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文治 civil administration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-03 02:07:33


文治 civil administration英语短句 例句大全

文治,civil administration

1)civil administration文治

1.On the basis of summarizing past experience and drawing lessons from the governing strategies of "military affairs" and "corporal punishment" in the Qin Dynasty,the Han Dynasty put forward the ruling guideline of "combination ofcivil administration and military ruling" by reforming and developing the ruling theories of the various schools of governing in the Pre-Qin Dynasty.汉代在总结秦朝以“武功”、“刑法”治国经验教训的基础上,改革和发展了先秦诸子百家的治国思想,提出了“文武并用”的治国指导方针,成功地实现了由秦尚“武功”重“进取”的“革命”理论向尚“文治”重“守成”的“建设”理论的转变,并把这两种理论有机地结合起来,既用仁义道德治国的“文治”,又用权威、暴力和刑罚治国的“武功”,把握“文武之道”的刚柔之术。


1.She folded the sandwich in wax paper.她用蜡纸包三文治。

2.B.L.T.(Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich)烟肉,生菜,西红柿三文治

3.Light 3 article treat machine: Ha, abstain 3 article to treat, simple light.轻便三文治机:哈哈,自制三文治,简单又轻便。

4.On the Rule of Law and the Law Culture法治与法治文化——从法治文化看我国法治建设

5.The Establishment of Political Consciousness Civilization in Political Culture;我国政治文化中的政治意识文明建设

6.Political Culture National Characteristic and Nationality s Political Culture;政治文化的民族性与民族的政治文化

7.On the Political Cultural Innovation and the Political Consciousness Civilization Construction;论政治文化创新与政治意识文明建设

8.On the Tendency of Taoist Governing Political Culturein the Book of "Wen Zi;论《文子》的道治主义政治文化取向

9.The Politicized Tendency Of Left-wing Literature;政治文化视角:左翼文学的政治化倾向

10.An Analysis of the Field of Political Science--Political Culture and Political Consciousness;政治学范畴探析——政治文化与政治意识

11.Glorious Time of Peace and Prosperity--Administration of Wenjing and Aministration of Zhengguan;治世辉煌——论文景之治与贞观之治

12.A Political Cultural Approach to Political Civilization;公民文化——从政治文化的角度解析政治文明

13.Political Civilization,Harmonious Society And The Idea of Rule of Law--The rule of law is the need of political civilization and the harmonious society;政治文明、和谐社会与法治理念——法治乃政治文明所需、和谐社会所求

14.Dr. Vane doctored his AIDS.文医生为他治艾滋病

15.a peaceful change-over to civilian rule和平地转变为文官统治.

16.dabble in [ at ] art, politics, literature, etc涉猎艺术, 政治, 文学等

17.Professional Diploma in Physiotherapy物理治疗学专业文凭

18.an essay on political economy政治经济学方面的文章


military reign and culturac reign武治与文治

3)Sandwich Ham三文治

1.Effect of Modified Starch on the Quality ofSandwich Ham;变性淀粉对三文治质量的影响

4)politics and culture政治文化

1.At the same time,it also affects thepolitics and culture dissemination,promotes a strong impacts on the mainstream ideology as well aspolitics and culture s dissem.同时政治文化的传播也受到网络的影响:网络对主流意识形态和政治文化的传播与弘扬造成了强大的冲击;网络对政治文化传播发展趋势的影响表现在网络促进政治文化传播的民主化、社会化、高效化与国际化。

2.In this process,Russian national thinking was gradually becoming matured,itspolitics and culture that characterized Orthodoxy and dictatorial thoughts were important contents of it.在这个过程中,俄罗斯民族的思想也逐渐成熟,以东正教和专制制度思想为特征的政治文化是其中的重要内容。

3.We should persist in the main trend inpolitics and culture, dissolve and avoid the crisis ofpolitics and culture constructingpolitics and culture of socialist harmonious society.构建社会主义和谐社会的政治文化,首先要坚持主流政治文化,化解、避免政治文化的危机。

5)political civilization政治文明

1.Three questions aboutpolitical civilization construction;关于政治文明建设的3个问题

2.Elementary analysis about building socialistpolitical civilization;浅论建设社会主义政治文明

3.On thepolitical civilization and anti-corruption compaign;试论政治文明与反腐倡廉工作

6)political prose政治散文

1.Taking Seeking a Ferry,Seeking a Ferry ,Where is the Ferry?as the line of demarcation, Liang Hengs prose creation has been shifted from the landscap e prose to thepolitical prose.以《觅渡 ,觅渡 ,渡何处 ?》为分界线 ,梁衡的散文创作由山水散文转入政治散文。


