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高危工艺 high-risk process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-03 00:07:33


高危工艺 high-risk process英语短句 例句大全

高危工艺,high-risk process

1)high-risk process高危工艺

1.According to the features of explosive accident ofhigh-risk process,such as rapid reaction rate,strong energy release,severe damages to the accident evidence,three kinds of simulation and verification methods,including Mathematical models method,experimental method and calorimeter simulation method,which are suitable for the explosive accident inhigh-risk process,are summarized.根据高危工艺热爆炸事故反应速度快、爆炸威力强、物证破坏严重的特点,提出3类适合该类事故分析鉴定的模拟验证法:数学模型验证法、实测模拟验证法及热分析仪器实验验证法。


1.Study on the Danger of High-risk Process from Perspective of CSTR Thermal Stability从全混流反应器热稳定性的角度探讨高危工艺的危险性

2.Study on the Simulation and Verification Methods for the Identification of Heat Explosive Accidents in High Risk Processes高危工艺热爆炸事故鉴定中的模拟验证方法研究

3.Process Hazards Analysis--Core Part of Process Safety Management工艺安全管理系统的核心要素——工艺危害分析

4.Single-wafer processes use higher pressures than the batch processes.单片工艺比多片工艺要用较高的压力。

5.Normal TMCP and HTP Technologies for High Grade Pipeline Steels高钢级管线钢的常规TMCP工艺与HTP工艺

6.Brief analysis on hazards of the producing glycol and somerelevant fire-control strategies;乙二醇生产火灾危险性及工艺防火对策

7.Study on Explosion Risk of Combustible Gas Mixtures in Air Drilling空气钻井工艺可燃介质燃爆危险性的研究

8.A Study on Zero Discharge Process of Wastewater from Hazardous Waste Incineration System危险废物焚烧系统废水“零排放”工艺研究

9.The Research on the Risk of Chloride Process and the Safety Management of Chloride Production浅谈氯化工艺的危险与氯化生产的安全管理

10.Study on Safety Interlocking System of Hazard Process Equipment基于危险工艺装置设置安全联锁系统的研究

11.Fire and explosion hazard analysis of the urea synthesis production process尿素合成生产工艺过程火灾爆炸危险性分析

12.a caBinet maker must Be a master craftsman.家具木工必须是技艺高超的手艺人。

13.a creator of great skill in the manual arts.在手工艺术方面有很高技艺的创作者。

14.The Environmental Hazard and Control of the High Pressure Jet Grouting Spin- pile高压旋喷桩施工中的环境危害与控制

15.The Ideological Crisis of Contemporary College Students and Educational Work of Virtue in Universities;当代大学生思想危机与高校德育工作

16.Reationship between high risk sexual behavior and alcohol dependence in coal miners煤矿职工酒精依赖与高危性行为关系

17.MLES Risk Assessment of the Hazard Resulting from the Construction of Mountainous山区高速公路施工危险源的MLES评价法

18.Investigation and Analysis of Influential Factors Related to High Risk Induced Abortion高危人工流产相关影响因素调查分析


highly hazardous process高危险性工艺

3)hazard process equipment危险工艺装置

1.The setting of safety interlocking system (SIS) according tohazard process equipment is analyzed and studied.针对危险工艺装置设置安全联锁系统(SIS)问题进行分析和研究,提出在装置建设和改造中,应合理设置独立的SIS,并根据生产装置的安全度等级选择合适的联锁回路,并具有一定的冗余能力,以避免由于硬件随机失效或系统故障时造成联锁功能无法执行;指出SIS在设计时应遵循独立原则、故障安全型原则、共享原则、可靠性原则等。

4)process hazard analysis工艺危害分析

5)high temperature technology高温工艺

1.The effects of live yeast cell derivative (LYCD) by Moutaihigh temperature technology were discussed in this paper.结果表明,传统的茅台酒高温工艺能有效刺激酿酒酵母MT281LYCD产生的生物活性;应激发生在50℃和45min时,制备的LYCD活性最强。

6)ultrahigh technological超高工艺


高危1.位高势危。旧多指君王位高骄妄以致危亡。语出《孝经.诸侯》:"在上不骄,高而不危。" 2.指尊高的帝位。 3.高而险的地方。
