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最小二乘法拟合 Least-squares fitting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-27 05:07:28


最小二乘法拟合 Least-squares fitting英语短句 例句大全

最小二乘法拟合,Least-squares fitting

1)Least-squares fitting最小二乘法拟合


1.Least Square Method Fit Solutions for Two Elastic Contact Rough Surfaces两弹性接触粗糙表面的最小二乘法拟合解

2.It is difficult to simulate a velocity profile with the traditional least square method.传统的最小二乘法拟合流速剖面存在一定的困难。

3.Analyzing the Relationship between the Proper Price of Purchasing Power and the Rate of Exchange with Fitting Functions by the Nonlinear Least Square Method;用非线性最小二乘法拟合函数分析购买力平价与汇率之间的关系

4.Fitting Functions by the Nonlinear Least Square Method Being Applied in the Economic Development;非线性最小二乘法拟合函数在经济发展中的应用

5.least squares collocation最小二乘配置法,最小二乘拟合推估法

6.least-square best fit最小二乘方最佳拟合

7.The Piecewise Curve-fitting Method Based on Least-square Principle;基于最小二乘原理的分段曲线拟合法

8.The Study of General LS Linear Fit Based on LabVIEW8.5基于LabVIEW8.5的最小二乘法曲线拟合研究

9.Based On the Least Squares Surrounding the Square Tube Curve Fitting基于最小二乘法的方管周边曲线拟合

10.The method fitting highway alignment based on the least squares analysis基于最小二乘法的高速公路线形拟合方法

11.The linear least square method should be selected to fit engineering data to a straight line.在工程数据线性拟合时,宜选用线性最小二乘法。

12.An LSE algorithm for troposphere absorption loss雷达电磁波大气吸收损失最小二乘拟合算法

13.The Modified Method of DOA Estimation Based on Least Squares Fitting修正的最小二乘拟合波达方向估计方法

14.The Application of the Method of Least Square of Data Fitting in Physics Test;数据拟合的最小二乘法在物理实验中的应用

15.Design of rectangle spline refined hob fitted by least squares twin arc;最小二乘法双圆弧拟合矩形花键精滚刀的设计

16.Two Problems on Least-squares Fit;最小二乘法线性拟合应注意的两个问题

17.The Research of Levenberg-Marquadt-Fletcher Method for Fitting Transient Electromagnetic Data瞬变电磁数据改进阻尼最小二乘拟合算法研究

18.Oil Well Output Forecast Based on Least Squares Curve Fit基于最小二乘法曲线拟合的油井产量预测


least square fitting最小二乘法拟合

3)least-square fitting最小二乘法拟合

1.Through the establish of digital image measurement system, image processing, Hough transform of line,least-square fitting of circle, sub-pixel locating and system demarcating, giving the measurement method and practice, proves the feasibility and exactness of this method on the theory and practice.提出一种基于数字图像技术的零件尺寸的测量方法,从数字图像测量系统的建立、图像预处理、直线的Hough变换、圆的最小二乘法拟合、亚象素定位、系统标定等几个方面进行探讨,给出测量方法。

4)least square fitting method最小二乘拟合法

1.Finally,the location of laser spot center is acquired accurately by using theleast square fitting method.首先通过分析成像特点提取激光光斑;然后在几何特征约束下对残差边缘进行二次修剪,优化边缘;最后利用最小二乘拟合法得到激光光斑形心的精确定位,并将其应用于火炮的重要静态参数——弯曲度测量。

5)least squares collocation最小二乘配置法,最小二乘拟合推估法

6)Fitting Gaussian of the least squares method最小二乘法-Gaussian拟合


最小一乘法分子式:CAS号:性质:对于一个含有浓度为及(i=l,2,…,k)的是个组分的体系,在分析通道j(j=1,2,…,J)的响应值为 在条件下优化求解浓度Xk的方法。在数据随机误差不服从正态分布时,本法的统计性能优于最小二乘法。
