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民族文化认同 national and cultural identity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-25 06:55:55


民族文化认同 national and cultural identity英语短句 例句大全

民族文化认同,national and cultural identity

1)national and cultural identity民族文化认同

1.The system of official history\"s establishment and development and creation by Xianbei(鲜卑)People brought function ofnational and cultural identity of history into full play greatly in Northern Dynasties.鲜卑民族之于北朝史官制度的设立、推进和创造,对发挥史学的民族文化认同功能起了重大的作用。


1.The Revival of Traditional Architecture and the Construction of National Culture ldentity传统复兴建筑与民族文化认同的建构

2.On the Relationship between National and Cultural Identity and the Development of the System of Official History in Northern Dynasties民族文化认同与北朝史官制度的发展

3.Relationship between cultural identification attitudes and acculturation in minority;少数民族文化认同态度模式与文化适应的关系

4.The Dilemma of Identifying with National Culture: Post-colonial Enlightenment to Zhou Zuo-ren’s Betrayal;民族文化认同困境:周作人附逆的后殖民启示

5.Folk Songs and Contemporary Mass Culture--The Crisis and Reconstruction of Ethnic Culture Identity in the Context of Globalization;民歌与当代大众文化——全球化语境中民族文化认同的危机及其重构

6.Nationality Cultural Identity Comparative Research on Southwestern Six Ethnics Minority Children;西南六个少数民族儿童民族文化认同的比较研究

7.On the Special Function about National Culture Approval;试论民族文化认同的特殊功效——从斯大林民族定义的争论说开去

8.Cultural Imperialism and National Culture,National Identity;文化帝国主义与民族文化、民族认同

9.Ethnic identity and prejudice based on cultural assimilation and cultural conflict;文化同化与冲突下的民族认同与民族偏见

10.A Study of Tibetan Undergraduates National and Cultural Identity;藏族大学生民族与文化认同调查研究

11.Ethnic Tourism with Cultural Identity: A Case Study for Qiang Ethnic民族旅游与文化认同:以羌族为个案

12.The Identity Identification and Culture Imagination--the Nationality Construction of National Literature;身份认同与文化想象——民族文学的民族性建构

13.On Ethnic Minority Literature and Cultural Identification民族文学与文化认同——以哈萨克族文学为例

14.Enhance Ethnic Identity for Sustained Development of Ethnic Cultural Traditions;增强民族认同感,保持和发展民族文化传统

15.The Culture Inheritance Approval between Vietnamese High Hurdles Folk Song and Zhuang Nationality;越南高栏民歌与壮族文化的传承认同

16.Forms of Cultural Identity and Nature of National Consciousness;论文化认同的形成和民族意识的特性

17.ethnic group同种族同文化的民族

18.Acculturation and Ethnic Identity of Minority Undergraduates--A Case Study on Yunnan University for Nationality少数民族大学生的文化适应与民族认同——以云南民族大学为例


cultural identity and ethnic belonging文化认同与民族属性

3)ethnic identity民族认同

1.Written from the definition and change of the identity concept, this paper introduces western researchers?studies on the development ofethnic identity,ethnic identity and mental health,ethnic identity and acculturation, andethnic identity and personality development, etc, and summarizes some study strategies ofethnic identity.从“认同”的概念界定及其嬗变出发,介绍了西方研究者在民族认同的发展、民族认同与心理健康、民族认同与文化适应、民族认同与人格发展等方面的研究,并且概括了民族认同的一些研究策略。

2.After a survey in 2116 adolescents in Southern Xinjiang,the paper reveals that the adolescents in Southern Xinjiang are more positive in national identity than inethnic identity,the ratio in national identity andethnic identity changes as the cognitive structure of adolescents develops,not following a straight line.文章在对南疆地区2116名青少年进行调查后发现:南疆地区青少年的国家认同较民族认同更为积极,国家认同与民族认同的高低随学生认知结构的发展而变化,但这种变化不是直线的,其中高三学生的国家认同最高,高一学生的民族认同最高。

3.Cultural identity is the basic premise of national identity andethnic identity,nationalandethnic identity is maintained and the basis for the realization of national reunification,and ultimately,national cultural identity has become an important foundation for the peaceful reunification.文化认同是国家、民族认同的基本前提,国家、民族认同则是维系和实现国家统一的基础,最终来说文化认同则成为国家和平统一的重要基础。

4)national identity民族认同

1.On the Opening-up and Reform and thenational identity of China改革开放与当代民族认同

5)ethnic recognition民族认同

1.Promoting harmonious development between ethnic groups and the country hence become the issue of solving the problem betweenethnic recognition and national recognition.促进民族与国家的良性和谐发展便是解决民族认同与国家认同的问题。

2.In the long developmental history,each ethnic group developed theirethnic recognition but compared with the ethnic inner recognition,the national recognition of China by each ethnic group is not that smooth.在全球化深入推进和第三次民族主义浪潮冲击下,应认真分析现代多民族国家的民族认同与国家认同的理论与实践,吸取其经验教训,探索我国以国族认同为基础的全国范围内的政治认同和文化认同方法,推动实现从民族认同到国家认同的发展。

3.Ethnic recognition is an inevitable outcome of history.民族认同是民族发展必然出现的客观现象,正确认识这一现象,有利于对民族发展规律的正确认识。

6)national identification民族认同

1.The era of globalization is a time when nationalism is upsurging,communication of different cultures results in interactions ofnational identification,culture identification and state identification.全球化时代是一个民族主义高涨的时代,各民族文化交流的同时带来了民族认同、文化认同与国家认同之间的互动。

2.Based on an investigation of a "she" minority village, this article points out that, under our national policy and special conditions, a certain human group can construct a newnational identification but include different minorities without even national identity or tradition but the benefits of instrumentalism.本文依据对一个畲族乡的调查指出,在我国的民族政策和特殊国情下,即便没有族籍(无论是生物学意义上的还是文化意义上的)和传统的存在,只要有工具主义的好处,某些特定的人群也可能借用其他族群的族籍,来构建出一个新的同时包含不同族群的民族认同。

3.Its behaving forms involve ultra nationalism,terrorism and national splittism,they are catabolizednational identifications and make against to the state identification and state security for the nations in the national country.当今是民族个性张扬的时代,极端民族主义、恐怖主义和民族分裂主义是其外在表现形式,这是一种异化的民族认同,不利于各民族国家内部各民族对该国的国家认同和国家安全。


