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轨道分类 classification of orbits英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-08 07:00:31


轨道分类 classification of orbits英语短句 例句大全

轨道分类,classification of orbits

1)classification of orbits轨道分类

2)trajectory classification轨迹分类


1.Trajectory lcassification based on Hausdorff distance for visual surveillance system基于Hausdorff距离的视觉监控轨迹分类算法

2.Unique Wiper Lasting Track: Optimized track for all shoes through computer analysis.独创多用途扫刀轨迹---电脑分析最佳轨迹,各类鞋子之结帮均匀平顺。

3.Classification and Economic Development Track of Coal Mining Cities in China;中国煤炭城市分类及其经济运行轨迹分析

4.An Analysis of the Story Genre as Seen in Mother Ghost Nurturing a Child and Its Gradual Evolving Course;“鬼母育儿”型故事的类型分析及其流变轨迹

5.Analysis of tool path for NC machining of the non-monotone shaft parts非单调轴类零件数控加工刀具轨迹分析

6.Study of Condyle Movement Trace in Angle Ⅱ~2 Malocclusion;安氏Ⅱ类二分类错(牙合)髁突运动轨迹特征的研究

7.Urbanization in World Main Countries after 1950: Character Styles and Classes;1950年后世界主要国家城镇化发展——轨迹分析与类型分组

8.The amount of track points, including the double cusp points, which could be mostly realized by this kind of synthetic problems, was analyzed.分析了包括双尖点在内,该类综合问题最多能实现的轨迹点数目。

9.The Source-Structure of FDI Inflow to Mainland China andIts Evolution: an Approach of Cluster Analysis;中国大陆外商直接投资来源结构与演化轨迹的聚类分析

10.A class of stability theory based on trajectories and its applications to power systems一类基于轨迹的稳定性及其在电力系统的验证分析

11.Study of Condylar Movement Trace in Angle Class Two Division One Subdivision Malocclusion with Mandibular Retrusion;下颌后缩型安氏Ⅱ类1分类错(牙合)功能矫治前后髁突运动轨迹的研究

12.Study of Condyle Movement Traceings in Angle Ⅱ~2 Malocclusion Pretreatment and Post-Treatment安氏Ⅱ类2分类错(牙合)畸形正畸治疗前后髁突运动轨迹特征的对比研究

13.Research on the Power System Dynamics Based on the Trajectory and Trajectory Sensitivity;基于量测轨迹及轨迹灵敏度的电力系统动态分析

14.Study on Percoll gradient centrifugation and motive tracks of spermPercoll梯度离心与精子运动轨迹图像分析

15.such as a sand grain in the rock,诸如岩石中一个沙粒分子的运动轨迹,

16.The Brownian movement of pollens also shows the fractal characteristics.花粉的布朗运动轨迹也具有分形特征。

17.Research on Subdivision Polishing and Trajectory Planning of Free-Form Surfaces;自由曲面分片研抛与轨迹规划的研究

18.Research on the Technology of AIS Information Merging and the Track Analysis;AIS信息融合和轨迹分析技术的研究


trajectory classification轨迹分类

3)Molecular orbitals分子轨道

1.The molecule is represented by its highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals, and the analysis involves the simultaneous consideration of three coupled fluxes: the electronic current through the molecule, energy flow between the molecule and electron-hole excitations in the leads and the incident and/or emitted photon flux.分子被表示成最高占有分子轨道(HOMO)和最低未占有分子轨道(LUMO),而且同时考虑三种耦合通量:第一,通过分子的电子流通量;第二,元件中分子和电子-空穴激发间的能流通量;第三,入射或者发射的光子通量。

4)Molecular orbital分子轨道

1.By analysis of the frontier molecular orbitals,the main transition is from the π bonding orbitals to the π~* antibonding orbitals,the zinc is very minor to the transition contribution.计算得到的吸收光谱值和实验值吻合,通过前线分子轨道分析表明,主要跃迁是卟啉配体的π到π*跃迁,Zn原子对跃迁的贡献很小,这和8-羟基喹啉铝中Al原子起到的作用相似。

2.The quantum chemical parameters and also the structures of the highest occupied molecular orbitals have been analyzed in detail.根据计算的相关数据和分子轨道特征分析了铁卟啉活性中心的性质并讨论了其催化活化分子O2的机理。

3.Mulliken atomic charges and Mulliken atomic spin densities in the molecules have been analyzed combining with the structures of 6 highest occupied molecular orbitals.对它们的分子轨道结构也做了详细的讨论,根据计算的相关数据和分子轨道特征分析了铁卟啉活性中心的性质并讨论了其催化活化分子O2的机理,为氯化铁卟啉活化氧催化相关有机分子氧化反应机理研究提供了理论基础。

5)orbit composition轨道成分


1.Visualization Program of AO andMO——Orbital Viewer;原子及分子轨道演示软件——Orbital Viewer


分子轨道分子式:CAS号:性质:描述分子中单个电子运动状态的波函数φi(r)。波函数的具体形式由求解单个电子在分子的核骨架及其电子的作用势场中的薛定谔方程得到。有多种类型的分子轨道。根据能量高低分类,有成键、反键和非键分子轨道。比原子轨道能量低的分子轨道称为成键(分子)轨道(bending molecular orbital);比原子轨道能量高的分子轨道称为反键(分子)轨道(antibonding molecular orbital);与原子轨道能量相同的分子轨道称为非键(分子)轨道(nonbonding molecular orbital)。电子进入成键分子轨道使整个体系能量降低,从而形成了化学键;进入反键分子轨道的电子造成体系能量升高,使分子趋于不稳定甚至分解;占据非键分子轨道的电子对化学键的形成没有影响。按成键的作用范围可分为离域和定域分子轨道,遍及整个分子的单电子运动状态的波函数称为离域(分子)轨道(delocalized molecular orbital);将离域分子轨道重新线性组合构成的只与相邻两个原子相关的波函数称为定域(分子)轨道(localized molecular orbital)。离域轨道真实地反映了单个电子的运动状态,定域轨道则只突出了多个电子在一定区域内的平均表现。
