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毒素类 toxins英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-01 11:36:49


毒素类 toxins英语短句 例句大全



2)botulinum toxins肉毒毒素类


1.The distribution state of microcystin-LR andanatoxin-A in Dianshan lake.;淀山湖微囊藻毒素-LR和类毒素-A的分布状况

2.Effect ofanatoxin-A on calcium-mediate signal system of brain tissue in mice;类毒素-A对小鼠脑内钙调信号系统的影响

3.Effect of Anatoxin-a on Expression of IEGs Genes in Mouse Brain;类毒素-A对小鼠脑内即早基因表达的影响


1.Studies on the Pollution of Anatoxin-a in Dianshan Lake and Neurotoxicity of Anatoxin-a;淀山湖类毒素-A污染状况及其神经毒性研究

2.toxoid-antitoxoid mixture(TAM)类毒素抗类毒素合剂

3.toxoid-antitoxin floccule(TAF)类毒素抗毒素絮状物

4.toxoid antitoxin flocculus【免疫】类毒素抗毒素絮片

5.diphtheria toxoid alum precipitated (diph-tox AP)明矾沉淀白喉类毒素

6.adsorbed purified diphtheria toxoid吸附精制白喉类毒素

7.adsorbed purified tetanus toxoid吸附精制破伤风类毒素

8.alum-precipitated tetanus toxoid(APTT)明矾沉淀破伤风类毒素

9.The Study on Contamination Status of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning and Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning in Market Shellfish of Shenzhen深圳市售贝类麻痹性贝类毒素和腹泻性贝类毒素污染状况研究

10.Studies on the Toxoid Vaccine and Antitoxic Serum of Clostridium Welchii Type A;A型魏氏梭菌类毒素疫苗与抗毒素血清的研究

11.A booster does of tetanus toxoid and penicillin should be administered.给予破伤风类毒素加强剂与青霉素。

12.The Characteristics and Pattern of Paralytic Shellfish Toxin and Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxin in the Coast of Guangdong Province;广东省近岸海域麻痹性贝类毒素与腹泻性贝类毒素分布特征

13.Study on Molecular Toxicology of Microcystins-LR to Fish微囊藻毒素-LR对鱼类分子毒性效应的研究

14.Research Progress in Histopathological Effects of Microcystins on Tissues and Organs in Fish微囊藻毒素对鱼类组织器官的毒理学研究进展

15.tetanus toxoid two doses分两次接种的破伤风类毒素

16.I want 0. 5 cc. of tetanus toxoid.我需要 0. 5 毫升破伤风类毒素。

17.Three-Dimensional Structure of Peptide Toxins from Venom of Spider,Scorpion,and Conus Snails肽类毒素(蜘蛛、蝎、芋螺)的三维结构

18.Study on Anticancer Actions of Cinobufagin and Psoralens;华蟾毒精及补骨脂素类抗癌作用研究


botulinum toxins肉毒毒素类


1.The distribution state of microcystin-LR andanatoxin-A in Dianshan lake.;淀山湖微囊藻毒素-LR和类毒素-A的分布状况

2.Effect ofanatoxin-A on calcium-mediate signal system of brain tissue in mice;类毒素-A对小鼠脑内钙调信号系统的影响

3.Effect of Anatoxin-a on Expression of IEGs Genes in Mouse Brain;类毒素-A对小鼠脑内即早基因表达的影响

4)Type of toxin毒素类型


1.Study on the contamination of algae andmicrocystins in water sources of Zhengzhou City;郑州市水源水藻类和藻类毒素污染调查



毒素类毒素类toxinHOCC C。明一 井~一nr-ee,O一入一 HO—} 。~~,,OCOOH丫 HO、一一门OH甘草甜素残基组成,差别仅仅在于一级结构氨基酸排列顺序不同,乃至在此基础上卷曲成稳定的空间结构,在生物体内选择性地作用于某一组织靶位而发挥其毒性。因此,多肤一蛋白毒素是研究蛋白质结构与功能关系的理想实验材料。动物毒素主要有:河豚毒素(tetrodont而n)(图1),在鱼类 0一二\一八? 才一叹卜C护HHO OH图1河豚毒素汀T均O c、。/巡老 /产\1尹/卜、2/个、了、N一C 11-】10一~l~H 图2箭毒蛙毒素归T均Glu一Thr一月a一1刀u一Cys一川a Pro兮}\,.__少S AJa一1乃怕一Cys一Asn一Cys 1S lS /C孔一、一魂 _.//一了-一。一。 GI刀丁 一\、、_ 一以n—托s—C以〕H图3蜂毒明肤tine)、美登碱(maytansine)、鸭胆子素甲、乙、丙(bruCeine A.B.C)和野百合碱(monocrotaline);毛蓖科植物乌头、马钱子科植物番木鳖、豆科植物毒扁豆、大戟科植物巴豆(参见彩图插页第71页)和海漆中分别含有乌头原碱(acomne)、番木鳖碱(strych-垃ne)、马钱子碱(brucine)、毒扁豆碱(p场sostigmlne)、巴豆毒素(Crotin)和海漆毒素(excoecan~n);洋地黄毒贰(digitoxin)、铃兰毒试(con诫atoxin)和K一毒毛旋花子贰(K一stro户朋让。side)等强心成分,分别从玄参科植物紫花洋地黄、百合科植物铃兰和夹竹桃科植物康毗毒毛旋花中获得。
