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重新确立 re-establish英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-08 20:44:22


重新确立 re-establish英语短句 例句大全




1.reinvented the concept of neighborliness.重新确立睦邻的概念

2.We reestablished the ideological line of seeking truth from facts.重新确立了实事求是的思想路线。

3.1978:Reestablishment of China s Utilizing Foreign Funds;1978:中国利用外资政策的重新确立

4.Understand and explain newly of Qu Yuan"s image in "The Songs of Chu adds supplemental notes"《楚辞补注》对屈原形象的重新确立

5.Reestablishing that distance in the relationship can lead to a business rift.重新确立关系中的距离可能引起营业失和。

6.Deng Xiaoping s Reestablishment and Ernest Practice of the Party s Ideological Lines;邓小平对党的思想路线的重新确立和认真践行

7.Reconstructing the Status of the Grants in the Subsidy System of Universities;助学金制度在高校资助体系中的重新确立

8.Reestablishment the ideological line and the two historical contributions of Deng Xiaoping;思想路线的重新确立与邓小平的两大历史贡献

9.Reestablishing Time - and - Space Outlooks on World Socialism and Its Signifcance.;重新确立世界社会主义运动时空观及其意义

10.On the Re-establishment of the System of Legal Attest Letters in China"s Mainland论存证信函制度在中国大陆的重新确立

11.Observe American Hegemony According to New Economy in 1990 s;从20世纪90年代美国的新经济看美国霸权的重新确立

12.Historic Retrospection on the Establishment, Re-establishment and Development of Ideological Route in Thought-Emancipation and Being Practical and Realistic;关于解放思想、实事求是思想路线的确立、重新确立和发展的历史回顾

13.After the Gang of Four was defeated, the Eleventh Central Committee, at its Third Plenary Session, reaffirmed the ideological line of seeking truth from facts粉碎“四人帮”以后,十一届三中全会重新确立了实事求是的思想路线,

14.Its profound essence is to rebuild Marxist scientific productive practice view;科学发展观的深层本质是重新确立科学的马克思主义生产实践观;

15.Reestablish Training Objective of Financial Education to Train Financial Talents keeping abreast of Times重新确立金融教育的培养目标 培养与时俱进的金融人才

16.Its purpose is to re-establish shrine consciousness under marketeconomy context.其目的是想在市场经济语境中重新确立庙堂意识。

17.The Historical Merit of Deng Xiao-ping about Reestablishing the Socialism Basic System of Economy;邓小平对重新确立社会主义基本经济制度的历史功绩

18.Reestablish Training Objective of Financial Education to Train Financial Talents keeping abreast of Times;重新确立金融教育的培养目标 培养与时俱进的金融人才



1.Refixxing of Price of Marsh Gas in Countryside;农村沼气价格的重新确定



5)restart-confirmation packet重新启动确认包


1.On the Establishment of Cen Shen as Poet of the "Border Area";试论岑参“边塞”诗人地位的确立

2.The Establishment of the Content of the Course of Chinese and Its Implementation;论语文教学内容的确立和实施

3.Talk about theestablishment that police s administration enforces the law a modern principle;论警察行政执法现代理念之确立


重新1.又一次。 2.从头另行开始。 3.再次装修使面貌一新。明李贽有《栖霞寺重新佛殿劝化文》。
