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辅助消能工 supplementary dissipater英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-17 03:17:20


辅助消能工 supplementary dissipater英语短句 例句大全

辅助消能工,supplementary dissipater

1)supplementary dissipater辅助消能工

1.Experimental research ofsupplementary dissipater in small froud number flow;辅助消能工应用于低佛氏数水流消能的试验研究

2.The thesis regards turbulent flow structure of low Froude number hydraulic jump and the optimalsupplementary dissipater placement as the research objects.为了解决低佛氏数水跃的消能问题,克服低佛氏数水跃的波动,增强低佛氏数水跃的消能率,有必要对辅助消能工的优化布置进行研究,进而提高低佛氏数水跃的消能率。


1.Hydraulic Characteristics of Auxiliary Energy Dissipater and its Application in Energy Dissipation by Hydraulic Jump with Low Froude number辅助消能工的水力特性及在闸下低佛氏数水跃消能中的应用

2.supported job model [supported employment]辅助工作模式〔辅助职业〕

3.Acoustic Performance Analysis and Computer Aided Design of Muffler;消声器消声性能分析及计算机辅助设计

4.The Management of the Quota of Secondary Material Consumption in Process Digitalization System;工艺数字化系统中辅助材料消耗定额的管理

5.The Research of Platform for Energy Resume and Assistant Analysis on Steel Manufacturing Process钢铁企业能源消耗及辅助分析平台的研究

6.Research on Cutting Knowledge Points in Intelligent Computer Aided Instruction智能辅助教学系统中知识点切分歧义消除研究

7.Includes standard Accessibility Options and new Accessibility Tools.包括标准的辅助选项和新的辅助工具。

8.enclave model [supported employment]辅助工作单位模式〔辅助就业〕

9.formation and servicing平整工程及辅助工程

puter-assisted software engineering tool [CASE tool]电脑辅助软件工程工具

11.Select any additional Accessibility Utilities you would like to install选择任何您想要安装的其他辅助功能工具

12.The fourth auxiliary rule is to be able to work and save for a long time.第四条辅助规则是有能力工作而且长时间积累。

13.Auxiliary Heat Equipment Design of Engineering on Big or Middle Bathroom of Solar Energy大中型太阳能浴室工程辅助加热设备设计


15.Application of Artificial Intelligence in Computer Aided Instruction;人工智能技术在计算机辅助教学中的应用

16.An Artificial Intelligence of Expert System for College English Teaching Associating基于人工智能的大学英语辅助教学专家系统

17.%1 is an auxillary class. Only one auxillary class can be selected at a time.%1 是辅助级。一次只能选择一个辅助级。

18.Study on the effectiveness of auxiliary therapy with liuweinengxiaojiaonang and deanxit in patients of non-erosive reflux disease(NERD) who did not respond to proton pump inhibitor六味能消胶囊和黛力新联合辅助治疗非糜烂性返流病疗效观察


Artificial supplementary energy人工辅助能

1.The output and input ratios of artificial supplementary energy in plantation, poultry and stock-raising are higher than that in fishery.第二性生产的绝大部分人工辅助能依靠系统外输入。

3)Artificial supplemental energy人工辅助能量

4)intelligence-aid construction system智能辅助施工系统

5)nuclear aided engineering project核能辅助工程计划

6)assistant function辅助功能

1.According to the experiences in operation,technical reform and maintenance of hydro-turbine governors,discussed are the problems and solutions concerning frequency-survey loop,electric-mechanical conversion parts,feedback of guide blade position and setting ofassistant function of hydro-turbine governors.根据多年的水轮机调速器技术改造和运行维护经验,就水轮机设计、选型过程中如何合理解决水轮机调速器测频回路、电气—机械转换部件、导叶位置反馈、调速器辅助功能设置等问题进行了探讨。

2.The strongpoints and developing trend of the sensotronic brake control system on a car MERCEDES-BENZ are introduced here with its main components, working principle andassistant functions.针对梅赛德斯-奔驰轿车电子感应制动系统的优点、发展状况,介绍其主要的组成部分、工作原理及辅助功能。


