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含量测定方法 determination method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-23 10:36:51


含量测定方法 determination method英语短句 例句大全

含量测定方法,determination method

1)determination method含量测定方法

1.Objective Differentdetermination methods of levofloxacin hydrochloride tablet were compared in order to choose a best one.目的对盐酸左氧氟沙星片的不同含量测定方法进行比较,确定该品种含量测定的最佳方法。


1.determination of chlorine in chlorine-containing polymers, copolymers and their compounds含氯树脂中氯含量测定方法

2.determination of calcium content (EDTA titrimetric method)钙含量测定方法-EDTA滴定法

3.testing method of moisture in sample for analysis of raw material for pulp纸浆原料中水分含量测定方法

4.crude petroleum and petroleum products-determination of nitrogen content原油及石油产品中氮含量测定方法

5.crude oil and petroleum products - determination of sulfur content原油及石油产品-硫磺含量测定方法

6.testing method for ash content of lubricating grease润滑脂灰分含量测定方法

7.testing methods for determination of metallic elements in highly purified water高纯水金属含量测定方法

8.Isocyanates-Determination of total chlorine contentGB/T1.1-1989异氰酸酯中总氯含量测定方法

9.Method for determination of crude fat in edible fungiGB/T15674-1995食用菌粗脂肪含量测定方法

10.Determination of asphalt in montan waxGB/T3816-1983褐煤蜡中地沥青含量测定方法

11.testing methods for total organic carbon in highly purified water高纯水有机碳化物含量测定方法

12.testing methods for determination of silica highly purified water高纯水硅石含量测定方法

13.testing methods for sieve analysis and water content of refractory materials耐火材料筛析方法和含水量测定方法

14.Determination of Argentum in Waste Fixative by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrum废定影液中银含量ICP-AES测定方法

15.Methods Differential spectrophotometry was used to detect the content of paratomol in compound Aspirin tablet.方法采用差示分光光度法测定其含量。

16.Methods: The content of polysaccharides was determined by colorimentry.方法用比色法测定石斛多糖的含量。

17.Determination of content of insoluble matters in dyestuffsGB/T2381-1994染料中不溶物含量的测定方法

18.Determination of thiophene content in benzeneGB/T14327-1993苯中噻吩含量的测定方法


measurement of air content含气量测定方法

3)Sulfur determination method硫含量测定方法

4)determination of content technology含量测定法

5)prediction method of water content含水量预测方法

6)BCA proteindetermination methodBCA 含量测定法


