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渣量 slag amount英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-22 10:49:55


渣量 slag amount英语短句 例句大全

渣量,slag amount

1)slag amount渣量

1.It is suggested that suitable ratio of reductants,fast reaction at early period of smelting process and addition of returning steel be applied for decreasingslag amount.通过理论计算分析了白钨矿直接合金化过程中的渣量变化规律。

2.Through theoretical and experimental analysis on the effects of the initial sulfur content,desulphurizing refining slag,oxygen content andslag amount in the hot metal on the hot metal deep desulphurization a few main conditions required for hot metal deep desulphurization in the inducton furnace have been determined.在感应炉中进行了多次的深脱硫实验,通过对钢水的初始硫含量,脱硫精炼渣,钢水氧含量以及渣量等等对钢水深脱硫的影响的理论和实验分析,得出了实现感应炉钢水深脱硫的几个主要条件。

2)quantity of slag渣量;炉渣数量

3)slag weight渣产出量

1.To forecastslag weight of copper PS converter,it is proposed to extract some laws from lots of production data using the data mining technology.为实现铜转炉渣产出量的及时准确预报,提出应用数据挖掘技术从现场积累的大量生产数据中发掘相关规律。

4)remained slag volume残留渣量

1.On the basis of analyzing factors that influence the resulfurization of low sulfur steel production in converter,main reasons of resulfurization are determined to be theremained slag volume and slag properties.通过对转炉冶炼低硫钢回硫的各种因素进行分析,得出影响回硫的主要原因是残留渣量及脱硫渣的性质,提出了冶炼低硫钢减少回硫的操作工艺。

5)residue quantity残渣量

1.Based on it,it can be concluded that controlling water temperature and evaporating volume of water are preconditions for precisely obtainingresidue quantity in order to reduce the influence on accuracy of the result in determining the radioactivity of water sample in the course of evaporation and concentrat.经对比实验,分析在饮用水放射性活度测定中,同一水样以不同蒸发浓缩方式制得不同残渣量的原因,得出控制水温及蒸制体积是制取准确残渣量的前提,从而在水样蒸发浓缩环节减少对放射性活度测定结果准确度的影响。


1.Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The gravimetric method for the determination of residue content after chloride volatilityGB/T4324.29-1984钨化学分析方法重量法测定氯化挥发后残渣量

2.The Effect of Water Sample′s Evaporative and Concentrated Methods on Residue Quantities in Determination of Radioactivity of Drinking Water;饮用水放射性测定中水样蒸发浓缩方式对残渣量的影响

3.Natural rubber latex concentrate--Determination of sludge contentGB/T8293-1987天然浓缩胶乳残渣含量的测定

4.test method for loss and residue of chemical products化学产品减量及残渣试验方法

5.Reduction of BN fraction in the residue of boron-containing propellants减少含硼推进剂残渣中氮化硼含量的研究

6.Determination of Indium in Smelting Residue by Multicomponent Complex Spectrophotometry多元络合物光度法测定冶炼残渣中痕量铟

7.Predicting Study of Remnant Weight of Iron and Slag Based on Fuzy Neural Network基于模糊神经网络的高炉残铁渣量预测的研究

8.Method of test for ignited residue content in concentrated nitric acid--GravimetryGB/T4147.4-1984浓硝酸中灼烧残渣含量的试验方法重量法

9.Hydroentangled polyester, soft, very low NVR values, ideal for wiping optical surfaces.水蒸聚酯纤维,柔软,非挥发性残渣含量非常低,极适于光学表面擦拭.

10.The results show that the most speciation is residua and the least speciation is ion exchange.研究发现,各重金属的形态以残渣态为主,离子交换态含量很少。

11.All gravimetric measurements require some sort of crucible or dish to hold the residue or precipitate.所有重量分析需要某种坩埚或器皿保留残渣或沉淀物。

12.Study on Effects of Processing on Pesticide Residues in Orange Juice and Peels;加工过程对橙汁和橙皮渣中农药残留含量的影响研究

13.Determination of Taxanes in the Residues Extracted Paclitaxel from Taxus红豆杉提取紫杉醇后残渣中紫杉烷类成分的含量测定

14.flush waste down a sink把残渣从洗涤槽冲走.

15.apparatus for determination evaporation residue of fuel燃油蒸发残渣测定仪

16.Biomass-this term refers to a wide variety of crude fuel sourees, including plant and animal waste, wood and garbage.生物量”这个术语指的是广泛多样的天然燃料资源,包括动植物残渣、柴和垃圾。

17.The feasibility of thermal state continuative feeding coking process with coal liquefaction residue was discussed through experiment study.通过试验分析,探索了煤直接液化残渣采用热态、批量连续进料炼焦工艺的可行性。

18.Lignin and small amounts of un-hydrolyzed cellulose and hemi-cellulose are the residues of sawdust hydrolysis.生物质水解残渣中主要含有木质素和少量未水解完全的纤维素和半纤维素。


quantity of slag渣量;炉渣数量

3)slag weight渣产出量

1.To forecastslag weight of copper PS converter,it is proposed to extract some laws from lots of production data using the data mining technology.为实现铜转炉渣产出量的及时准确预报,提出应用数据挖掘技术从现场积累的大量生产数据中发掘相关规律。

4)remained slag volume残留渣量

1.On the basis of analyzing factors that influence the resulfurization of low sulfur steel production in converter,main reasons of resulfurization are determined to be theremained slag volume and slag properties.通过对转炉冶炼低硫钢回硫的各种因素进行分析,得出影响回硫的主要原因是残留渣量及脱硫渣的性质,提出了冶炼低硫钢减少回硫的操作工艺。

5)residue quantity残渣量

1.Based on it,it can be concluded that controlling water temperature and evaporating volume of water are preconditions for precisely obtainingresidue quantity in order to reduce the influence on accuracy of the result in determining the radioactivity of water sample in the course of evaporation and concentrat.经对比实验,分析在饮用水放射性活度测定中,同一水样以不同蒸发浓缩方式制得不同残渣量的原因,得出控制水温及蒸制体积是制取准确残渣量的前提,从而在水样蒸发浓缩环节减少对放射性活度测定结果准确度的影响。

6)oxide slag烧渣量


