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无效资本率 rate of inefficient capital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-29 11:27:56


无效资本率 rate of inefficient capital英语短句 例句大全

无效资本率,rate of inefficient capital

1)rate of inefficient capital无效资本率

2)invalid capital无效资本

1.Due to the existence ofinvalid capital in China,the simple use of neoclassical economic growth model to estimate the total factor productivity will obtain inaccurate results.资本无效产生的根源是利率管制与福利制度改革导致的过度储蓄,无效资本掩盖了全要素生产率与劳动要素对经济增长的贡献,其参与收入分配造成收入分配差距扩大。

3)capital efficiency资本效率

1.Fixed Assets,Labor Cost and Capital Efficiency in Export-Oriented Manufacturing Industry;出口制造业固定资产、劳动力成本与资本效率

2.This essay first studies thecapital efficiency of a.资本效率决定中国经济未来的走势。


1.The Analysis on the Relationship between Capital Flows and Capital Efficiency in Different Areas of China;我国东中西部资本流动与资本效率的关系分析

2.Fixed Assets,Labor Cost and Capital Efficiency in Export-Oriented Manufacturing Industry;出口制造业固定资产、劳动力成本与资本效率

3.Technological Progress,Marginal Productivity of Capital and China s Economic Growth;论技术进步、资本效率与中国经济增长

4.Capital Market Efficiency Hypothesis and the Efficiency Analysis of the Chinese Capital Market;资本市场效率假说与中国资本市场的效率分析

5.Information Asymmetry、Cost of Equity Capital and Efficiency of Capital Market;信息不对称、权益资本成本与资本市场效率

6.A Study on the Influence of Institutional Investors on the Efficiency of Capital Market;机构投资者对资本市场效率影响研究

7.The Study on Reconstruction of Assets and Efficiency of Capital Allocation;关于资产重组与资本配置效率的研究

8.Further Offerings, Surplus Management and Capital Allocation Efficiency;股权再融资、盈余管理与资本配置效率

9.Capital Allocation,Managerial Incentives and the Efficiency of Internal Capital Markets;资本配置、管理激励与内部资本市场效率

10.Research on Information Rents and Capital Allocative Efficiency in Capital Budgeting Within Firms;企业资本预算中的信息租金与资本配置效率

11.Industry Earnings Risk,Capital Structure Optimization and Capital Collocation Efficiency;行业收益风险、资本结构优化与资本配置效率

12.Optimize the Education Investment Structure and Raise the Manpower Capital investment Efficiency of Our Country;优化教育投资结构 提高人力资本投资效率

13.Information Revelation and Capital Market Efficiency:Information Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency;信息揭示与资本市场效率——信息有效与配置有效

14.Fairness and Efficiency:Pool Efforts to Pry up the Chinese Capital Market公平与效率:合力撬动中国资本市场

15.A Study on Allocation Efficiency of Listing Companies Internal Capital Market;上市公司内部资本市场配置效率研究

16.The Effectiveness of Capital Control and Reform of Exchange Rate Regimes in China;资本管制有效性与中国汇率制度改革

17.Analysis of discrepancy in the capital allocation efficiency of China s Industry;我国工业行业资本配置效率差异解析

18.The Dynamic Efficiency of China s Capital Accumulation:1978-;中国资本积累的动态效率:1978—


invalid capital无效资本

1.Due to the existence ofinvalid capital in China,the simple use of neoclassical economic growth model to estimate the total factor productivity will obtain inaccurate results.资本无效产生的根源是利率管制与福利制度改革导致的过度储蓄,无效资本掩盖了全要素生产率与劳动要素对经济增长的贡献,其参与收入分配造成收入分配差距扩大。

3)capital efficiency资本效率

1.Fixed Assets,Labor Cost and Capital Efficiency in Export-Oriented Manufacturing Industry;出口制造业固定资产、劳动力成本与资本效率

2.This essay first studies thecapital efficiency of a.资本效率决定中国经济未来的走势。

4)efficient capital效率资本

1.In companies,it must be avoided that nonefficient capitals controlefficient capitals.不同资本—市场经济中的赢利能力是不同的 ,赢利能力较低的是国有资本 ,而赢利能力强的是非公有资本 ,在执行同股同权的公司制企业中 ,应当防止形成非效率资本支配效率资本的局面 ,从而影响产权多元化改革之后经营机制的转变。

5)non efficient capital非效率资本

1.In companies,it must be avoided thatnon efficient capitals control efficient capitals.不同资本—市场经济中的赢利能力是不同的 ,赢利能力较低的是国有资本 ,而赢利能力强的是非公有资本 ,在执行同股同权的公司制企业中 ,应当防止形成非效率资本支配效率资本的局面 ,从而影响产权多元化改革之后经营机制的转变。

6)cost inefficiency成本无效率

1.The study finds that although not all the latter scost inefficiency is worse than the former,the former should learn the advanced experience of controlling cost from the latter.本文基于随机边界成本函数首次实证研究了中国主要商业银行及其战略投资者的成本无效率水平。


