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水膜除尘器 Water film dust catcher英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-01 13:10:39


水膜除尘器 Water film dust catcher英语短句 例句大全

水膜除尘器,Water film dust catcher

1)Water film dust catcher水膜除尘器

1.The necessity of technique transform to water film dust catcher Nanjing Second Heat and Power Factory and it s benefits of society and economic are analysed in this paper.本文分析了南京第二热电厂水膜除尘器技术改造的必要性 ,及由其而产生的社会、经济效益。


1.Experimental study and use on dust collection of ESP and Venturi-collector combination电除尘器-文丘里水膜除尘器组合除尘方式试验研究

2.Performance Test and Technical Improvement of the Water-film Dust Collector in 100MW Power Plant;100MW机组文丘里水膜除尘器性能试验及技术改造

3.Automatic Control System Design of Abio-membrane Filtration Dust-cleaner无机膜分离除尘器自动控制系统设计

4.The Design of Control System About Inorganic Membrane Industry Dust Remover Based on PLC基于PLC的无机膜工业除尘器控制系统设计

5.The Design and Development of a Sealed Water-level Controller Case for Surge-watered Dust Collector冲击水浴除尘器密闭式水位控制箱的研制

6.Economic analysis of bag-type dust collector and precipitator静电除尘器与布袋除尘器经济性分析

7.Solving the problem of backmixing of falling dust is helpful to raise the dust collect efficiency of a deduster.解决多管除尘器由于落尘返混现象,有助于提高除尘器的除尘效率。

8.Malfunctions of Water-Seal on Wet Electrostatic Precipitator For Gas煤气湿式静电除尘器排水液封的失效分析

9.Model Selection and Application on Bag-hose Precipitator of Coal Powder Preparation System in Cement Plant水泥厂煤粉制备系统袋除尘器的选型及应用

10.Patterns of PCDD/Fs,PCBs and PCNs Homologues in Fly Ash from Cement Kilns水泥窑除尘器捕集灰中PCDD/Fs、PCBs和PCNs的分布特征

11.Study on Influence Factor of Collection Efficiency of the Electrostatic Precipitator静电除尘器除尘效率影响因素的研究


13.Application of Sintered Plate Dust Collector at the Production Line of Lime烧结板除尘器在白灰除尘线上的应用

14.Factors Influencing Dust Removal Efficiency of Cyclone Filter旋风除尘器除尘效率的影响因素分析

parison of efficiency of bag dust collection and electrostatic dust collection for cement kiln;水泥窑袋式除尘与静电除尘效果比较

16.finished glass cloths for bag filter袋式除尘器用玻璃织物

17.pulse jet Bag,house precipitator脉冲喷吹袋式除尘器

18.cascade impact electrostatic precipitator多段冲击式静电除尘器


water dust scrubber水膜除尘器

1.Some improvement for thewater dust scrubber should be taken in order to get higher desulfurization ratio.水膜除尘器是目前应用较多的除尘装置,在水膜除尘器上利用碱性废水脱硫,脱硫率可达45%左右,具有以废治废、实施方便、脱硫成本低等特点,有较好的推广应用价值。

2.A method of forced filtration is given to solve the liquid-solid separation of dust from dust scrubber based on dust amount and characteristics ofwater dust scrubber of coal fired boiler.根据燃煤锅炉水膜除尘器的灰水量及特性 ,提出了以强制过滤的方法 ,来解决水膜除尘器灰水液固分离的问题。

3)reconstruction of water film deduster水膜除尘器改造

4)water membrame dust cleamer水膜式除尘器

5)cyclonic water film deduster旋风水膜除尘器

1.In this paper,the dedusting function of axial flow verticalcyclonic water film deduster is analysed by means of Leith’s theory of boundary layer separation.本文借助于Leith和Licht的边界层分离理论,对轴向出风的立式旋风水膜除尘器的除尘性能进行了分析,并得出了除尘效率的理论公式和一些有意义的结果。

6)water film dust collector水膜除尘

1.Moving characteristics and separating efficiency of particles in rotary atomizedwater film dust collector;旋流雾化水膜除尘器内尘粒运动特性及分离效率


