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利权 economic rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-16 10:54:56


利权 economic rights英语短句 例句大全

利权,economic rights

1)economic rights利权

1.In modern China,the core connotation of theeconomic rights concept is the economic sovereignty,that is,the appeal to economic independent rights.在近代中国,利权概念的核心内涵是经济主权,是对经济独立权的诉求。


1.infringement of the rights of patentee侵犯专利权人的权利

2.An exclusive right or title.专利权排他性的权利

3.his property rights pertaining to copyright and patent rights;and公民的著作权、专利权中的财产权利;

4.(6) his property rights pertaining to copyright and patent rights; and(六)公民的著作权、专利权中的财产权利;

5.strain one"s authority,rights,power,etc滥用权威、权利、权力等

6.To deprive of legal rights, powers, or privileges.剥夺权利剥夺法定权利、权力或特权

7.The Essence and Transferring of Rights of Exploring and Exploiting Mineral Resources;探矿权、采矿权的权利性质与权利流转

8."Where there is a right there is a remedy.「有权利即有救济,权利无救济即非权利」。

9.On Members" Rights in an Association and Rights and Powers of the Association社团成员的权利与社团的权利和权力

10.Beneficial Right: Personal Right? Real Right? Or New Right?;信托受益权:物权?债权?抑或新权利?

11.hereditary right世袭的权利,继承权

12.To renounce a right or claim.放弃权利,宣布弃权


14.1. Copyright and Related Rights1. 版权和相关权利

15.Children"s Rights: Creating a Culture of Human Rights儿童权利:建设人权文化

16.right or privilege granted by authority当局授予的权利或特权

17.Rights of Man and of the Citizen, Declaration of the人权和公民权利宣言

18.subsidiary rights附属专有权,附加权利



1.Discussion on Citizen"s Right and Obligation on Pre-marriage Medical Examination;公民在婚前医学检查中的权利和义务探讨

2.Respect Human Dignity and Protect the Rights of Medical Staff;尊重人格尊严 保障医务人员的权利

3.On Patients Rights and its Legislative Significance;论病人的权利及立法意义


1.Survey of the nurse s cognition of patientsrights;护士对病人权利认知状况的调查分析

2.Ideas,Rights and System——On "Three Swordsmen" of Library Spirits;理念·权利·制度——论“图书馆精神”的“三剑客”

4)Human rights权利

1.Expounding on the value of law from the connotation of human rights;从权利的内涵看法的价值

2.This article compares the connotational differences between ancient justice and modern justice and considers that: ancient justice is the responsibilities which are distributed to everyone while modern justice is the human rights which everyone are equally gotten from the God.本文认为 :古代正义是以责任分配为主 ,而现代正义则是以权利分配为主。


1.Editors of university journals must take up the responsibilities of academic administration through taking part in “the activity of three-item study”, carrying out earnestly the editors responsibilities, exercising correctly editos power, and regulating their own ethic and moral accomplishment.认真履行编辑的责任,正确行使编辑的权利,规范自己的伦理道德修养。

2.In French philosopher Michel Foucault’s theory,power and discourse are entwined with each other.福柯的思想溯源,所谓权利和话语是指不同客观事件承担的本质蕴藏着同一轨迹的内在过程集合即两者具有不可分割属性。

3.Seen from the angle that power and obLiga- tion are equal to one another,it is a matter of course that“public man”should reject some“private power”.从权利与义务时等的角度看,“公共人”拒绝部分“私权利”是合乎逻辑的。

6)rights and interests权利

1.It discusses the phenomenon encroaching therights and interests of the athletes in light of law,judgment,contract,the "alienation" in the pursuit of gold medal.在分析奥林匹克法律体系的基础上,对运动员的基本人权、身体健康权、公平竞争权、教育权及职业保障权、听证、申辩等权利救济的程序性权利进行阐述,并从奥林匹克运动的立法行为、裁判行为、经济与合同行为、金牌追求的异化行为等方面探讨奥林匹克实践中侵害运动员权利的现象,提出维护运动员权利、保障奥林匹克运营秩序的建议。

2.Migrant workers have made great contributions to the reform and development of China,and "have become an important part of Chinese working class",but they are still a marginalized and discriminated group in cities,whose legalrights and interests can not be secured.虽然农民对中国的改革与发展事业做出了巨大的贡献,“已成为我国产业工人的重要组成部分”,但长期以来,农民工仍是城市的边缘人,在城市里处处受歧视,合法权利得不到保障。

3.It is women s primary right to get employed and th eir workingrights and interests should be protected legally.妇女劳动就业是妇女的基本权利,依法保障妇女劳动权益,使妇女通过参加劳动取得经济独立是保障妇女权益的物质基础。


帝国主义对中国路矿利权的争夺战指1895~1904年间,帝国主义列强竞相争夺和共同攫取在中国敷设铁路和开采矿藏的权益的斗争。习称"利权争夺战"。1895年中日甲午战争结束,帝国主义列强以中国新败于日本为机会,挟其经济优势,凭借其政治、军事实力,向中国清政府索取路、矿权益,借以加强其在华势力,以便进而实现其所谓"和平的征服"的目的。最先,法国觊觎矿利,俄国要求"借地筑路";英、德等国即起而竞争,它们或以维持"均势"为词,或径直要求"补尝",争夺战乃愈演愈烈。帝国主义列强攫取中国铁路权的方式,或是强制清政府签订某种文书,作出让予;或是支持、指使其本国金融组织,取得贷款投资权益。前者如俄国之于中东路及其支路南满路,德国之于胶济路,法国之于滇越路均是。后者如比利时之于芦汉路、英国之于关内外路、美国之于粤汉路等,为数最多。帝国主义攫取采矿权从法国开始。日本在《马关条约》中迫使清政府割让辽东半岛,沙俄认为有损它自身的利益,联合法、德迫使日本放弃了对辽东半岛的占领。1895年法国以"还辽有功"向清政府索偿,迫使清政府签订《续议商务专条附章》,让予在云南、广西、广东三省的采矿优先权。接着列强起而角逐,其方式大体上有三种:①各国私人或企业代表,在其驻华使节的支持、配合下,径向总理衙门(后为外务部)索取矿权,如德商瑞记洋行之索办山东五处矿务。②各国私人或企业代表与中国地方当局谈判,取得矿权,再经清政府认可,如英商之取得安徽铜陵铜矿开采权。③各国私人或企业代表,与华商私订合同,然后以中外合资的名义,在其驻华使节的支持下,胁迫清政府追认,如英商之取得开滦煤矿,德商之取得井陉煤矿。 列强攫取的铁路权益,短者百公里,长者数千公里,分布于中国的东半部。所获采矿权益,或沿铁路线,或深入内地,几乎囊括了所有当时已知的矿藏。铁路权和矿权的所在,具体体现了各帝国主义国家在华势力范围的分割。这不仅侵犯中国主权,也严重破坏了中国国民经济的独立发展。
