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对立关系 opposite relations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-24 17:05:13


对立关系 opposite relations英语短句 例句大全

对立关系,opposite relations

1)opposite relations对立关系

1.The paper puts forward the concept of multilateral system firstly,whose key point is that the relation-ship in system does not meet the transfer law,discusses the multilateral system which hasopposite relations and shows plenty of examples.首次提出多边系统概念,其核心要点是系统中存在的关系不满足传递律,并讨论了一种具有对立关系的多边系统。


1.Dissemination of Binary Oppositions in WANG Xiao Bo s Fictions;王小波作品中的二元对立关系的分解

2.the relation that exists when opposites cannot coexist.对立面不能共存的关系。

3.the relation between anxiety and the development of human life is one of unity of opposites;焦虑与人生发展是对立统一的关系;

4.A new class hostility was introduced into rural relationships.农村关系中产生了新的阶级对立。

5.the relation between opposed entities.两个对立实体之间的关系。

6.Establishing business relations between us will be to our mutual benefit.我们之间建立贸易关系将对双方有利。

7.The Relations between Law of the Unity of Opposites and Law of the Coordination of the Differences;论对立统一规律与差异协同律的关系

8.Estrangement, Confrontation and Compromise;疏远、对立与妥协——1895至19的美日关系

9.About the Economic Market and Morality;试论市场经济与道德对立统一的关系

10.The Essential Contradiction and the Functional Complementarity Between Religion and Science;宗教与科学的本质对立及其功能关系

11.A Few Pairs of “Dual Opposites” in the Study of Literary History;论文学史研究中的几组“二元对立”关系

12.Legislation value of social security refers to the mutual relation between the need of the legislative body and the object.立法价值,是指立法主体的需要与立法对象之间的相互关系。

13.By Customs and Management Relative Person Equality "Contract Type" Relational Establishment论海关与管理相对人平等“契约式”关系的建立

14.The distribution coefficient equation is still valid for any value of n.对任一级n,分配系数关系式仍然是成立的。

15.There is a close relationship between building a reputation and establishing what we call goodwill. Am I right?建立信誉和创企业商誉有密切的关系,对不对?

16.About the Relationship between Mankind and Natural Destruction and Protection of the Relation of Unity and Opposites;论人类对自然的“破坏”和保护的对立统一关系

17.The relationship between them is one of the unity and struggle of opposites.它们之间的关系都是对立的统一,对立的斗争。 有比较才能鉴别。

18.Going back to Life and Building of the Dialogue Relations between Teachers and Students--Research on the Relations between Teachers and Students in the New Curriculum of Moral Education;回归生活与师生对话关系的建立——品德课新课程中的师生关系研究


opposed relation关系对立

3)dichotomous-and-corresponding relationship对立对应关系

4)opposite relation between man and woman男女对立关系

5)semantic opposition语义对立关系

6)opposition of propositions命题的对立关系


对立①两种事物或一种事物中的两个方面之间的相互排斥、相互矛盾、相互斗争:~面ㄧ~物ㄧ~的统一 ㄧ不能把工作和学习~起来看。②互相抵触;敌对:~情绪。
