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科学技术的国际战略 international strategy of science and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-27 12:51:44


科学技术的国际战略 international strategy of science and technology英语短句 例句大全

科学技术的国际战略,international strategy of science and technology

1)international strategy of science and technology科学技术的国际战略

1.China lacks a comprehensiveinternational strategy of science and technology.中国缺乏一个全面的科学技术国际战略,为了国家的长远发展和在世界事务中发挥更大的作用,应该加强科学技术的国际战略。


1.Mao Zedong s International Strategic Thinking about Developing China s Science and Technology;毛泽东关于发展科学技术的国际战略思考

2.Considerations on Strengthening China’s International Strategy of Science and Technology关于加强中国科学技术国际战略的思考

3.International comparison and analysis of developingstrategy of Science and technology;科技发展战略与科技投入的国际比较与分析

4.Zhou Enlai’s Strategic thoughts on development of science and technology;周恩来思考新中国科学技术发展的战略特色

5.New Strategy and Characteristics of the Development of Science and Technology in Developed Countries;发达国家科学与技术发展的新战略新特点

6.Consideration on the Development Strategy of Technology Science of China in the 21st Century;对21世纪我国技术科学发展战略的思考

7.Technology Foresight:Strategic Science and Technology Planning &Policy Development;技术预见:科学技术战略规划和科技政策的制定

8.Development Strategy of Plant Protection Science and Technology in China;中国植物保护科学技术发展战略研究

9.Technological Transfer of Transnational Corporation and Strategic Research on Development of Scientific and Technological Zones of China;跨国公司国际技术转移与我国科技园区发展战略

10.On Internationalization Operation Strategy of Hi-Tech Industry in the West Region of China;我国西部地区高科技产业的国际化经营战略

11.Strategic Effect of International Technology Transfer by Research Universities in the Course of Building An Innovative Country;研究型大学国际技术转移在建设创新型国家中的战略作用

12.Chinese Hi-tech Industry Technology Standard International Export Strategy Under New Globalism;“新全球主义”条件下中国高科技产业技术标准国际化输出战略研究

13.International Experiences for Making Technology Policies;科技政策的国际借鉴——论我国科技发展战略中的政府行为

14.The Study on the Strategic Issues of Chinese Primary School Teachers Prepared in University from a Global View;国际化视野下的中国小学教师本科化战略研究

15.Strategic Research on International Cooperation of National Natural Science Foundation of China;新时期国家自然科学基金国际合作的战略思考

mittee on Data for Science and Technology(CODATA)国际科学技术数据组织

17.International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information-ICSTY国际科学技术情报中心

18.Study on the Internationalization of Chinese High-tech Industries;我国高技术产业发展的国际化战略研究


the strategy of science and technology科学技术战略

3)international activities of science and technology科学技术的国际活动

1.Theinternational activities of science and technology not only play an important role in science and technology development, but also in economic and social development, national security and diplomacy.科学技术的国际活动,不仅对于促进科学技术发展起着重要作用,而且对国家的经济、社会、安全和外交等方面也有着重要的作用。

4)international S&T awards国际科学技术奖

1.The Nobel Prize and the seveninternational S&T awards that are regarded as“Nobel Prize”in several fields have been analyzed.该文对诺贝尔奖和7项堪称“领域诺贝尔奖”的国际科学技术奖进行了分析。

5)the international strategics国际战略学

6)space science and technology strategy航天科学技术发展战略


国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technologyguomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。
