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猪血清白蛋白 porcine serum albumin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-03 15:41:56


猪血清白蛋白 porcine serum albumin英语短句 例句大全

猪血清白蛋白,porcine serum albumin

1)porcine serum albumin猪血清白蛋白

1.According to the cDNA sequence of PSA(porcine serum albumin) derived from GenBank(Accession No.为了获得猪血清白蛋白(PSA)基因,根据GenBank(登录号:AY663543)中PSA的基因序列,设计一对引物,采用RT-PCR从新鲜猪肝组织中扩增出PSA基因的全长cDNA,产物纯化后连接至pBS-T载体,转化大肠埃希菌TG1,采用PCR法及酶切鉴定法筛选出阳性菌株后进行测序。


1.Cloning and Motif Analysis of psa 5′-Terminal Regulation Region from Porcine猪血清白蛋白基因5′端调控区的克隆与分析

2.Study on the Biology Characteristic of the Two Strains of Streptococcus Suis and the Bindings of Serum Albumin from Pig to Them;两种链球菌生物学特性及其与猪血清白蛋白黏附的研究

3.Determination of Total Protein, Albumin and Globulin from Serum in Pigs仔猪血清总蛋白、白蛋白和球蛋白含量测定

4.Extraction of the porcine blood fibronectin and preparation of immune serum猪血纤维连接蛋白的提取及其免疫血清的制备

5.Immunoproteomic analysis of the whole cell lysate proteins in Streptococcus suis type 2血清2型猪链球菌全菌体蛋白的免疫蛋白质组学研究

6.iodinated human serum albumin放射性碘人血清白蛋白

7.human albumin injection人血清白蛋白注射液

8.Serum Protein Polymorphism of Saba Pig and Its Relationship to Productive Performances撒坝猪血清蛋白多态性及一些生产性状的关系

9.An Study on Serum Protein Polymorphism of Four Lean Meat Type Swine Breeds (Lines);四个瘦肉型猪品种(品系)血清蛋白多态性的研究

10.Expression of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae P52 protein and preparation of the rabbit antisera against P52 protein猪肺炎支原体P52蛋白的原核表达及抗血清制备

11.The Preliminary Study of Human Serum Albumin Knockin Cloned Pigs by Gene Targeting;利用基因打靶制备生产人血清白蛋白转基因猪的初步研究

12.Immunogenicity Studies on Outer Membrane Proteins in Strains of Haemophilus Parasuis with Different Serotype副猪嗜血杆菌不同血清型外膜蛋白的免疫原性的研究

13.Influence of immunization procedure on antiserum titer of porcine plasma fibronectin免疫程序对抗猪血浆纤维连接蛋白抗血清效价的影响

14.human serum protein soluting全谱稳定血清蛋白(补血康,人血清蛋白液)

15.Separation of Bovine Serum Albumin and Bovine Hemoglobin by Focusing Electrochromatography聚焦电层析分离牛血清白蛋白和牛血红蛋白

16.iodinated serum albumin放射性碘化血清蛋白

17.pha fetal protein determination血清甲种胎儿蛋白测定

18.familial lipoprotein deficiency家族性血清脂蛋白过少


Porcine Serum protein猪血清蛋白

3)leption boltting猪血清瘦素蛋白

4)swine blood猪血蛋白

1.Application ofswine blood on farming and feeding;猪血蛋白在农畜业生产上的开发利用

5)pig"s serum IgG猪血清免疫球蛋白

6)Serum albumin血清白蛋白

1.Determination of Serum Albumin by Diffuse Reflectance Spectrophotometry with Tetrabromo(R)fluorescein;四溴荧光黄反射散射光度法测定血清白蛋白

2.Spectrophotometric study on the interaction of serum albumin with arsenazo Ⅲ;血清白蛋白与偶氮胂Ⅲ结合反应的分光光度研究

3.Lag effect of silver nanoparticle interacting with serum albumin;血清白蛋白与银纳米粒子的相互作用及包覆


血清白蛋白CAS: 9048-46-8 中文名称: 血清白蛋白;蛋白粉 英文名称: Albumins, blood serum;albumin, bovine serum;bovine serum albumin;human serum albumin;nhsa;albumen powder;albumin bovine fraction v;albuminbovinefractionv
