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国际科技合作与交流 international sci-tech cooperation and communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-08 10:59:58


国际科技合作与交流 international sci-tech cooperation and communication英语短句 例句大全

国际科技合作与交流,international sci-tech cooperation and communication

1)international sci-tech cooperation and communication国际科技合作与交流


1.A Survey and Analysis of English Application Ability of International Sci-Tech Cooperation and Communication Personnel in Zigong自贡市国际科技合作与交流人才英语应用能力的调查分析

2.In international scientific and technological cooperation and exchange, China has consistently followed the principle of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.中国在国际科技合作与交流中,一贯奉行的是相互尊重、平等互利的原则。

3.and conducting foreign exchanges and international cooperation in the field of defense-related science, technology and industry.负责国防科技工业的对外交流与国际合作。

4.Strengthen international sci-tech communication and cooperation,promote Northeast Asia area economy;东北亚地区国际科技交流与合作现状分析

5.Review on NSFC International Cooperation and Exchange;科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流回顾

6.Bottleneck Problems for Establishment of CATAS International Technological Exchange and Cooperation Base for Tropical Agriculture and Their Solutions建设热带农业国际科技交流与合作基地的瓶颈问题与对策

7.International economic cooperation and technological exchange国际经济合作与技术交流

8.International Environmental Cooperation and Exchanges国际环境合作与交流

9.Expanding International Exchanges and Cooperation扩大国际交流与合作

10.New Progress in NSFC’s International Cooperation and Exchange in ;科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流工作综述

11.Functions of international communication and cooperation in Hospital discipline construction国际交流与合作在医院学科建设中的重要作用

12."The scientific and technological exchanges, economic cooperation and trade between states have become an important component of international relations."世界各国之间的科技交流与经贸合作已成为国际关系中的重要组成部分。

13.Thinking on the cooperation and exchange betweenFujian and Taiwan after entry into WTO;我国加入WTO后闽台农业科技合作与交流的思考

14.On the Intentions from Strategic Alliance Theory to International Cooperation and Exchange of the National Natural Science Foundation of China;战略联盟理论对科学基金国际合作与交流的启示

15.and vigorously promote the scientific and technological cooperation and exchange between eastern and western regions.大力促进东西部的科技合作与交流。

16.Expedite Exterior Science and Technology Cooperation & Intercommunion of Sazhou City;加快达州对外科技合作与交流的思考

17.The new trend of science-technology cooperation and the science-technology development of China;国际科技合作新趋势与中国的科技发展

18.Review of China"s International Scientific and Technological Cooperation中国国际科技合作回顾


international technological exchange and cooperation国际科技交流与合作

3)international exchanges and cooperation国际交流与合作

1.Universities promoted from colleges should make the very opportunity to accelerate the development in introducing foreign talents,advancinginternational exchanges and cooperation,training a good foreign affairs cadre team etc.专科学校提升为本科层次,外事工作也要抓住机遇,在引进国外智力资源、推进国际交流与合作、建设外事干部队伍等方面加快发展,使外事真正为教学和科研服务,为提高学校的整体办学水平作出贡献,最终达到"外事服务于内事"的目的。

2.Only by relying on the localness,can these local universities expandinternational exchanges and cooperation and upgrade their internationalization.通过对近年来广西民族大学国际化历程的回顾与反思,认为地方高校国际化应是“文化自觉”引导下的国际化,应更新理念,开门办学,突出特色,真正走“地方”路径,才能拓展国际交流与合作,从而有效提升自身的国际化水平。

3.In the trend of internationalization of higher education,international exchanges and cooperation are necessary for the Chinese research university to enter list of world top universities.在高等教育国际化趋势下,国际交流与合作是我国研究型大学跻身世界一流大学之列的必由之路。

4)international exchange and cooperation国际交流与合作

1.Research oninternational exchange and cooperation of post-graduate education;研究生教育中的国际交流与合作研究

2.Reflections oninternational exchange and cooperation in higher education;关于高等教育国际交流与合作的思考

3.The new situation of the secrecy work ininternational exchange and cooperation of Universities are analyzed,the link including the hidden danger and channel of stealing a secret are introduced.分析高等学校国际交流与合作中保密工作面临的新形势,详细阐述国际交流与合作中泄密隐患的环节和泄密渠道,指出消除各种泄密隐患的方法,提出高等学校国际交流与合作中做好保密工作的对策。

5)International cooperation and exchange国际合作与交流

1.International cooperation and exchange of the national natural science foundation of China was studied by using strategic alliance theory.本文借助战略联盟理论对科学基金国际合作与交流进行了研究 ,获得了一些重要的启示 :( 1)客观评价国际合作与交流项目的成效 ;( 2 )选择合适的合作伙伴 ;( 3 )自身要具备相当的科研实力 ;( 4 )面对面交流是合作成功的关键 ;( 5 )对知识转移障碍的研究有利于促进国际合作与交流 ;( 6)增进相互信任 ,提高合作效率。

6)international communication and cooperation国际交流与合作

1.In the latest 30 years after China s Reform and Open Policy,theinternational communication and cooperation in the field of vocational education in China has got remarkable achievements.改革开放30年来,我国职业教育国际交流与合作不断向纵深发展,取得了令人瞩目的成果。


