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人文资源 human resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-08 06:18:35


人文资源 human resources英语短句 例句大全

人文资源,human resources

1)human resources人文资源

1.Legal Protection of the Human Resources of West China Area ——Represented by the Legal Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage;西部人文资源的法律保护——以非物质文化遗产法律保护为典型

2.It analyzes natural landscape andhuman resources of Lihu area of Jiangnan university,introduces its planning principle、design object and general conception,and indicates its successful design idea should combine with feature、terrain tract、context and modernization.分析了江南大学蠡湖校区的自然景观与人文资源,介绍了其规划原则、规划设计目标、总体构思,指明了该校区景观规划设计成功的理念是特色、地域性、文脉感及现代化的有机结合。


1.Value of Human Cultural Resources of Dong Xiang Xiao Jing Wen“Bai Ti”;东乡族小经文“拜提”的人文资源价值

2.Traveling Items Develop the traveling resources, build up the traveling scenes like zoology, sightsee and old culture sites.(七)游项目。开发旅游资源、设人文资源、态、光和古文化遗址等旅游景区。

3.Research on Humanity Resources in Nanyue, Hunan Prpvince;南岳自然保护区人文资源的调查研究

4.The humane tourism resources are a big class of the tourist resources.人文旅游资源是旅游资源的一大类。

5.Mazu culture is a particular humane tourism resource in Fujian Province.妈祖文化是福建重要的人文旅游资源。

6.Input HR relevant data, file documents.记录人力资源相关数据,档案文件.

7.Developing the Coal Resources with the Concepts of the Green,Sci-tech and Humanity;用“绿色·科技·人文”理念开发煤炭资源

8.Cultural Management-Highest Level of Human Resource Management;文化管理——人力资源管理的最高境界

9.Probe into the Relationship between the Human Resource Management and the Enterprise Culture;浅析人力资源管理与企业文化的关系

10.Culture Management:The New View on Modern Human Resource Management;文化管理:现代人力资源管理的新视角

11.About the Protection of Landscape and Anthropogical Characteristic Resources in Tourist Areas;试论旅游地景观人文特色资源的保护

12.Relation between Human Resources Management and Enterprise Culture;浅谈人力资源管理与企业文化的关系

13.A New Tool of Modern HR Management: Culture Audit;现代人力资源管理的新工具——文化审计

14.Contemporary Poetry: Humanity Resources and Localization Resources;当代诗歌:人文性资源与本土化策略

15.Linking Human Resource Strategy to Corporate Culture;人力资源战略与企业文化的关系研究

16.On the Features and Development ofHumane Travelling Resoures in Zhejiang;试论浙江人文旅游资源的特点与开发

17.A development of the cultural resources of “famous person′s former residence” in Hunan;湖南省“名人故居”文化资源的开发探讨

18.Study on Trans-Culture Human Resource Management in China-Foreign Joint Venture;中外合资企业跨文化人力资源管理研究


humanity resources人文资源

1.The new situation has made it a necessity to use the network to diffuse advanced culture,explore Chinese information resource and push on the plurality of internet to combine the protection or exploration ofhumanity resources with the network communication,which is one of the great means to inherit and carry forward outstanding traditional culture,and a strong measur.将人文资源保护、开发与网络传播相结合,是继承和弘扬优秀传统文化的重要手段之一,也是发展社会主义先进文化的有力措施。

3)humanistic resources人文资源

1.Ideas onhumanistic resources exploitation in western development——Taking Gansu Qinan as an example;西部开发中的人文资源开发构想——以甘肃秦安为例

2.There are the most important leadinghumanistic resources and leading social production in every stage of the development of human society.人类社会是自然界中最为复杂的系统 ,存在着缺一不可并相互关联或依存的三种人文资源和三种社会生产。

4)humane resource人文资源

1.As an important medium,library not only has abundanthumane resources,but also possess advantages to exploit it.人文资源是人类文明的结晶,图书馆作为人文资源的重要集散中介,不仅拥有丰厚的人文文献资源,而且拥有得天独厚的开发人文资源的优势。

2.There are gifted natural resourcesandhumane resources in ethnic minority areas, while some prominent problems also exist such as: environment pollution, improper development, backward traffic, poor condition to enter, lack of funds, backward ideas, talents being deficient and backward management.旅游业是新兴的经济行业,民族地区具有得天独厚的自然资源及人文资源,但是存在的问题诸如环境污染、开发不当,交通落后、可进入性差,资金缺乏、观念落后,人才匮乏、管理滞后也比较突出。

3.The paper explains the characteristic of nature geography,humane resource and original life of the Tong nationality from nature and humane scientific angles after surveying the good traditionalhumane resource based on the scientific development viewpoint to promote the stride development of regional economy by developing original ecological agricultural tourism.以科学发展观深入侗家考察、学习和亲身体验侗家的优良传统人文资源,有利于促进原生态农业旅游的发展,促进区域经济的跨越式发展。

5)cultural resources人文资源

1.On the River Systems is the first famous comprehensive work of geography of our country which gives an account of a vast amount of natural andcultural resources of ancient China.《水经注》是我国第一部以记载河道水系为纲的综合性地理名著,记载了中国古代大量的自然、人文资源。

2.From the point of view of re-cognition of natural andcultural resources, the author discusses the combined values of ecology-cultural resources.自然资源和人文资源在某些地区作为复合资源具有重要的复合价值。

6)resource of humanities social science人文社科资源


