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发病特点 feature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-27 14:46:48


发病特点 feature英语短句 例句大全



1.The Survey on the Relation between Manifestation of TCM and Feature of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis;幼年类风湿性关节炎发病特点及其与中医证型的相关性研究

2.Thefeatures and common TCM treatment of gastropathy in coastal region of Fujian were analyzed from the following aspects:climate condition,geography environment,living habits,food favorite and so on.从气候条件、地理环境、生活习惯、饮食条件等方面分析沿海地区胃病的发病特点和常见胃病的中医药治疗。


1.Clinical Onset Features of Primary Hepatic Carcinoma: A Analysis of 137 Cases137例原发性肝癌临床发病特点分析

2.The Relationship between Age and the Clinical Characteristics of Bladder Carcinoma in Adult Patients年龄与成人膀胱肿瘤发病特点的关系

3.Fearture of AIDS patients in Pingjiang County and control measures湖南省平江县艾滋病的发病特点及应对措施

4.Clinical characteristics of 150 elderly patients with coronary heart disease and their nursing strategy150例高龄冠心病患者发病特点及护理对策

5.Analysis of Incidence Characteristics of Rotavirus Enteritis in 57 Infants婴儿轮状病毒性肠炎57例发病特点分析

6.Features of Epidemiology and TCM Pathogenesis in Insomnia with Anxiety Symptom;失眠症伴焦虑症状的发病和病机特点

7.Syndrome Characteristics: An Analysis of AIDS Fever Patients of Guangdong Province;广东省艾滋病发热病人证候特点分析

8.Investigating Clinical Feature Of Diabetes With Cerebral Stroke;糖尿病伴发脑卒中病例临床特点分析

9.Exploration of Treatment Characteristics of Febrile Disease in Systematized Identification of Warm Diseases《温病条辨》中发热病证辨治特点探析

10.Clinicopathological features and prognosis of idiopathic membranous nephropathy in adults成人特发性膜性肾病临床病理特点及预后分析

11.The incidence of early onset severe preeclampsia and the clinical features早发型重度子痫前期发病及临床特点

12.Studies on Occurrence of Ustilaginoidea Virens (Rice Green Smut) and Its Controlling;稻曲病的发生特点及其防治技术研究

13.Clinical and imaging characteristics of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease散发性Creutzfeldt-Jakob病的临床和影像学特点

14.Occurrence Characteristics and Damage Level of Pests and Diseases of Cajanus cajan in Guizhou贵州木豆病虫害发生特点及危害程度

15.Infection Characteristic and Control Measure for Sorghum Dwarf Mosaic Disease in China我国高粱红条病发生特点及防治措施

16.The Occuence Character and Prevention Technology of Ardisia crenata Wilt Disease朱砂根枯萎病的发生特点与防治技术

17.Analysis of Incidence and Pathological Character Istics of 36 Young Patients with Colorectal Carcinoma;36例青年大肠癌的发病与病理特点分析

18.The Research of Incidence Characteristics and Control Technology of Tobacco Virus Diseases in Baise of Guangxi广西百色烟草病毒病发生特点及控制技术应用


Characteristics of infection and disease onset感染和发病特点

3)features and causes of the disease发病特点与原因

4)occurrence characters病虫发生特点

5)Characteristics of disease onset time发病时间特点

6)Pathologic Features病理特点


茶毛发病茶毛发病tea horse-hair blight茶毛发病(tea horsehair blight)茶树枝干部病害之一。安徽、浙江、广东、云南、贵州、湖南等省均有分布。印度、日本亦有发生。能寄生于茶及其他一些树木。症状茶树枝干上缠绕许多散乱无序的漆黑色毛发状物即为病原菌的菌丝索。菌丝索在茶树嫩梢上缠绕的部分,常有吸器产生,借以附着枝干表面,并伸入组织内吸收养分,使嫩梢枯死,连年为害,茶树生长衰弱,产量降低。秋季在菌丝索上产生伞菌子实体。病原皮伞菌学名为材口rasmius equic汀nl’sMull.,属伞菌目伞菌亚目伞菌科皮伞菌属。子实体淡黄褐色,直径4一5毫米,半球形,反面有8个菌摺,浅黄色,菌褶两侧生担子,菌柄黑色,长5一10毫米,直径0.5毫米。侵染规律菌丝索在茶树枝干上越冬,温暖潮湿的春季萌动生长。广东海南岛一带,6一8月产生子实体,散出担子抱子,是再次侵染的来源。日照短、阴湿郁蔽、通风透光不良、管理不善的茶园发病多。防治加强管理,合理修剪,使茶园通风透光,及时清除枯死枝叶及菌丝索。病害严重的茶园,于非采摘季节喷用0.5一0.7%的石灰等量式波尔多液,隔10一20天再喷一次,有明显的防治效果。 (徐静庄》
