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旋窑 rotary kiln英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-11 03:16:28


旋窑 rotary kiln英语短句 例句大全

旋窑,rotary kiln

1)rotary kiln旋窑

1.The mixed regressing model for clinker block size and temperature obtained from the inside of therotary kiln is built up by using computer vision and the technology of image processing.针对水泥旋窑窑内用计算机图像处理技术获取的物料粒度与温度参数,建立了粒度与温度混合回归模型。

2.The processes of extraction vanadium from stone coal by roasting inrotary kiln has been investigated.对不同类型矿石进行了多因素旋窑焙烧条件试验,考察了添加剂的加入对钒焙烧转化率的影响。


1.Study on pollutant emission from cement rotary kiln parallel treating municipal sludge水泥旋窑并行处理城市污水厂污泥的污染物排放研究

2.Design of a new type wasteheat recovery,wet method desulfurization and dust removal facility for akali sulfide rotary kilns硫化碱旋窑新型余热回收湿法脱硫除尘工艺装置设计

3.15 Precalcining kiln system with 5-stage cyclone pre-heater and calciner is adopted for productive process in this project.本工程采用带五级旋风预热预分解的新型干法回转窑生产工艺。

4.The most famous historical kiln sites were the Jun Kiln, the Ge Kiln, the Guan Kiln, the Ru Kiln and the Ding Kiln.如当时最著名的窑址有钧窑、 哥窑、官窑、汝窑和定窑被称为五大名窑。

5.A cellar or several cellars.地窑一个或几个地窑

6." The kilns include Yue kiln, Jingdezhen kiln which produces polychrome and famille-rose ware, Longquan kiln .that makes plates and bowls, and the Cizhou ceramics."名窑包括越州窑,景德镇窑,该窑生产彩饰和红釉瓷器,及生产碗盘的龙泉窑和磁州窑。

7.A Sinking and Spray Alarm Controller of the shaft Kiln by MCS-51 Microcomputer用单片机实现立窑喷窑、塌窑报警控制仪

8.CHIJ Primary (Toa Payoh)圣婴女校(大巴窑)

9.Ooms-Ittner kiln(烧瓷釉粘土管的环窑) 乌姆斯-伊特纳窑

10.there are pits dotted around the brick kiln, water collects in them after rain.窑场附近都是窑坑,雨天容易积水。

11.Making Explorations the Source of Ru porcelain汝瓷探源——兼谈汝窑与越窑的关系

12.To process in one of these ovens.在窑中烧或烘干在这些窑中的操作

13.Provenance of Qingliangsi Ruguan Kiln and Juntai Junguan Kiln清凉寺汝官窑和钧台钧官窑的起源

14.Discussion of‘Three Feet Cup of Ru Kiln’and‘Three Feet Case of Ru Kiln’;“汝窑三足樽”与“汝窑三足奁”小议

15.Three questions on Jun ware;钧窑三问——论钧窑研究中的几个问题

16.Studies on Trace Element Compositions of Laohudong Guan Ware and Ru Guan Ware;老虎洞窑和汝官窑瓷微量元素的研究

17.An Investigation on the Similarities of Zhangzhou Porcelainsand Fengxi Porcelains of Chaozhou;与漳州窑瓷近似的潮州枫溪窑瓷初探

18.Discussion on Heating up With coke Gas And No.0 Diesel浅谈焦炉煤气烤窑与0~#柴油烤窑


kiln clinker旋窑熟料

1.Study on the size reduction process of rotarykiln clinker with grinding aids and the evaluation of the effectiveness of grinding;助磨介质作用下旋窑熟料微细化过程及其效果评价

3)rotary kiln水泥旋窑

1.Study on pollutant emission from cementrotary kiln parallel treating municipal sludge水泥旋窑并行处理城市污水厂污泥的污染物排放研究

4)Vertical screw kiln立式螺旋窑

5)wet process rotary kiln湿法旋转窑

6)rotary,cylindrical kiln旋转圆筒窑


左旋噻咪唑 , 盐酸左旋咪唑,左旋咪唑药物名称:左旋四咪唑英文名:Levamisole别名: 驱蛔钩;盐酸左旋四咪唑;左咪唑;左旋驱虫净;左旋噻咪唑 , 盐酸左旋咪唑,左旋咪唑外文名:Levamisole ,Levasole , LMS , L-Tetramisole, Nemicide药理作用: 能抑制虫体肌肉琥珀酸脱氢酶的活动,使肌肉发生持续性收缩而麻痹。 适应症: 是一种广谱驱肠虫药,主要用于驱蛔虫及勾虫。 本品可提高病人对细菌及病毒感染的抵抗力。目前试用于肺癌、乳腺癌手术后或急性白血病、恶化淋巴瘤化疗后作为辅助治疗。此外,尚可用于自体免疫性疾病如类风湿关节炎、红斑性狼疮以及上感、小儿呼吸道感染、肝炎、菌痢、疮疖、脓肿等。对顽固性支气管哮喘经试用初步证明近期疗效显著。 用量用法: 1.驱蛔虫:成人每日100~200mg,饭后1小时顿服。儿童每日每千克体重2~3mg。 2.驱勾虫:每日100~200mg,饭后1小时顿服,连服2~3日。 3.治丝虫病:每日200~300mg,分2~3次饭后服,连服2~3日。 4.癌瘤的辅助治疗:1日量150~250mg,连服3日,休息11日,然后再进行下1疗程。 5.治疗类风湿性关节炎等:每次50mg,每日服2~3次,可连续服用。 6.治支气管哮喘:每服50mg,1日3次,连服3日,停药7日,6个月为1疗程。 注意事项: 偶有头晕、恶心、呕吐、腹痛、食欲不振、发热、嗜睡、乏力、皮疹、发痒等不良反应,停药后能自行缓解。个别病人可有白细胞减少症、剥脱性皮炎及肝功损伤。妊娠早期、肝功能异常及肾功能减退的病人慎用,肝炎活动期忌用。 规格: 片剂:盐酸盐,每片含基质15mg、25mg、50mg。 类别:免疫调节剂
