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环境毒饵 Environmental poisonous bait英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-06 21:22:34


环境毒饵 Environmental poisonous bait英语短句 例句大全

环境毒饵,Environmental poisonous bait

1)Environmental poisonous bait环境毒饵


1.Bromadiolone Determination in Environmental Poisonous Bait by GC/MS气相色谱/质谱法测定环境毒饵中溴敌隆

2.Dynamic Behavior of the Predator-Prey Systems in Patchy Environment;一类斑块环境下的捕食—食饵系统的动力学行为

3.Stability of predator-prey system with Holling-Ⅱ in patch-environment斑块环境下具有Holling-Ⅱ的捕食-食饵系统的稳定性

4.Persistence of predator-prey system with constant coefficients in patchy environment斑块环境下的常系数捕食-食饵系统的持久性

5.If you poison the environment, the environment will poison you.如果你毒害了环境,环境也将毒害你。

6.Effects of Environmental Factors and Food on the Energy Budget and Larval Development of Meretrix Meretrix;环境因子和饵料对文蛤能量收支与幼虫生长发育的影响

7.Stability for the Predator-prey System in Patches Environment with Stage Structure斑块环境下具有阶段结构的捕食—食饵系统的稳定性

8.DETO (Dyes Environmental and Toxicological Organization)染料环境和毒物学组织

9.safe atmosphere无毒无爆炸危险的环境

10.Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)环境毒物学与化学学会

11.entry into the environment (of a toxic material)有毒物质的进入环境

12.Study on Methodology of Environmental Technology--Fighting Poison with Poison环境工艺方法论研究——以毒攻毒法

13.It then deploys “decoy” programs designed to attract the virus.然后,它释放“诱饵”去吸引病毒。

14.The Study of New Emulsifiable Concentrate and Poison Bait to Control Cockroaches;新型蟑螂防治乳油及诱杀毒饵的研制

15.Study and Application of Anti-rodent Bait Station Technology in Guizhou Province贵州省毒饵站灭鼠技术的研究与应用

16.Rats with Poison Experiment of Animal Farms by Use of Fixed Poisonous Bait Station动物饲养场使用固定毒饵站灭鼠试验

17.The Study of the Biological Toxicity of Polychlorinated Biphenyls;多氯联苯(PCBs)的环境生态毒性研究

18.Adsorptive Behavior of Viruses to Soils and Its Significance in the Environment;土壤中病毒的吸附行为及其环境效应


feeding animal饵料和环境生物

3)poison baits毒饵

1.[Methods] Poison baits were put in different sites of the sewers, the rate of bait expending a week later were observed.[目的 ]了解城市下水道使用鼠毒饵灭鼠的效果。

2.The results of selective and nonselective intake tests on farm rats and home rats with Bromchlophos 0 05 g/L of different baits showed that farm rats like to eatpoison baits made of rice and wheat,their average intake rate were 23.通过用质量浓度 0 0 5g/L溴敌隆不同毒饵饵料对农田鼠类和家栖鼠类无选择性和有选择性摄食试验表明 ,农田鼠类喜吃大米、小麦毒饵 ,综合平均取食率分别为 2 3 。

4)Poison bait毒饵

1.Analysis on the efficacy of killing rats with brodifacoum poison bait in field;溴鼠灵毒饵现场杀灭家鼠效果的评价

2.Efficacy of three kinds of poison baits against Blattella germanica in laboratory;3种灭蟑毒饵对德国小蠊的实验室效果观察

3.Efficacy of a new poison bait against Blattella germanica;一种速效灭蟑毒饵对德国小蠊毒效研究

5)gel bait毒饵

1.005% difethialonegel bait for 15 days.目的由基本原料开始合成噻鼠酮,制成毒饵,观察对大小白鼠的药效。


1.Study on Relativity BetweenBait and GelBait Palatability and their Efficacy on Blattella germanica;毒饵、胶饵对德国小蠊适口性与药效相关性的研究

2.Observation of Acceptance Efficacy of FiveBaits by Mice;五种毒饵适口性效果观察

3.Indoor test of several baits on Red imported fire ant;几种毒饵对红火蚁的室内诱杀药效试验


