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会话分析 Conversation analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-03 04:50:11


会话分析 Conversation analysis英语短句 例句大全

会话分析,Conversation analysis

1)Conversation analysis会话分析

1.Study on Cyber-language from the Perspective of Conversation Analysis;从会话分析的角度研究网络语言

2.Methodological Characteristics and Theoretical Foundationof the Conversation Analysis School;会话分析学派的研究方法及理论基础


1.Courtroom Discourse Analysis in Light of Gricean Conversational Implicature Theory格莱斯会话含义理论下庭审会话分析

2.A Conversation Analysis of Receivers in the Wilderness;话剧<原野>中闻者的会话分析

3.A Conversation Analysis of Addressing Lifestyle in Clinical Encounters门诊谈话中关于生活方式的会话分析

4.Conversational Analysis of Telephone Closings in Chinese;汉语电话谈话结束阶段的会话分析研究

5.Conversational Analysis of Supportive Verbal Feedback in Chinese TV Talk Shows;中文电视谈话节目支持性言语反馈会话分析

6.Turn-constructing and Turn-taking--Conversational Analysis About the Marriage-seeking in Radio Station;话轮的构建与转换——电台征婚热线中的会话分析

7.An Analysis of Semi-Institutional Discourse--Case Study of Business Time;半机构话语的会话分析——《商务时间》个案研究

8.Conversation Analysis Approach to Turn-taking in Oral English Classroom对英语口语课堂上话轮转换的会话分析

9.Discourse Analysis of the Locked Chest-From Perspectives of Interpersonal Metaphor and Discourse Framework;会话分析理论映射下The Locked Chest的戏剧意义

10.Conversation Analysis of Oprah Winfrey Show;奥普拉·温弗里脱口秀节目会话分析

11.An Analysis of the Tenor of Discourse in Wuthering Heights;《呼啸山庄》人物会话中的话语基调分析

12.An Analysis of Male-Female Conversations in the TV Series of Struggle;汉语会话中的话语风格性别特征分析

13.A Pragmatic Analysis of Discourse Marker "Yes" in Conversations;会话中话语标记语Yes的语用功能分析

14.The Discourse Marker RANHOU(然后) and Its Functions in Spoken Chinese汉语自然会话中“然后”的话语功能分析

15.Analysis of Turn and Turn-taking of Chatting-room Conversations;网络聊天室会话话轮和话轮转换的语用分析

16.A Comparative Analysis on Conversational Structure in Classroom and in Casual Settings;课堂会话与日常情景会话的结构对比分析

17.An Analysis of Conversation Patterns of Interview and the Teaching of Conversation Strategies;“面试”会话模式分析及其对会话策略教学的启示

18.Pluralistic Discourse Analysis:Analyzing the social stratification phenomenon as an illustration;多元话语分析:以社会分层研究为例


Conversational Analysis会话分析

1.It is intended to present an overall review of studies on code switching, focusing on sociolinguistics, syntax, psycholinguistics, pragmatics and conversational analysis.全面的评述语码转换的研究,集中在语码转换的社会语言学、句法学、心理语言学、语用学和会话分析研究等五个视角,并且讨论这五种研究方法的贡献和不足。

2.The paper applies the conversational analysis theory to interpret the personalities of the characters in the aspects of turn distribution,length,contents,and positions of the interlocutors and change of the topics.从语言学的会话分析理论这样一个新的视角对作品进行分析,解读《莳萝泡菜》中的人物性格。

3)discourse analysis会话分析

1.Then on the basis of the theory of cooperative principle and politeness principle indiscourse analysis,the article conducts a detailed analysis on the main principles of teachers discourse during the process of their adjusting to the student-centered teaching model.介绍了以学生为中心的大学英语教学模式的必要性及特点,以会话分析中的合作原则及礼貌原则为理 论根据,分析了为了适应这种新型的教学模式,教师话语应该遵循的主要原则,即教师话语量适当原则、教师话 语质量合格原则、交互调整以确认核实为主原则、反馈积极原则、礼貌原则等,以及在遵循这些原则过程中应该 注意的一些问题,以期望从会话分析的角度探索如何改进大学英语教学模式,实现大学英语教学培养学生英语 语言交际能力的目的。

2.discourse analysis.话轮和话题控制则是对会话结构的研究,不但是会话分析的重要组成部分,同时也被看作是话语分析的第一步。

4)Analysis of Discourse Topic会话话题分析

5)conversation analysis theory会话分析理论

1.This study applies the core of Conversation Analysis Theory—the turn-taking mechanism to the Group Discussion Phase in Spoken English Test of College English Test(CET-SET).本文使用会话分析理论的核心——话轮转换体系分析全国大学英语四、六级口语考试中小组讨论环节,在收集到的12组考生现场录音数据的基础上,以编码归类的方法探索高校学生的话轮互动模式及其对高校口语教学的启示。

6)conversation strategy analysisH?会话策略分析


会话对话 ①(多用于学习别种语言或方言时)。
