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猪胎儿 porcine fetus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-04 23:38:02


猪胎儿 porcine fetus英语短句 例句大全

猪胎儿,porcine fetus

1)porcine fetus猪胎儿

1.Sex identification ofporcine fetus by duplex-PCR method;应用双重PCR技术鉴定猪胎儿性别及其细胞系建立


1.Immunolocalization of Estrogen Receptors in Early Porcine Fetal Gonads雌激素受体在早期猪胎儿性腺的分布

2.In vitro Differentiation of EGFP Gene Transfected Porcine Fetal Neural Stem Cells转EGFP基因猪胎儿神经干细胞的体外分化

3.Studies on the Factors Influencing Establishment of Cell Line Porcine Embryonic Fibroblasts and Cationic Liposome Mediated Transfection;猪胎儿成纤维细胞建系影响因素与脂质体介导转染法的研究

4.Construction of MSTN Knock-out Porcine Fetal Fibroblast同源重组敲除MSTN基因的猪胎儿成纤维细胞的构建

5.To give birth to(a litter of pigs).(母猪)产(一胎猪仔)

6.During the last month of pregnancy the fetal weight will triple.母猪妊娠的最后一个月,胎儿体重增长3倍。

7.The Effects of Goat Fetal Tissue Extract on Proliferation and IL-4 Secreting of PBMC of Pig;山羊胎儿组织提取液对猪PBMC转化活性及IL-4分泌活性的影响

8.Development of Small Intestine in Newborn Piglets and Influence of Intrauterine Growth Retardation;新生仔猪小肠发育及胎儿宫内发育迟缓对其的影响

9."Fetal:Of, relating to, characteristic of, or being a fetus."胎儿的:有关胎儿的、有胎儿特点的或是胎儿的.

10.Of, relating to, characteristic of, or being a fetus.胎儿的有关胎儿的、有胎儿特点的或是胎儿的

11.Intentional destruction of a human fetus.非法堕胎故意毁掉胎儿

12.Cloning and Sequencing Analysis of E2 Gene of Classical Swine Fever Virus Strains in Guangxi;广西猪瘟病毒扁桃体和流产胎儿来源株E2基因的克隆、测序及遗传学分析

13.Studies on Lipid Metabolism and Liver Development of Neonatal Pigs and the Impacts of Intrauterine Growth Retardation;新生仔猪脂类代谢和肝脏发育的动态变化及胎儿宫内发育迟缓对其的影响

14.Application of Fetal Oxygen Saturation in Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring;胎儿血氧饱和度在胎儿监护中的应用

15.Viral Tissue Distribution and Histopathology of Pregnant Sows and Their Fetuses Infected with Porcine Parvovirus猪细小病毒分离株感染母猪及胎猪的体内组织分布及病理变化

16.Study of the formation and development of an embryo and fetus.胚胎学:研究胚胎和胎儿的形成和发育的学科。

17.To cause the expulsion of(an embryo or fetus)before it is viable.使堕胎在(胚胎或胎儿)能够成活之前导致其排出

18.Perinatal mortality associated with abruptio placenta in singletons and multiples围生儿死亡率与单胎及多胎胎盘早剥有关


Porcine fetus胎猪


1.Study on Determination of Biological Essential Macro-Elements K,Na,Mg,P inFetal Cerebellum by ICP-AES;ICP-AES法测定胎儿小脑组织中生物必需常量元素K、Na、Mg、P的研究

2.Effect of Activin A-follistatin on steroidogenesis in frozen-thawed human fetal ovary in vitro;激活素A和卵泡抑素对冻融人胎儿卵巢雌二醇分泌的影响

3.Investigate the Relativity of Cord Blood IGF and Leptin Levels withFetal Growth;脐血IGF和瘦素水平与胎儿宫内生长发育关系研究


1.The Histological Observation of Kidneys in Several Congenital MalformationFetus;几种先天性畸形胎儿肾脏的解剖与组织学观察

2.Retrospective Analysis of Organs Structures Data in NormalFetuses between 19 and 27 Gestational Age;正常胎儿19~27周时各脏器超声筛查分析

3.Relationship ofFetus Lens Capsule Blood Supplies and Developmental Regularity and Congenital Cataract;胎儿晶状体囊的血供及发育规律与先天性白内障的关系


1.A study on forecasting body weight offoetus based on fuzzy network;基于模糊神经网络方法的胎儿体重预测

2.Distribution of ICC-like cells in bladder of 18-week-oldfoetus孕18周胎儿膀胱ICC样细胞的分布

3.Objective To find out the effect of renal sinus segregation uponfoetus growth and development,carry out continual and dynamic observation upon through prematal diagnosis as suffering renal sinus segregation during pregnancy,continue to follow-up and survey at random overfoetus after parturition,and to evaluate the value of prenatal diagnosis uponfoetus kidney via ultrasound.目的为了解孕期胎儿肾脏结构异常的变化。

6)Human fetus胎儿

1.Development of ependyma in brain of human fetus: an immunohistochemical and electron microscopic study;胎儿侧脑室室管膜发育的免疫组织化学和电镜研究

2.The Quasi Legal Personality Status of Human Fetus and its Personality Right Protection;胎儿的准人格地位及其人格利益保护

3.Objectives (D To observe the histomorphologic development of human fetus salivary(parotid, submandibular and sublingual) glands.目的①观察胎儿唾液腺(腮腺、颌下腺、舌下腺)发育的组织形态学变化。


包菜饭团猪猪Image:1181801789495038.jpg 包菜饭团猪猪

