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道德教育理念 the concept of moral education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-19 09:33:14


道德教育理念 the concept of moral education英语短句 例句大全

道德教育理念,the concept of moral education

1)the concept of moral education道德教育理念

1.Now,the concept of moral education must face some difficulties:the traditional moral education system,which treats the Confucianism charity idea as the center,is facing unprecedented challenges;the imbalance of moral obligations and rights has some adverse impact on the formation of sound quality of civic virtue;the lack of humanity and educators are two-sided on their words and中国是一个有着丰厚文化底蕴的国家,古往今来不少先哲、名士都对人生这一问题表达了自己的看法,老子的人生哲学是其中最系统、最深刻的体系之一,不仅在古代发挥着深入、持久的社会效应,而且已经渗透在中华民族的思想意识和传统德育体系中,与当今的道德教育理念有着千丝万缕的联系。


1.The Philosophy of College Students Moral Education:Dissection and Promotion;廓清与提升大学生公民道德教育理念

2.A comparative study of the Yangming school of moral education in China and Japan;中日阳明学派道德教育理念比较研究

3.On the Characteristic,Action and Effect of Moral Education Idea of Nationalism in Japan;日本国家主义道德教育理念的特征、作用及影响

4.Lao Tzu"s Philosophy of Life on the Innovative Enlightenment of Moral Education Concept老子的人生哲学对革新道德教育理念的启示

5.Collectivism and Individualism: Comparison and Enlightenment of Chinese Western Conception of Moral Education;整体主义与个人主义:中西道德教育理念的比较及启示

6.Innovation in Education Absolute IdeaTeacher s Basic Professional Morality;教育理念创新:教师基本的职业道德

7."Human-Oriented" Thought and Moral Education in Universities;“以人为本”理念与大学生思想道德教育

8.Reflections on Theory and Practice of Environmental Moral Education;关于环境道德教育的理念与实践思考

9.The Education of Ideals,Faith and Morals of the Higher Learning from the Point of "Governing the Country through Morals.;从“以德治国”高度论高校的理想信念和道德教育

10.To Develop Virtues in Constructing Moral Relationship--An Analysis on Nell Noddings Moral Education;在道德关系建构中生成德性——析诺丁斯道德教育的新理念

11.Under the influence of Confucianism, Korea thinks highly of moral education.韩国是一个以儒家伦理为主要道德理念的国家,历来重视道德教育。

12.Research on the Undergraduates Moral Cultivation Based on the Theory of Education for Sustainable Development;从可持续发展教育理念看大学生思想道德培养

13.The Ideological and Moral Education among Minors in Anhui: Concept and Strategy;安徽未成年人思想道德教育的理念与策略

14.Human-Centered Moral Education:the Leading Idea for Chinese Moral Education in the New Century;以人为本:21世纪中国道德教育的主导理念

15.Moral Idea and Moral Behaviour;道德理念和道德行为——民族地区高校思想政治教育的发展思路

16.Moral Education in Ethics:Ethical Regression in School Moralism;道德的道德教育:学校德育的伦理回归

17.We need to do a good job cultivating ideals and ethics, particularly among young people.抓好理想信念教育,特别是青少年的思想道德教育。

18.Psychology is not ethics: a defense of ethical theory;心理教育≠道德教育:一种德育学辩护


renewing morality education conception更新道德教育理念

3)faith and morals信念和道德教育

4)moral education idea德育理念

1.It discusses the trend of humanistic ,positivism, active, integrating, voluntary moral education ,and also put forward some new ways of moral education of university in accord with the creation ofmoral education idea, for example, the ways of active moral education, of moral case teaching, moral counsel and test, and so on.本文指出了高校德育在主体、内容、目标、方法及研究上的困境 ,探讨了大学德育理念创新中的人性化、实证化、动态化、整合化、自主化走向 ,并提出了与德育理念更新相适应的大学德育新方法 ,如活动道德教育法、道德案例教学法、道德咨询测验法等。

2.Themoral education idea is the guiding ideology of moral education.德育理念是德育的根本指导思想 ,提升德育理念是德育深层次改革的需要 ,是德育改革的最高境界。

3.Collegemoral education idea contains the fundamental objective orientation and the value concerns,as well as the soul,of the moral education in colleges and universities.高校德育理念蕴涵着高校德育的根本性目的取向、价值关切,是高校德育的灵魂。

5)moral idea德育理念

1.New century, higher education must change educational thought, establish new education view, moral view and talent view,especially need to establish themoral idea of People-centre, raise students mor als judgement, choose strength and creativity in order to face and create life.新世纪,高等教育必须转变教育思想,树立新的教育观、德育观和人才观,尤其需要树立以人为本的德育理念,提高学生的道德判断力、选择力和创造力,教育学生学会面对人生,创造生活。

2.To strengthen and improve the moral education in universities and colleges must establish themoral idea of taking people as the center.加强和改进高校德育,必须树立以人为本的德育理念。

6)ideas of Moral Education德育理念

1.To change theideas of Moral Education must take its adaptability into consideration as well as its significance of a given state, nation and culture in Moral Education in the context of globalization.德育与文化的内在关系要求我们应该从文化的视野中去探寻德育理念的变革。


善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of goods卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。
