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大型复杂机械系统 large-scale complicated mechanical systems英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-07 19:33:13


大型复杂机械系统 large-scale complicated mechanical systems英语短句 例句大全

大型复杂机械系统,large-scale complicated mechanical systems

1)large-scale complicated mechanical systems大型复杂机械系统


1.Study in the Phase Space Reconstruction of Large-scale Complicated Mechanical System大型复杂机械系统相空间的重构技术研究

2.The Study on the Method of Structural Optimization Design on the Complicated Component of the Large Mechanical System;大型机械系统复杂构件结构优化设计方法研究

3.The CAX/PLM Platform Theory and Application for Complicated Mechanical System;复杂机械系统CAX/PLM平台理论及其应用

4.Reliability Study and Application on Complicated Mechanical System;复杂机械系统可靠性理论研究与应用

5.Research and Realization of a Cooperative Development System for Complex Machine Design复杂机械协同设计系统的研究与实现

6.Analysis on Enterprise Information Engineering Problems for Large-sizedComplex Machinery Products;大型复杂机械产品企业信息化工程问题分析

7.Analysis and Application of Self-Similarity for Complex Mechanical Product Systems;复杂机械产品系统自相似性分析方法及其应用

8.Research on Complex Mechanical System s Symbol Identification and Spatial Layout;复杂机械系统的方案识别与空间布局研究

9.A Research of Diagnostic Technique Based on Noise Source in Complex System of Mechanical Vibration复杂机械振动系统噪声源诊断技术研究

10.Characteristics Analysis of the Complex Mechanical Mechanic System Using Topology Contravariant基于拓扑反变的复杂机械系统特征分析方法

11.Design of the Controller for Sample Machine of SPFCH Intelligent Robot;大型复杂曲面水火成型智能机器人产品化样机控制系统的设计

puter Simulation of Complex System--The modelling methodology for exploring of complexity;复杂系统的计算机模拟——探索复杂性的模型方法

13.Mechanical Design and Research on Algorithm for Operation of Large EOD Robot Manipulator;大型排爆机械手机械系统设计与操作算法研究

14.Hybrid model-predictive-control for mechanical system with backlash含间隙机械系统的混杂模型预测控制器

prehensive and Dynamic Analysis and Model Set of Large Complex System;复杂大系统综合动态分析与模型体系

16.Research on Large Scale Complex Multiple Components P2P Network Systems;大型复杂组合式P2P网络系统的研究

17.Large-scale Complex System Fault Isolation Intelligent Optimal Strategy大型复杂系统故障隔离智能优化策略

18.Remote Measurement and Control System for Large Sized Machinery Based on GPRS;基于GPRS的大型机械远程测控系统


complex mechanical system复杂机械系统

1.Theoretical research on the optimization method ofcomplex mechanical system based on characteristic variables;基于特征变量的复杂机械系统优化方法的最优性条件

2.In view of the shortcomings of the dynamics simulation software forcomplex mechanical system in terms of low efficiency,incapability of reuse and high threshold for fresh users,comprehensive investigation on subsystem modeling technology ofcomplex mechanical system was performed.针对目前复杂机械系统动力学仿真软件建模效率偏低、模型无法重用、用户起点高等缺点,对复杂机械系统动力学仿真中的子系统建模技术进行了研究。

3.Seeing that the running states and feature parameters ofcomplex mechanical systems always are of stronger non-linearity and coupling properties, the feature extraction of the non-linear state parameters is realized by a quantitative evaluation method based on information entropy.复杂机械系统运行状态和特征参量往往具有较强的非线性和耦合性,运用信息熵定量评价方法实现系统状态参量的非线性特征提取。

3)complex mechanical systems复杂机械系统

1.Dynamic Modeling of Complex Mechanical Systems and Its Application in Vehicle Design;复杂机械系统动力学建模研究及在汽车上的应用

2.The paper summarizes the features,present situations and applications of optimal design theory forcomplex mechanical systems.总结了复杂机械系统优化设计的特点。

4)Complicated mechanical system复杂机械系统

1.The study of practical fault diagnosis principle on complicated mechanical system;复杂机械系统实用故障诊断原则的研究

2.The CAX/PLM Platform Theory and Application for Complicated Mechanical System;复杂机械系统CAX/PLM平台理论及其应用

3.Based on the object-oriented technology, the model elements of a complicated mechanical system were analyzed according to their characteristics, and their class architecture in dynamic modelling platform to support dynamics simulation was presented.采用面向对象技术对复杂机械系统动力模型元素进行了分析,根据其特点提出了支持动力学仿真建模平台的模型元素类体系结构,并对该平台关键技术——关联关系管理和子系统建模进行了探讨,最后应用上述技术开发出了仿真建模平台InteDyn,并以汽车整车模型和悬架模型为例证明了这些技术的可行性和有效性。

5)large complex system大型复杂系统

1.According to the characteristic of thelarge complex system,we built a fault diagnosis model in fault space to describe the relationship between fault sources and test set.针对大型复杂系统的特点,在故障空间建立故障源—测试依赖关系模型。

2.Based on reliability diagram modeling and calculation of minimal path sets, Monte Carlo sampling simulation method of MTTF is obtained forlarge complex system.随着现代武器系统和工程系统的大型化与复杂化趋势,大型复杂系统可靠性评定是急待解决的问题,工程中常用可靠性指标有可靠度和平均寿命,平均寿命指标由于直观、物理概念清晰,使用更加方便。

3.Furthermore system reliability evaluation method is proposed forlarge complex system.随着现代武器系统和工程系统的大型化与复杂化趋势,大型复杂系统可靠性评定是急待解决的问题,基于Bayes方法,采用最小路集不交化方法,计算系统可靠度表达式,提出了大型复杂系统可靠度评定的方法,所提出的方法可方便的应用于大型复杂系统可靠度评定。

6)Sophisticated mechanical repairable system复杂机械可修系统


