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亲本及子代 Parents and hybrids英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-20 04:31:00


亲本及子代 Parents and hybrids英语短句 例句大全

亲本及子代,Parents and hybrids

1)Parents and hybrids亲本及子代


1.The Selection of Colones, Traits Variation in Its Offsprings in Clonal Seed Orchards of Masson Pine;马尾松无性系种子园亲本及子代性状变异与亲本选择

2.Effect of P Level on P Content and Physiological Characteristics of the Hybrid Rice and Their Parents供磷水平对水稻亲本及子代磷含量和生理特性的影响

3.Study on Genetic Variation of Parents and Progenies and Their Molecular Basis in Populus;杨树杂交亲本与子代遗传变异及其分子基础研究

4.Differences in Early Growth of Three Distant Crossing Of fsprings of Cunminghamia laceolata and the Relationship Between the Growth Difference and the Genetic Distance of Their Parents杉木远交组合子代早期差异及其与亲本遗传距离间的关系

5.Polymorphism of the Mitochondrial DNA D-loop Gene Sequences of Oreochromis niloticus,O. aureus and Their Hybrids奥尼罗非鱼杂交子代及亲本mtDNA D-loop基因序列的多态性

6.The vigour of two-parent progenies was likely to be similar.双亲本子代的生活力多半是相似的。

7.Study on Paternity Test of Populus Alba Linn. × Ulmus Pumila Linn. and Filial Generation Utilization;银白杨×白榆亲子鉴定及子代利用研究

8.An Analysis for Progeny Test of Half-sibs from Chinese Fir Clonal Seed Or chad杉木种子园单亲本子代测定结果的分析

9.One-Parent Progeny Test and Combined Selection of the Second Generation Seed Orchard of Cunninghamia lanceolata杉木第二代种子园单亲子代测定及联合选择

10.The Rural Parenthood and Adjustment Under the Theory of Generation Gap代沟理论下的农村亲子关系及其调适

11.The Bible has been passed on in the family from father to son for several generations.这本圣经在他们家好几代从父亲传给儿子.

12.DNA Methylation Difference and Genetic Effect Analysis between Parents and Offspring of Pigs Detected by Capillary Electrophoresis;利用毛细管电泳技术检测猪亲本与其子代DNA甲基化差异及遗传背景研究

13.Theoretical Study on the Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction of Pseudohalogen Ion and Ion Pair at Carbon;类卤离子及离子对亲核取代反应的理论研究

14.The production performance comparison of inter-specific hybridization between Oncorhynchus masou masou and Oncorhynnchus mykiss and their hybrids山女鳟和虹鳟的杂交子代与其亲本后代早期生产性能的比较

15.DNA Polymorphism of the Genes Relating to Lipid Biosynthesis between Tapidor and Ningyou-7, the Two Parents for the T-N Mapping Population;作图亲本Tapidor和宁油7号油脂代谢功能基因分子标记的开发

16.Identification of Genuineness, Purity and Parenthood of Hybrid Corn and Its Parents by Using SSR Marker利用SSR标记鉴定杂交玉米及其亲本种子真实性和纯度及亲子关系的研究

17.Theoretical Study of Intramolecular Nucleophilic Substitution on Nitrogen and Tautomerism of 2-Aminothiazole;分子内氮原子上亲核取代反应以及2-氨基噻唑异构化的理论研究

18.nucleophile-assisted unimolecular electrophilic substitution亲核体协助单分子亲电取代


fullsib family双亲本子代

1.Analysis of variance was used for Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata)fullsib family in 12 test plantations.对12块杉木双亲本子代测定林进行了方差分析,并采用最小显著差数法(LSD法)、性状水平分析法(PL法)、杂交优势效应、配合力(包括一般配合力和特殊配合力)等方法进行分析,测定结果表明,各杂交组合间存在一定差异,优势组合的生长量比对照的增益显著,一般配合力和母本效应十分显著,而超亲优势确实存在。

3)parental generation亲本世代


5)combining ability of grand parents and parents祖亲及亲本配合力

6)parental type亲本型[如用于描述子代性状]


