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节食 diet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-31 22:14:06


节食 diet英语短句 例句大全



1.Food Choice and Dieting Behaviors of Adolescent Girl Students and Influencing Factors Thereof;青春期女生食物选择倾向和节食行为调查


1.No, I don"t mind going on a diet.不,我不反对节食。

2.She got so fat that she had to diet.她太胖,需要节食。

3.Indeed, among binge-eaters who had dieted, the dieting typically came before the binge-eating problem.一般对于已经节食的贪食者,在出现贪食习惯之前往往节食。

4.overdid the diet and Became malnourished.过分节食变得营养不良

5.He began his diet a week ago.他在一星期前开始节食。

6.He"s going in for dieting.他要养成节食习惯。

7.The best physician is Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merry man.节食、宁静、快乐是良医。

8.Please can we get off the subject of dieting?我们别讨论节食了行吗?

9.Dieting demands self-discipline.节食需有自我约束力.

10.a self-imposed diet, exile自愿的节食、 自我流放.

11.She" s starving herself trying to lose weight.她用节食疗法试图减肥。

12.She is picky about what she eats because she is on a diet.她正在节食,所以挑食挑得厉害。

13.He"d rather economize on clothes and food than travel.他宁愿俭衣节食,而不愿节省旅游开销。

14.A period of such abstention or self-denial.断食期,节食期这种戒除或自我克制的时期

15.the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods).节制饮食(或者特殊食物)。

16.-- Grain losses can be curtailed.--节约粮食有潜力。

17.To regulate or prescribe food and drink for.为…节制或规定饮食

18.Why don"t you go on a diet ?你为什么不节制饮食呢?


food temperance, dieting食节

3)appetite regulation食欲调节

4)Cold Food Festival寒食节

1.Cold Food Festival is very important in Chines e traditional festival.寒食节在中国传统节日中很重要 ,在唐诗中有着大量的描写寒食节的诗篇 ,从中显示出寒食节在唐朝特有的风俗 ,还有文人在这个节日中的种种心态 ,比如 :怀念祖先 ;感慨个人的命运 ;思乡怀友 ;热爱自然以及隐逸情怀等

2.In our traditional festivals, theCold Food Festival is a festival of the taboo color, theCold Food Festival attracts the attention of Chinese and foreign scholars with its peculiar customs.在我国的传统岁时节日中,寒食节是一个充满禁忌色彩的节日,寒食节以其奇特的寒食习俗吸引了古今中外学者们的关注。


1.Effect ofAntisecosis and Exercise Therapy on Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver;饮食调节及运动疗法对非酒精性脂肪肝患者的疗效观察

6)Control drink and food饮食有节


