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国际科技合作计划 international S&T cooperation program英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-11 15:38:03


国际科技合作计划 international S&T cooperation program英语短句 例句大全

国际科技合作计划,international S&T cooperation program

1)international S&T cooperation program国际科技合作计划

1.A knowledge production function was introduced into the evaluation of the projects performance ofinternational S&T cooperation program and a particular evaluation model and a criterion system for the program were established.将知识生产函数应用于国际科技合作计划项目绩效定量评价的研究,构建了符合计划项目特点的绩效评价模型和指标体系。


1.A Study on Project Performance Evaluation of International S&T Cooperation Program Based on Knowledge Production Function基于知识生产函数的国际科技合作计划项目绩效评价研究

2.Contemporary China s Participation in International High Science-technology Cooperation from the Viewpoint of China-EU "Galileo Project" Cooperation;从中欧“伽利略计划”合作看当前中国对国际高科技合作的参与

3.Review of China"s International Scientific and Technological Cooperation中国国际科技合作回顾

4.(5) Strengthen International scientific and technological Cooperation(五)加强国际科技合作

5.The Performance Management of S&T International Cooperation Based on the Balanced Scorecard基于平衡计分卡的国际科技合作绩效管理

6.The Functions of S&T Programme on the Integration of Scientific and Technological Resources and the Ways of Realization;科技计划在科技资源整合中的作用及实现方式

7.ICA"s main responsibility was a far-flung but random program of technical assistance.国际合作总署的主要职责是一项广泛而漫无目标的技术援助计划。

8.The new trend of science-technology cooperation and the science-technology development of China;国际科技合作新趋势与中国的科技发展

9.China Sets Five-Year Development Plan for Int"l Scientific and Technological Cooperation中国确定五年国际科技合作发展纲要

10.The People"s Republic of China International Scientific and Technological Co-operation Award中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖

11.Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning日本计划生育国际合作组织


13.Strengthen University′s Science and Technology Management Innovation adapt to science cooperation Internationalization高校科技管理创新与科技合作国际化研究

14.Study on Management of Intellectual Property Right in the International Science and Technology Cooperation;国际科技合作中的知识产权管理研究

15.Strengthen International sci - tech Cooperation to Promote Economic Double - Quick Development;加强国际科技合作 促进经济跨越发展

16.Some Thought of Jiang Zemin s View of InternationalCooperation among Economy, Trade, Science and Technology;江泽民同志的国际经贸与科技合作观

17.Design and Implementation of Management Information System for International Cooperation and Technology in Water Ministry;水利国际合作与科技业务管理信息系统的设计与实现

18.FAO/IBRD Cooperative Program联合国粮农组织与国际复兴开发银行合作计划


international science and technology cooperation国际科技合作

1.Current situation and policies ofinternational science and technology cooperation in Chinese enterprises;我国企业国际科技合作现状及对策研究

2.On the International Science and Technology Cooperation in Macro-science Age;论大科学时代的国际科技合作

3.Study on patterns forinternational science and technology cooperation from a perspective of government;基于政府视角的国际科技合作模式研究

3)international cooperation of science and technology国际科技合作

1.On tortuous lawsuit of intellectual property rights ininternational cooperation of science and technology;国际科技合作中知识产权侵权诉讼的若干法律问题

2.Western development campaign not only brings new opportunities and challenges for great leap development of Sichuan,but also provides good chances forinternational cooperation of science and technology.西部大开发给四川的跨越式发展带来了新的机遇和挑战,也为国际科技合作创造了新的契机。

4)International scientific collaboration国际科技合作

1.According to the recent materials and data ,this paper analysed systemically that funds was devotedto international scientific collaboration and was allocated by the m ajor govern ment and semi govern ment in stitutions in Sweden .本文依据最新的调查资料和统计数据,系统地分析了近年来瑞典各主要官方和半官方机构投入国际科技合作的经费总量以及各类国际科技合作计划的经费配置情况,同时,还分析了瑞典组织国际科技合作的管理机制与方法,以及开展国际科技合作的优先领域与国别分

5)international cooperation in science and technology国际科技合作

1.The ownership of intellectual property(IP) ininternational cooperation in science and technology(ICST) means the allocation of the rights and IP interests of the cooperative achievements among the parties, which often leads to disputes due to different legal arrangement of the ownership of IP and lack of such international legal rules.国际科技合作中的知识产权归属是指合作成果及其产生的知识产权权益在合作方之间的分配。

2.With the quick development of globalization in economy and S&T,international cooperation in science and technology (ICST) has increasingly come to be one of the most important forms of communication in which countries develop their S&T, economy and culture.随着经济及科技全球化的发展,国际科技合作日益成为各国开展科技、经济、文化交流的重要形式。

3.With the coming of the "big science" era,international cooperation in science and technology has become an important trend during the development of scientific research.随着大科学时代的到来,国际科技合作已经成为当今科学研究发展的一种趋势。

6)International High Science-technology Cooperation国际高科技合作

1.Contemporary China s Participation inInternational High Science-technology Cooperation from the Viewpoint of China-EU "Galileo Project" Cooperation;从中欧“伽利略计划”合作看当前中国对国际高科技合作的参与


