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落叶松叶蜂 Pristiphora erichsonii英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-27 09:38:42


落叶松叶蜂 Pristiphora erichsonii英语短句 例句大全

落叶松叶蜂,Pristiphora erichsonii

1)Pristiphora erichsonii落叶松叶蜂

1.Indoor Pesticide Experiments on ControllingPristiphora erichsonii;防治落叶松叶蜂的室内药剂筛选试验

2.A Study on the Biology and Ecology of the Larch SawflyPristiphora erichsonii and Its Control;落叶松叶蜂生物学特性及防治途径研究

3.The life cycling and biological characteristics ofPristiphora erichsonii (Hartigi) were observed in this study.落叶松叶蜂Pristiphoraerichsoni(Hartigi)在黑龙江省鸡西地区1年1代。

2)Pristiphora laricis(Hartig)落叶松锉叶蜂

1.Spectral Characteristics Analysis of Larix principis-rupprechtii Suffered by Pristiphora laricis(Hartig);落叶松锉叶蜂为害的松林光谱特征分析

2.The occurrence of Pristiphora laricis(Hartig) was closely related to the forest stand conditions,topography and climatic factors.落叶松锉叶蜂Pristiphora laricis(Hartig)是危害塞罕坝人工落叶松林的主要害虫,为控制其危害,掌握其发生规律,对影响落叶松锉叶蜂发生的环境因子进行了调查研究。


1.Remote Sensing Monitoring and Predicting for Pristiphora Laricis(Hartig) of Saihanba Mechanical Forestry Farm;塞罕坝机械林场落叶松锉叶蜂遥感监测与预测研究

2.Experiment on the Spray of against Pristiphora erichsonii with Dispenser and Pesticide Bomb应用撒布器施放几种灭虫药包防治落叶松红腹叶蜂试验

3.Study on Effect of Quality of Larch Foliage on Denderolimus superans(Butler)落叶松针叶的质量对落叶松毛虫影响的研究

4.Studies on Acantholyda posticalis of defoliating insect of Pinus tabulaeformis in Yangquan Shanxi Province China阳泉地区油松食叶害虫松阿扁叶蜂的研究

5.Study on Relationship between Larch Needle Cast and Forest Soil落叶松落叶病与林地土壤关系的研究

6.surgeons" agaric干落叶松蕈(止血药)

parison on Photosynthesis of Larix Kaempferi Carr., L. Olgensis Herry. and Their Hybrids日本落叶松、长白落叶松及其杂种光合作用比较

parative study on the growth of different age of Larix kaempferi and Larix principis-rupprechtii不同林龄日本落叶松与华北落叶松生长的比较

9.Chinese larchlike deciduous conifer with golden yellow leaves.中国一种类似于落叶松的每年落叶的针叶树,金黄色叶子。

10.Study on Technologies of Forecasting and Predicting of the Occurrence of Diprion jingyuanensis靖远松叶蜂发生期预测预报技术研究

11.Survey on Life History of Nesodipron zhejiangensis and Techniques for Control浙江黑松叶蜂生活史调查及防治技术

12.Effects of Cone Yield on Free Amino Acid Contents in the Needles of Larix gmelinii and L. olgensis结实量对兴安落叶松和长白落叶松针叶内游离氨基酸含量的影响

13.medium-sized larch of North American Rocky Mountains; closely related to Larix_occidentalis.北美落基山一带的中型落叶松;与西部落叶松近属。

14.This pine is called the larch, it grows well in temperate zones.这棵松树是落叶松, 适合生长在温带。

15.Any of several deciduous, coniferous trees of the genus Larix, having needlelike leaves clustered on short shoots and heavy, durable wood.落叶松属植物一种落叶树属的落叶性针叶树木,有成簇状针叶和重而坚硬的木质

16.Succession Trend of Larch Plantation Communities in Forest Regions of Northeast China东北林区落叶松人工林群落演替趋势

17.The Point of Fiber Liberation of Amur Silver Grass, Rice Straw and Larch2. Rice Straw and Larch荻、稻草与落叶松纤维分离点的研究——Ⅱ.稻草和落叶松的纤维分离点

18.The Inducting and Using of Dendrolimus Superans (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) to the Volatiles of Larix Gmelinii;落叶松毛虫对落叶松挥发性化合物的诱导与利用


Pristiphora laricis(Hartig)落叶松锉叶蜂

1.Spectral Characteristics Analysis of Larix principis-rupprechtii Suffered by Pristiphora laricis(Hartig);落叶松锉叶蜂为害的松林光谱特征分析

2.The occurrence of Pristiphora laricis(Hartig) was closely related to the forest stand conditions,topography and climatic factors.落叶松锉叶蜂Pristiphora laricis(Hartig)是危害塞罕坝人工落叶松林的主要害虫,为控制其危害,掌握其发生规律,对影响落叶松锉叶蜂发生的环境因子进行了调查研究。

3)Cephalcia lariciphila落叶松腮扁叶蜂

1.Study on Technology of ForecastingCephalcia lariciphila;落叶松腮扁叶蜂预测预报技术研究

2.Analysis on the life table of natural population ofCephalcia lariciphila;落叶松腮扁叶蜂自然种群生命表分析

4)Pristiphora Erichsoni Hartig落叶松红腹叶蜂

1.Study on Biological Characteristics and Control ofPristiphora Erichsoni Hartig;落叶松红腹叶蜂生物学特性及防治技术研究

5)Nematus sp落叶松丝角叶蜂

1.Life Habit and Control ofNematus sp.;落叶松丝角叶蜂的生活习性及防治

6)pine sawfly松叶蜂

1.The total synthesis of 3,7-dimethyl-2-tridecanyl propionate, the active component of the sex pheromone ofpine sawfly Diprion jingyuanensis is reported.松叶蜂是世界性的重要森林害虫类群之一。

2.Pine sawfly was mainly distributed in Fenggang,Qingzhen,Pingba,Anshun and Puding of Guizhou Province.松叶蜂在贵州省主要分布在凤冈、清镇、平坝、安顺、普定等县,松叶蜂以幼虫为害松树林木的针叶,影响林木生长,重度为害时,可造成林木零星或成片枯死。


松叶蜂科膜翅目的1科。触角羽状或锯齿状,幼虫以针叶树为寄主的广腰亚目蜂类。已知91种,分隶11属、2亚科。中国已知29种,分布于浙江、陕西。体粗壮,飞行缓慢,生活于针叶树上。触角雄虫羽毛状,雌虫锯齿状,环节9个以上。前翅无径横脉2(2r);小盾片无横沟;后翅有径分脉闭室(Rs)和中脉闭室(M)。胫节无端前刺,前胫节有简单的未变形的距。雄虫外生殖器位置作 180度转动。幼虫不生活在网巢或卷叶筒中,常聚集于针叶上,有腹足8对。茧双层,成虫羽化时将茧的一端截开成一帽,以几根丝将帽系于茧上。除松黄叶蜂以卵越冬外,其余均以前蛹在茧中越冬(见图)。中国的主要种有:①浙江黑松叶蜂,主要为害马尾松、国外松,分布浙江湖南。②祥云新松叶蜂,为害云南松,分布于云南。
