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水利专项 water resources planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-24 11:07:04


水利专项 water resources planning英语短句 例句大全

水利专项,water resources planning

1)water resources planning水利专项

1.Environmental impact assessment ofwater resources planning水利专项规划环境影响评价探讨

2)conservancy separate item planning水利专项规划

1.Based on analyzing the characteristic ofconservancy separate item planning,this paper introduces the working procedure and evaluation content structure of environmental influence evaluation.在全面分析水利专项规划特征的基础上,提出了水利专项规划环境影响评价的工作程序和评价内容框架;基于PSR理论模型构建水利规划环境影响评价的指标体系;结合南通市水利发展"十一五"规划进行实证研究。

3)patent claim专利权项

4)many patents多项专利


1.Discusses on the Determination to the Compensation of Many Patent Infringement Liability in one Product一种产品多项专利侵权案件中赔偿责任的确定

2.It has won lots of national technical patents and has been listed by the National Patent Bureau as one of the important invention patents.荣获多项国家技术专利,并被国家专利局列入重大发明专利之一。

3.How long does it take to patent an invention?取得一项发明的专利权需要多久?

4.If the fees are not paid, then the patent is said to have lapsed.如果不付专利费,这项专利就告失效。

5.take out a patent for [on] an invention取得一项发明的专利

6.individual request for patent classification专利分类号单项服务

7.More than 140,000 science and technology achievements underwent state registration in these five years, and 520,000 patents were granted.五年获得国家登记的科技成果14万多项,授予专利权52万件。

8.Each request shall be limited for one patent for utility model.每项请求应当限于一项实用新型专利。

9.Rule 33 An applicant may claim one or more priorities for an application for a patent;第三十三条 申请人在一件专利申请中,可以要求一项或者多项优先权;

10.One who owns the patent right enjoys the exclusive right to exploit it.持专利权的人享有实施这项专利的绝对权力。

11.And, as far as rights are concerned, the one who owns the patent right enjoys the exclusive right to exploit it.就权利来说,专利权人享有实施这项专利的专营权。

12.Have stronger own innovation capacity, as famous as domestic much place college and research organization cooperate, own multinomial product patent.具有较强的自主创新能力,并与国内多所著名高校和研究机构合作,拥有多项产品专利。

13.This measure will do more good than harm.这项措施利多弊少。

14.New Universal Frame and imported wire ring ball bearing are adopted(2 patents of utility model and2 patents of invention).采用新型通用机架(项发明专利,二项实用专利)进口钢丝轴承。

15.ZTE"s ZXA10 access product has obtained9 essential patents and295 invention patents.中兴ZXA10接入产品已完成基础专利9项,发明专利295项。

16.New Universal Frame and imported wire ring ball bearing are adopted (2 patents of utility model and 2 patents of invention).采用新型通用机架(二项发明专利,二项实用专利)和进口钢丝轴承。

17.Rule 88 The Patent Administration Department under the State Council shall keep a Patent Register in which the registration of the following matters relating to patent application or patent right shall be made:第八十八条 国务院专利行政部门设置专利登记簿,登记下列与专利申请和专利权有关的事项:

18.The company owns local and international patent several, becoming that numerous forerunners of realm to create technically.公司拥有国内和国际专利数十项,成为该领域众多先进技术的缔造者。


conservancy separate item planning水利专项规划

1.Based on analyzing the characteristic ofconservancy separate item planning,this paper introduces the working procedure and evaluation content structure of environmental influence evaluation.在全面分析水利专项规划特征的基础上,提出了水利专项规划环境影响评价的工作程序和评价内容框架;基于PSR理论模型构建水利规划环境影响评价的指标体系;结合南通市水利发展"十一五"规划进行实证研究。

3)patent claim专利权项

4)many patents多项专利

5)The "863" water environment special item"863"水专项

6)rowing level专项水平

1.It is very helpful for formulating training plan and coaching when we can accurately test and analyse the(rowing) athletesrowing level.正确检验与分析赛艇运动员的专项水平,对于制定训练计划和指导训练工作有很大的帮助。


