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运动技能形成 formation of athletic skills英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-28 00:04:24


运动技能形成 formation of athletic skills英语短句 例句大全

运动技能形成,formation of athletic skills

1)formation of athletic skills运动技能形成


1.Step-by-step instruction of athletic skills;体育运动技能形成阶段性的教法研究

2.Schema--The Role It Plays in the Motor Skill Learning and Retention;图式——在运动技能形成与保持中的作用

3.A Study of PE Teaching and Motor Skill Formation Rules体育教学与运动技能形成规律的研究

4.The Path Analysis on Different Variables on the Process of Motor Learning for Physical Education Major Students;影响体育专业学生运动技能形成的路径分析

5.An Analysis On The Main Factor Of Motor Skill Learning;对影响运动技能形成的主要因素的分析研究

6.Effects of Single and Various Paths Feedback on the Motor Skills Forming;单一和多种途径反馈对运动技能形成的影响

7.The Teaching Tactics of the Plateau Period in the Formation of Volleyball Techniques;排球运动技能形成中高原期的教学策略

8.Perception of the Volleyball Skill and Ways of Training;论排球运动技能形成中的感知觉及其培养方法

9.Transference and Interference of Formation of sports skills and Abilities in P.E.Teaching;体育教学中运动技能形成的迁移与干扰

10.Interpretation Of Dissipative Structure Theory On Process Of Motor Skill Formation运动技能形成过程的耗散结构理论阐释

11.The Position of Primary Stage of Sport Skills in the Technique Teaching of the Track and Field is Probed;运动技能形成的初级阶段在田径技术教学中的地位

12.Experiment Research on Training Self-regulation Effect Forming of Motor Skill Toward Students of Physical Education Department;培养自我监控能力对体育专业学生运动技能形成影响的实验研究

13.Impact of Muscle’s Self-tension on Learning of Athletic Skills--A New Viewpoint of Teaching Reform of P.E. Course;肌肉自身紧张度对运动技能形成的影响——体育课教学改革新观点

14.Research on the Profound Value and Guidance Significance of the Motor Skills Formation in the Sports Curriculum;论体育课程中运动技能形成的深层价值及指导意义

15.On the Functions of Imagery Training in the Process of Athletic Skill Learning and the Problems Found in the Research;表象训练在运动技能形成中的作用及研究存在的问题

16.Analyse of Forming Character and Training Method of Sport Skill in Physical Teaching;解析体育教学中运动技能形成的特征与培养方法

17.Application of Imaginative Practice to Developing Movement Skills;“想象练习”在动作技能形成中的运用

18.On Sychronization of the Rolling Ball with Body Movement in Gynmastics;论球操运动的物体与动作技能形成的规律


movement skill formation动作技能形成

1.Fitz smovement skill formation theory divides the process into three phases: cognition phase,relevant phase and automation phase.费茨的动作技能形成理论认为动作技能的学习可分为三个阶段,即认知阶段、联系形成阶段和自动化阶段。

3)skill formation技能形成

1.Since 1980s, educational scholars and policy-makers in the UK have been increasingly engaged in researches in relation to the issue ofskill formation.英国教育界学者以及政府决策部门自上世纪80年代起就开始对劳动者的技能形成问题进行研究,近年来对该课题的关注程度更是有增无减。

4)Motor skills运动技能

1.Based on our experiment,this article proved that movements orderly in the earlier of a day would be easier to acquire motor skills.实验证明:在一天当中,时间顺序靠前的运动优先消耗容量,优先形成运动技能,称为"顺序优先原则"。

2.Research on the study evaluation of specific motor skills for aerobics as being the selective course in some univerities in Zhejiang province.运用文献资料、问卷调查与专家访谈等方法,对浙江省若干所普通高校健美操选项课专项运动技能学习评价现状进行了调查与分析。

3.By instruction experimentation and statistics methods,this paper focused on women students of International Trade Subjects and PE English Subjects in university that how to learn motor skills of the volleyball and the public aerobic gymnastics event.采用教学试验法对高校体育英语和外贸英语两个非体育类专业本科女生习得排球和大众健美操项目的运动技能过程进行实证研究,结果表明:领会式教学方法对学生掌握两个项目的运动技能及其基本战术意识的形成是行之有效的手段。

5)motor skill运动技能

1.Training aboutmotor skill study strategy toward students of physical education department;体育专业学生运动技能学习策略的培养研究

2.Experiment research of visual performance feedback of different relative frequency tomotor skill learning;不同相对频率的视觉表现反馈对运动技能学习效果影响的实验研究

3.New Views on Category of Motor Skill and Investigation of "Difficulty Degree";对运动技能进行分类的新视角及“运动技能会能度”的调查

6)Sports skill运动技能

1.Study of patterns of the sports skill learning process from the perspective of physical education teaching;从体育教学的视角研究运动技能学习过程规律

2.Research on sports skill teaching in the new physical education curriculum;体育新课程中的运动技能教学

3.The research of self-regulation has developed from researching into students individuality to researching into sports skill acquirement.目前对自我调控理论的研究已经从最初研究学生学习的个体差异逐渐深入到运动技能学习中,特别是对篮球投篮的研究表明进行自我调控干扰能够有效影响被试投篮命中的次数。


运动技能形成的特征运动技能形成的特征characteristics of the formation of sports skill运动技能形成的特征(eharacteristiesof the formation of,Ports skill)从活动结构的改变来看,运动技能的形成表现为一系列个别动作联合成完整的动作系统,动作之间相互干扰现象和多余动作逐渐消失。从活动的速度和质量来看,技能的形成表现在动作速度的加快和动作准确性、协调性、灵活性的提高。从活动的调节来看,技能的形成表现为视觉控制作用的减弱和动觉控制的增强,甚至只依靠动觉控制,活动就能顺利地进行。(谢三才撰刘淑慈审)
