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国有企业 state-owned enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-20 12:25:19


国有企业 state-owned enterprise英语短句 例句大全

国有企业,state-owned enterprise

1)state-owned enterprise国有企业

1.The step-by-step enhance of thestate-owned enterprise management model;国有企业管理模式的阶段性提升——岳阳纸业集团实施管理创新促进企业发展

2.Review and consideration of deepeningstate-owned enterprise reform;国有企业改革的回顾与思考

3.Reform and development idea and measures ofstate-owned enterprises in water resources sector in China;中央水利国有企业改革发展思路措施研究


1.State-owned firm国有公司,国有企业

2.State-Owned and State-Invested Enterprises国有企业和国家投资企业

3.6. State-Owned and State-Invested Enterprises 86.国有企业和国家投资企业

4.Apocalypse Which the Experience of State-Owned Enterprises in Western Europe Gives the Reform of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises;西欧国有企业经验对我国国有企业改革的启示

5.The Particularity of State-owned Enterprise and the Strategic Distribution of Chinese State-owned Enterprise;国有企业的特殊性与我国国有企业的布局定位

6.The Study of the Financia Risk on Private Enterprise Reorganization of State-owned Enterprise;民营企业重组国有企业财务风险研究

7.Research on the Building of the Ranks of State-Owned Entrepreneurs in Shaanxi Province;陕西省国有企业企业家队伍建设研究

8.On Selecting of the Concept of the Subject of Enterprise Law of the State-owned Enterprise;论国有企业的企业法主体概念之选择

9.Application of Enterprise Financial General Standards in Non-state-owned Enterprises;《企业财务通则》在非国有企业中的应用

10.Division of Labor Angle of View:Enterprise Surplus Power and State-owned Enterprise Efficiency;分工视角:企业剩余权与国有企业效率

11.Thinking of Modes for Selecting Enterprises for State-owned Enterprises;国有企业“企业家”选拔方式的思考

12.On the Focal Points of the State Enterprises Establishing Modern Enterprise System;论国有企业建立现代企业制度的重点

13.Study of Setting up Mechanism of Electing Enterprenears for State-owned Businesses;建立国有企业企业家选聘机制的探讨

14.transforming state-owned enterprises"management mechanisms转换国有企业管理机制

15.Step up efforts to reform State-owned enterprises加大国有企业改革力度

16.Enlarge(or increase)the decision-making power of state-owned enterprises; expand(or extend)the power of state-run enterprises in management; give the state-owned enterprises a Bigger say in management扩大国有企业自主权

17.Transform the enterprises" management mechanisms of State-owned enterprises转换国有企业经营机制

18.State-owned enterprises are getting out of difficulty.国有企业开始走上坡路。


State-owned Enterprises国有企业

1.To Promote the Reform of theState-owned Enterprises by Carrying out Dynamic Distribution System——On the Practice of the Distribution System in Guangxi Branch of SINOPEC;实施动态分配制度推进国有企业改革——中国石化广西石油分公司分配改革实践与思考

2.The analysis of motivity and resistance in the process of foreign capitals merging and acquiring state-owned enterprises;外资并购国有企业过程中的动阻力分析

3.Thoughts of accountant accreditation system of state-owned enterprises;对现阶段国有企业实行会计委派制的思考

3)state owned enterprise国有企业

1.Considerations on containing the corrupt phenomena instate owned enterprises;遏制国有企业腐败现象的思考

2.Studing on Some Legal Problems of Foreign Investors M&A of State Owned Enterprise;外资并购国有企业的若干法律问题研究

3.Starting from the strategic objective to improve China sstate owned enterprise s kernel competitive power and international competitive capability,by the cut in point of human capital management ofstate owned enterprise,and in view of existed problems in human capital management,this paper raises the clues and countermeasures to reform human capital management ofstate owned enterprise.从提高我国国有企业核心竞争力和国际竞争力的战略目标出发 ,以国企人力资本经营为切入点 ,针对人力资本经营方面存在的问题 ,提出国有企业人力资本经营的思路及对

4)state enterprise国有企业

1.Discussion on incentive and restrictive mechanism for operator ofstate enterprise;浅谈国有企业经营者激励和约束机制

2.Existing problems and countermeasures of human resources management instate enterprise;国有企业人力资源管理存在的问题和对策

3.A annual salary mode analyse of proprietor instate enterprise;国有企业经营者年薪制报酬模式分析


1.The Thinking on Accreditation System of CFO inSOEs;对国有企业财务总监委派制的思考

2.On How to Establish a Total Social Responsiblity System inSOEs;国有企业如何建立全面社会责任管理体系

3.On the Construction of Incorruptible Culture inSOEs;对国有企业廉洁文化建设的几点思考

6)stateowned enterprise国有企业

1.The incentive of moral education in Chinesestateowned enterprises has been limited for a long time in forms of material,morality and emotion,as to result in limited and unsatisfactory effects.长期以来,我国国有企业的德育激励囿于物质激励、精神激励和情感激励等形式,其模式的单一化使员工得不到有效激励,影响了企业德育教育的效用。


