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高效行政 highly effective administration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-27 11:09:07


高效行政 highly effective administration英语短句 例句大全

高效行政,highly effective administration

1)highly effective administration高效行政

1.To analyse in the perspective of View of Productivity,on one hand,network technology has positive influence onhighly effective administration;on the other hand,network technology exerts negative influence onhighly effective administration.以生产力为视角进行分析,一方面,网络技术对高效行政产生积极作用;另一方面,网络技术对高效行政产生消极作用。


1.Discussion on Promoting Efficiency of Government through Management by Objectives以目标管理促进政府高效行政的探讨

2.Standardizing the Behavior of the Administrative Execution Subject and Improving Administrative Execution Efficiency;规范行政执行主体 提高行政执行效能

3.Permission and Improving Administrative Organ Efficiency;规范行政许可行为 提高机关行政效能

4.Enhances one of administrative efficiency ways:Legally administration;提高行政效率的途径之一——依法行政

5.Increasing the Administrative Running Efficiency through Strengthening the Construction of the Electronic Government;加强电子政务建设 提高行政运行效率

6.Improve the efficiency of government administration placed the emphasis on strengthening the administrative execution of the construction提高政府行政效率重在加强政府行政执行力的建设

7.Influential Factors and Improvement Approaches of Executive Efficiency in Higher School;影响高校行政效率的因素及提高途径

8.To raise the EEA, we must administrate according to laws and other principles.提高教育行政效率必须遵循依法行政等原则。

9.The Research on Enhancing Unification of Government by Law and Administrative Efficacy;提高依法行政和行政效能统一性问题研究

10.Primary Discussion on Executive Ability Construction and Enhancing Administrative Efficiency;试论执行力文化的构建与政府行政效率的提高

11.Logic of enhancing administrative efficiencyfrom the national administrative reform perspective;从我国行政改革看提高行政效率的逻辑

12.Keeping It as The Center To raise Administrative Efficiency and Deepening Administrative Reformation;以提高行政管理效率为中心深化行政改革

13."The government should be strict with itself in carrying out its official duties in accordance with the law and try to be honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient"全面推进依法行政,从严治政,建设廉政、勤政、务实、高效政府

14.Administrative regulations has higher legal authority than local decrees and administrative or local rules.行政法规的效力高于地方性法规、规章。

15.Tentative Suggestions on the Construction of Highly Effective Administrative System in the Universities of New Era;刍议新时期高校行政管理的效能构建

16.Advance Psychology Adjusting Ability,Improve Administrative Efficiency;提升心理调试能力 提高行政效率

17.Administrative Personnel s Performance Appraisal in Higher Vocational Colleges;略谈高职院校行政管理人员绩效考核

18.System Supervision: The Key of Improving Policy Enforcement Efficiency;制度监督:提高政策执行效率的关键


administrative power effectiveness行政权力高效化

1.So the realization of theadministrative power effectiveness becomes the important basis of the national political modernization.因此 ,实现行政权力高效化 ,是今后政治体制改革和行政体制改革的热点和难点之一。

3)Dicussion on the improvment of administration efficiency论行政效率的提高

4)administrative efficiency行政效能

1.Innovation of Administrative Efficiency Supervision under Information Technical Environment;信息化环境下的行政效能监察创新

2.ISO9000, the international quality & Management standard has been widely applied to enterprise management, and has been adopted by administrative department in order to improveadministrative efficiency.本文着重阐述了将ISO9000标准应用于高校行政管理中以进一步提高行政效能的意义、做法及应注意的问题等。

5)administrative efficiency行政效率

1.The Management of Benchmarking:the Process of Improving Administrative Efficiency;标杆管理:提高行政效率的过程

2.Dialectic Thought on the Relationship between Administration Law and Administrative Efficiency;行政法与行政效率关系的辩证思考

3.The National Government Commission of Administrative Efficiency and the Movement of Administrative Efficiency;行政效率研究会与抗战前的行政效率运动

6)administration efficiency行政效率

1.Scholars and officials have been searching for ways to improveadministration efficiency.行政效率是行政管理中的核心问题 ,由社会效益、经济效益以及时间效益三个部分组成。

2.In the process of legalization of administration in our country, there has appeared brain drain in some departments, which has directly blocked the improvement ofadministration efficiency.在我国行政管理法制化过程中 ,一些单位出现了人才外流的现象 ,这直接影响到行政效率的提高。


