行3级阶梯式累进加价,针对不同用户制定不同水费标准,并对低收入群体实行减免政策。

5)progressive price of water累进水价

6)price elasticity of import and export进出口价格弹性


