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长度偏差 Errorness of length英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-15 15:52:23


长度偏差 Errorness of length英语短句 例句大全

长度偏差,Errorness of length

1)Errorness of length长度偏差

2)length bias sample长度偏差子样

3)growth error生长偏差

1.By using the optical transfer-matrix method,we study the influence ofgrowth error to DBR s reflectivity.采用光学传递矩阵法 ,研究了生长偏差对分布布拉格反射 (DBR)结构反射特性的影响 ,并探讨了两种DBR结构改进方案。

4)skewness bias偏斜度偏差

5)thickness deviation厚度偏差

1.The effect ofthickness deviation on the reflection spectra and phase shift of VCSELs has been analysed using optical transfer matrix method.采用光学传输矩阵方法分析了厚度偏差对VCSEL的反射谱和反射相移产生的影响。

2.For researchingthickness deviation of wide heavy plate caused by bilateral stiffness difference of plate mill,rolling force distribution is analyzed by using the principle of forces and torques equilibrium and the effects of the stiffness difference of plate mill on platethickness deviation under a variety of roll length,plate width and rolling force is studied too.针对由于轧机两侧刚度差异引起的宽厚板两侧厚度偏差,采用力平衡和力矩平衡原理,分析了轧辊承受载荷的分布情况,研究了宽厚板两侧厚度偏差与轧辊长度、板宽、轧制力和轧机两侧刚度差异之间的规律。

3.For researchingthickness deviation of wide heavy plate caused by bilateral stiffness difference of plate mill, rolling force distribution is analyzed by using the principle of forces and torques equilibrium and the effects of the stiffness difference of plate mill on platethickness deviation under a varity of roll length, plate width and rolling force is studied too.针对轧机两侧刚度差异引起的宽厚板两侧厚度偏差,采用力平衡和力矩平衡原理,分析轧辊承受载荷的分布情况,研究宽厚板两侧厚度偏差与轧辊长度、板宽、轧制力和轧机两侧刚度差异之间的规律。


1.Influence of Mill Bilateral Stiffness Difference on Hot Rolled Wide Heavy Plate Thickness Deviation轧机两侧刚度差异对热轧宽厚板两侧厚度偏差的影响

2.Checking Rotor Runout And Thickness Variation检查转子的偏摆和厚度的偏差。

3.Influence of Bilateral Stiffness Difference of Wide Heavy Plate Mill on Thickness Deviation between Two Sides of Plate宽厚板轧机两侧刚度差异对两侧板厚偏差的影响

4.Thickness Tolerance of Electrolytic Cold-rolled sheet电解冷轧钢片厚度公差

5.Tolerance of Wire Diameters & Ovality圆径及偏圆度之公差

6.Polypropylene (PP) pipes-Tolerances on outside diameters and wall thicknessesGB/T13019-1991聚丙烯(PP)管材外径和壁厚极限偏差

7.Polyethylene (PE) pipes-Tolerances on outside diameters and wall thicknessesGB/T13018-1991聚乙烯(pe)管材外径和壁厚极限偏差

8.Limit deviations of angle without tolerance indicationGB/T11335-1989未注公差角度的极限偏差


10.For a target of any thinkness, the undeflected flux diminishes exponentially with thickness.对具有任意厚度的靶,无偏折的通量随厚度扫指数规律而衰减。

11.Diameter Tolerance, Ovality and Average Decarburized Layer Depth直径公差,偏圆度及脱碳层的平均深度

12.Causes of High Yield Ratio in 17.5mm X70 Pipeline Steel17.5mm厚度X70管线钢屈强比偏高的原因分析

13.Influence of Oxide Skin Thickness on Photoemissivity of Polarizing Angle from Surface of Continuous Casting Billets氧化层厚度对铸坯表面偏振角发射率的影响

14.A 90nm Process Interconnect Statistical Analysis for Metal Thickness Variation in CMP90nm工艺互连线CMP金属厚度偏离统计学分析(英文)

15.Measuring thin-film thickness with phase-shift interferometry基于相位偏移干涉术的薄膜厚度测量方法

16.Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes-Tolerances on outside diameters and wall thicknessesGB/T13020-1991硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管材—外径和壁厚极限偏差

17.Days± s. d., those without s. d. indicate that only one plant reached flowering stage.* 数字为平均±准偏差;若无标准偏差,表示该温度下仅有一植株开花。

18.Calculation of flow deviation rate of drip irrigation system taking three deviation rates into account on uniform slopes均匀坡度下考虑三偏差的滴灌系统流量偏差率的计算


length bias sample长度偏差子样

3)growth error生长偏差

1.By using the optical transfer-matrix method,we study the influence ofgrowth error to DBR s reflectivity.采用光学传递矩阵法 ,研究了生长偏差对分布布拉格反射 (DBR)结构反射特性的影响 ,并探讨了两种DBR结构改进方案。

4)skewness bias偏斜度偏差

5)thickness deviation厚度偏差

1.The effect ofthickness deviation on the reflection spectra and phase shift of VCSELs has been analysed using optical transfer matrix method.采用光学传输矩阵方法分析了厚度偏差对VCSEL的反射谱和反射相移产生的影响。

2.For researchingthickness deviation of wide heavy plate caused by bilateral stiffness difference of plate mill,rolling force distribution is analyzed by using the principle of forces and torques equilibrium and the effects of the stiffness difference of plate mill on platethickness deviation under a variety of roll length,plate width and rolling force is studied too.针对由于轧机两侧刚度差异引起的宽厚板两侧厚度偏差,采用力平衡和力矩平衡原理,分析了轧辊承受载荷的分布情况,研究了宽厚板两侧厚度偏差与轧辊长度、板宽、轧制力和轧机两侧刚度差异之间的规律。

3.For researchingthickness deviation of wide heavy plate caused by bilateral stiffness difference of plate mill, rolling force distribution is analyzed by using the principle of forces and torques equilibrium and the effects of the stiffness difference of plate mill on platethickness deviation under a varity of roll length, plate width and rolling force is studied too.针对轧机两侧刚度差异引起的宽厚板两侧厚度偏差,采用力平衡和力矩平衡原理,分析轧辊承受载荷的分布情况,研究宽厚板两侧厚度偏差与轧辊长度、板宽、轧制力和轧机两侧刚度差异之间的规律。

6)taper tolerance锥度偏差

1.According to the requests of API connecting casing pole to connecting intensity and sealed capability,the paper analyzes the effect oftaper tolerance of pipe external thread and coupling internal thread on using properties of casing pole.根据API螺纹连接套管柱对连接强度和密封性能的要求,分析了管子外螺纹与接箍内螺纹的锥度偏差对套管柱使用性能的影响,提出锥度偏差应在API标准要求的基础上加以内控,将极限公差缩小至机械加工允许的范围内,是提高石油套管柱使用性能的有效途径。


长度测量工具:长度传感器 利用气动﹑电学﹑光学等原理和光电效应等将被测长度转换为空气的压力或流量﹑电量和光强等物理量﹐以获取测量信息的测量元件﹐用於某些长度测量工具中。长度传感器(以下简称传感器)主要由感受元件和转换元件组成。转换元件把感受元件感受的被测长度精确地转换为便於放大和处理的其他物理量。 气动传感器 将被测长度转换为空气压力和流量等﹐用作相对测量(见长度计量技术)的传感器。它的特点是可以用於不接触测量﹐利用内径测头(见气动量仪)可以方便地测量孔径﹐但示值范围小﹐一般为±20~±100微米。图1 压力式气动传感器 为採用波纹管作为尺寸转换和放大元件的压力式气动传感器的工作原理。被测件厚度变化引起间隙S 变化﹐S 变化又引起波纹管内压力变化﹐从而使框架向左或向右移动。移动的距离就是放大了的被测厚度变化﹐通过宽刻度指示表指示出来。也可根据电触点接触与否﹐由指示灯指示被测厚度是否合格。压力式气动传感器还常採用膜片﹑膜盒等作为转换元件。常见的流量式气动传感器主要由测头﹑浮子和锥度玻璃管等组成。 电学传感器 将被测长度直接转换为电量的传感器﹐主要有电感式﹑电容式﹑电接解式﹑压电式﹑磁栅式和感应同步器式等。图2 电感式传感器 为一种管式结构的电感式传感器的工作原理。当磁芯位於线圈1﹑2的中间位置时﹐两线圈產生的电感量相等。此时﹐由线圈1﹑2和振盪变压器次级线圈组成的电桥保持平衡。当带磁芯的测杆上下移动时﹐两线圈產生的电感量不等﹐电桥不平衡﹐有电压0输出。0的大小与测杆移动距离成比例。电感式传感器配以相应的电子放大和指示部分﹐便成为电感测微仪。电感式传感器的分辨率很高﹐可达0.01微米﹐测量范围一般小於2毫米﹐大的可达几十毫米。电容式传感器与电感式传感器的原理相似﹐一般是把线圈和磁芯换成固定极筒和可动极筒﹐当测杆移动时產生的是电容量变化。20世纪80年代初出现了用於电子卡尺的大量程电容传感器﹐测量范围为 150毫米。电接触式传感器是利用电触点副发出电信号判别被测尺寸合格与否的。电触点的移动可由测杆直接传来﹐也可经槓桿或其他机构放大﹐以提高其灵敏度。电接触式传感器主要用於自动测量中。压电式传感器是利用受压变形时会產生电荷的固体材料﹐例如石英晶体﹑鋯鈦酸铝﹑鈮镁酸铝等作为转换元件的﹐主要用於轻便的上置式表面粗糙度测量仪中。
