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宏观考察 macroscopic investigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-04 11:07:21


宏观考察 macroscopic investigation英语短句 例句大全

宏观考察,macroscopic investigation

1)macroscopic investigation宏观考察

1.From war to construction—Amacroscopic investigation about the people s government of North China and social conformity;从战争走向建设——华北人民政府与社会整合的宏观考察


1.Macroscopical Investigation into the Relationship between Chinese Philosophy and Poetry;对中国哲学与诗学之关系的宏观考察

2.Macro epicentral intensity investigation on the M_L4.8 Shimian Earthquake on 18 June -6-18石棉M_L4.8级地震宏观考察

3.Thinking on Building Criminal Judicial Review System;构建我国刑事司法审查制度的宏观考察

4.Macro-Review on City Administrative Management by State Government Since the Founding of P.R.C.;建国后国家对城市社会管理的宏观考察

5.Probing Social Complexity by Combining Macroscopic Review with Demonstrative Analyse;宏观考察与实证分析相结合探索社会复杂性

6.A Macro-perspective on Modernization of Court System;背景与进路:法院制度现代化的宏观考察

7.The Dynamic Longitudinal Expansion of the Operation Process of the Law--A Macroscopic Investigation Taking the Custom as an Example;法律运行过程纵向的动态展开——以习惯法为例的宏观考察

8.Economic Factors and Lawyer System--The Macro-investigation about the Determination Factors Effecting Lawyer System;经济因素与律师制度——对影响律师制度决定性因素的宏观考察

9.From Ideological Enlightenment to Cultural Revival: A Macroscopic Study of the Explanation of the May 4th Movement in the Past 20 Years;从思想启蒙到文化复兴——来“五四”阐释的宏观考察

10.From war to construction-A macroscopic investigation about the people s government of North China and social conformity;从战争走向建设——华北人民政府与社会整合的宏观考察

11.American History Analyzed by Conservatism--A Macroscopic Investigation on American History;保守主义视角中的美国历史——对美国史的一种宏观考察

12.The second section inspects the macroscopic functioning of the jurisdiction of the church.第二部分:对教会管辖权宏观运行的考察。

13.A Macro Historical Investigation of the Agricultural Middle Schools in Jiangsu Province during the "Great Leap Forward";对“大跃进”时期江苏省农业中学的宏观历史考察

14.The Ever Normal Granary and Stabilization: Reflections on the Tracing of the Source of Contemporary Economic Stability Policy to China;常平仓:当代宏观经济稳定政策的中国渊源考察

15.Research on the Relationship Between Macroeconomy and Stock Price in China--Empirical Study on Quantity of Macroeconomic Influence on Stock Market;中国宏观经济与股价之间关系的关联性研究——实证考察宏观经济对股市影响的数量程度

16.etc, We should review and revalue these ideas historically from the macroscopic vision of the process of world modernization.我们应从世界现代化进程的宏观视野历史地予以考察和重新估价。

17.Macro-administration, Autonomy and Self-discipline, and Quality Control--A Survey of Higher Education Administration in UK;宏观管理·自主自律·质量控制——英国高等教育管理学习考察报告

18.What did the expedition observe?这次考察观察什么呢?



1.Through analyzing the research status of early warning-prediction of landslides we set up the method of research on early warning-prediction of landslides bymacro-observation displacement monitoring and numerical analysis.分析了滑坡预警预报的研究现状,提出了基于宏观观察、位移监测、数值分析的滑坡预警预报方法,将位移变形、宏观现象等外部特征与滑坡内部破坏变形机理相结合,通过滑坡影响因素分析评判,动态修正数值分析计算参数,采用有限元强度折减法计算考虑流变状况下,不同稳定系数所对应的滑坡位移变形趋势曲线,通过对比分析相应关键点监测变形趋势曲线,建立了滑坡稳定性评判指标体系,定量、全过程、适时判定滑坡所处的稳定状态,并依据三级预报预警模式,对不同预报阶段的滑坡采取针对性地预报措施。

3)macro thinking宏观思考

4)observe and think观察思考

5)Microscopic research微观考察

6)Observation and thinking观察与思考


孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察箫孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察 中国科学院综考会供稿
