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音乐的形象性 musical figurativeness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-20 19:17:06


音乐的形象性 musical figurativeness英语短句 例句大全

音乐的形象性,musical figurativeness

1)musical figurativeness音乐的形象性


1.The Basic Literature of Chinese Contemporary Music Aesthetics:Historical Review On Musical Figurativeness中国当代音乐美学的基础文献——《论音乐的形象性》的历史读解

2.About the Determinism adaptability and Plasticity of "Music Impression";论“音乐形象”的确定性、可塑性、随意性

3.An Analysis on the Music Image of Lulu from the Angle of Feminism;女性主义视角下的露露音乐形象分析

4.The Musical Image-building of the Female Role in Don Giovanni;歌剧《唐·璜》中女性角色的音乐形象塑造

5.The Interaction and Mutual Supplement of Music and Painting in Music Appreciation;音乐审美中音、画形象的互补与融合

6.Romantic Imago & Material Figure-Reflecting the Figure Creation of Music Drama Butterfly意象的空与形象的实——浅谈音乐剧《蝶》的形象创作

7.The Music-interpreted Image and Depth of Meaning in the Course of Musical Aesthetics;音乐审美过程的音乐阐释形象及意义深度

8.Expoud the Close Source Relation between Music and "Movie and Television" to Illustrate Screen Music Image剖析音乐与影视的近缘关系解读银屏音乐形象

9.Guiding the course construction by the thinking of one main line and two combination;从艺术流派的形成看谭盾的音乐现象

10.A Study on Cultivating Imagery Thought under Basic Music Education;基础音乐教育中形象思维培养的研究

11.An Analysis of Music Art Images on the Han Dynasty Paintings Found in Nanyang;南阳汉墓砖(石)画中的音乐艺术形象

12.Discussion on the Construction of the Idealized Image of the Library of Conservatory of Music试论音乐学院图书馆理想形象的构建

13.Feministic View: The Musicial Image of Tosca in Puccini Works女性主义视角下看普契尼笔下托斯卡音乐形象的塑造

14.On the Special Representation of Musical Images;有形发未形 无形君有形——论音乐艺术形象的特殊表现

15.The Influence of the Language s Tones on the Folk Music of Songyang;松阳民间音乐的“四声性”现象探析

16.Rational Comparison:Imagination Between Musical Creation And Teaching;理性比较:音乐创作与教学中的想象

17.The Virtual and Real Handling of Captions and Appearance--Music appearance analysis of Lizt s Tasso: Whine and Triumph;标题与形象的虚实处理——李斯特《塔索:哀诉与凯旋》的音乐形象分析

18.Ruki: Our image is mostly made up of our music and our lyrics.我们的形象主要是来自于我们的音乐和歌词。


Musical image音乐形象

1.The appreciator as an aesthetic subject,expresses the meaning in the course of musical appreciation of beauty by way of the musical image he/she creates after getting involved in the receptive process.接受者作为审美对象的欣赏者,在音乐审美接受过程中通过参与并构建音乐形象来表达在音乐审美过程中接受的意义。

2.This thesis deeply discusses the unique technique of musical representation and using of musical language by analyzing the musical image-building of the three female roles Donna Anna, Zerlina and Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni.本论题从三位女性角色的人物刻画入手,对莫扎特的歌剧《唐·璜》中安娜、采琳娜、埃维拉这三个音乐形象展开分析,从而进一步了解作曲家在塑造人物形象时运用的独特的音乐表现手法和富于特色的音乐语言。

3.This paper has summarizes briefly the composer\"s life and the creative background of this works , and it has analysed detailedly the creative motivation, overall structure and musical image of this works.在本文的论述中,简要概括了作曲家的生平与作品的创作背景,并对作品的创作动机、整体结构与音乐形象进行了详细的分析,深入探讨作曲家独特的创作理念及其作品的创新意义。

3)music image音乐形象

1.Themusic image-building of Mongolian children in the creation of Mongolian children music has its particularity.在蒙古族儿童音乐创作中塑造蒙古族儿童音乐形象具有特殊性。

2.The unique charm of Debussy s "Piano Prelude" lies in the composer s skillful application of all means of piano music,developing a new and peculiar music language as well as portraying a series of exceptionalmusic image.德彪西《钢琴前奏曲》的特殊魅力,在于作曲家纯熟地运用钢琴音乐的一切手段,创造出新颖独特的音乐语言,栩栩如生地刻画了一系列别有情致的音乐形象。

3.When re\|creatingmusic images in singing, not only the grasp of the skill of music style but also the aesthetic grasp of its images should be paid much attention to.歌唱艺术对音乐形象的再创造 ,不仅要注意对音乐形式的技术性把握 ,同时也要注意对音乐形象的审美性把握。

4)music visual identity音乐形象设计

1.The design ofmusic visual identity can be improved if we could use the skill in abstract graphics through realizing the design form and idea.对抽象图形在音乐招帖与唱片封套设计中的运用进行了研究,通过形式上的分析,了解并掌握抽象图形运用的基本方法,有针对性的提高音乐形象设计的表现力。

5)The creation of musical image音乐形象塑造

6)musical figure of the character人物音乐形象


产品形象产品形象product image产品形象(produet image)即产品的魅力,指产品对公众的吸引力。它的心理机制是产品的个性与公众的思想感情的密切联系。通常,产品的魅力主要取决下列因素:一是方‘便,如便于携带、存放等;二是适应性强,即用途广泛;三是质量高;四是合乎顾客的地位或身份;五是可靠性:六是满足顾客的审美需要。许多名牌产品,一般都具有上述特点,能使顾客或公众获得多重满足。(张燕逸撰张交审)
