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镀锌 zinc plating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-25 19:49:50


镀锌 zinc plating英语短句 例句大全

镀锌,zinc plating

1)zinc plating镀锌

1.Some technical innovations inspired from practice Part III——Chloridezinc plating and passivation ofzinc plating;实践逼出来的点滴创新 第三部分——氯化物镀锌及镀锌钝化

2.Determination of component concentration in chromating bath ofzinc plating by ridge regression spectrophotometry;岭回归法测定镀锌钝化液的组分浓度


1.Aplataer process热镀锌法 -铅锌法热镀锌

2.Electro galvanized Steel Sheet电镀锌(电解)钢片

3.the galvanized iron镀锌铁皮, 白铁皮

4.FEM Simulation of Strip Edge Over Coating During Hot-Dip Galvanizing热镀锌过程边部过镀锌的有限元仿真

5.The cold rolled coils are delivered from cold rolling mill into the hot dip galvanizing workshop. The coils leave hot dip galvanizing workshop in form of galvanized coils as final product.冷轧卷从冷轧车间送至热镀锌车间,成品镀锌卷离开热镀锌车间。

6.continuous bright heat treat furnace中、高热镀锌光辉连续炉

7.Zinc coatings for steel wireGB/T15393-1994钢丝镀锌层

8.galvanized mild steel indirect cylinder镀锌软钢间接式水缸

9.galvanized insulator bolt with nut带螺丝帽镀锌瓷瓶穿钉

10.Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet/Electrolytic Zinc Coated Steel Sheet电镀锌钢片或电解钢片

11.Type p3 galvanized metallic flexible hoseGB/T3641-1983P3型镀锌金属软管

12.preparation method of zinc-coated(galvanized) steel surface for painting镀锌钢表面制备方法

13.hot dip galvanizing bolts and nuts热浸镀锌螺丝、螺帽

14.a galvanized bucket, nail, hinge, etc镀锌的铁桶、 钉子、 铰链等

15.Talking about Chinese galvanized sheet development from quick increase of its production capacity in the world;从世界镀锌板能力迅速增加看我国镀锌板发展

16.Analysis and Improvement of Dross Pick-up in Hot Dip Strip Coating热镀锌带钢镀层锌渣缺陷形成分析及改进技术

17.Effect of Strengthening Time on Properties of Mechanically Deposited Zinc Coating机械镀锌中强化时间对锌镀层性能的影响

18.Determination of Pb and Cd in the Coating of the Zinc-Coated Steel Sheets by ICP-AES;ICP-AES法测定镀锌板中镀层的铅和镉



1.Tests of Application of Domestic Seamless Steel Tubes and the Galvanizing Inactivation Technology in Automotive Brake Tubes;国产无缝钢管和镀锌钝化技术在汽车制动管上的应用试验

2.The experience formulae for calcuating furnace temperature,lead liquid temperature and coat thickness of heat treatment andgalvanizing procedure are summarized.介绍操纵用镀锌钢丝绳用钢丝生产的工艺流程及工艺参数,总结出热处理与镀锌工序计算炉温、铅温和镀层厚度的经验公式,给出65钢等温淬火热处理工艺曲线和标准C曲线的对照图,阐明保证钢丝的抗拉强度、镀层结合力和镀层性能的方法。

3.This paper simply introduced these methods of rainbow passivating、military green passivating、blue-white passivating、black passivating、Cr3+passivating forgalvanizing.简要介绍镀锌后彩虹色钝化处理、军绿化钝化处理、蓝白色钝化处理、黑色钝化处理和三价铬钝化处理。

3)zinc electroplating镀锌

1.The production process of continuouszinc electroplating for steel wire was composed of wire drawing, heat treatment, pretreatment, zinc plating and post\|treatment as well as wastewater treatment.铁丝连续镀锌的生产过程由拉丝、热处理、前处理、镀锌、后处理和废水处理所组成。


1.To improve the management and reduce the corrosion of output fluid on bare rod,the sacrificing anode protection method—galvanization are proposed after laboratory study to prevent the corrosion.为了提高管理水平,减轻含聚合物采出液对光杆的腐蚀,通过室内研究,提出了牺牲阳极保护法——镀锌工艺,防止光杆腐蚀,应用效果明显。

2.The paper introduced the technics process conversion of sodium cyanidegalvanization solution to potassium chloride solution.本文介绍了将氰化钠镀锌溶液转换为氯化钾镀锌溶液的镀锌工艺过程,从工艺、健康、环保、成本等方面进行阐述。


1.The quality of thegalvanized wire for bridge cables relies on that of wire rod much.桥梁缆索镀锌钢丝质量对线材质量具有很强的依赖性,国内线材生产厂家应根据目前线材的质量情况,持续改进轧制技术,进一步提高线材质量。

2.The paper analyses the heating efficiency and the combustor how to affect the output ofgalvanized sheet.介绍了镀锌工艺及退火炉的作用,着重分析了退火炉的传热效率和烧嘴能力对镀锌产量的影响。

3.To point out the main reasons of researching and manufacturinggalvanized full locked wire rope,which are to meet the needs of market and to raise the competition ability of the enterprise.指出决定研制镀锌密封钢丝绳的主要原因 :一是满足市场需求 ,二是为了提高企业的竞争力。

6)zinc-plated镀锌 热镀锌


表面合金化镀锌钢板表面合金化镀锌钢板surface-alloyed galvanized steel sheet裹面合金化镀锌钢板(surfaee一alloyedgalvanized steel sheet)由普通镀锌钢板经合金化处理而成的钢板。其镀层表面呈银白色,具有良好的耐蚀性、加工工艺性和涂装性,可焊性也比普通镀锌钢板好。其镀层结构主要受扩散、退火温度、时间、镀锌层厚‘望以及镀液中锌含量等因素的影响。不同的工艺条件,可使合金化层形成不同的相结构。合金化镀锌钢板的使用性能与镀层结构有密切关系。铁一锌合金化层中,铁的含量对合金化层的耐蚀性、涂装性及加工性有重要影响。从综合性能考虑,以镀层中含铁8%时为最佳。合金化镀锌钢板可简化表面处理工序.省去酸洗、喷砂等工序,有较好的经济效益。在农业机械产品上的应用有:施肥机械、施肥播种机、中耕施肥机的肥料箱和种子箱:手扶拖拉机的带轮罩壳等薄板件;金属粮仓的仓体、仓盖等;种子加工机械的窝眼筒、筛板等;农用汽车的薄板件;谷物和茶叶烘干机的薄板件等。(王广扬)
