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社区养老 urban community providing for the aged英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-29 02:24:00


社区养老 urban community providing for the aged英语短句 例句大全

社区养老,urban community providing for the aged

1)urban community providing for the aged社区养老

1.Feasibility Analysis of the Development of Our Urban Community Providing for the Aged;我国城市社区养老发展可行性分析


munity Support--the New Option of Urban Aged Service Guarantees;社区养老——城镇养老服务保障的新选择

2.Developing “home gerocomium” and looking for new model of providing for the aged in community;发展“家庭养老院” 探索社区养老新模式

3.Study on Social Network and Community Support for the Old in Taijiquan Group;太极拳群体的社会网和社区养老研究

4.Family Support in the Community Fashion and Socialization Management of the Elderly;居家式社区养老方式与老年群体的社会化管理

5.Investigation of the mental health situation of the old benefiting to the aged in community geracomium or in the home;社区养老与家庭养老的老年人心理健康状况调查

parative analysis on the influence of the qualities of life between aged living in community and in home.;社区养老与家庭养老影响老年人生活质量的比较分析

7.The Research Analysis of Demand and Supply for Providing for the Aged in the City;城市社区养老的需求与供给现状调查

8.Exploration Research of Urban Community Endowment Security System in China我国城市社区养老保障体系探索研究

9.Study on Population Aging and the Pattern of Community Service for the Aged in the City;人口老龄化与城市社区养老服务模式探析

10.Analysis of the Living Condition of the Aged and Their Demands for Home-Based Care in the Chenghua District of Chengdu;居家老人生活及“居家式社区养老”需求研究

11.On Building the Mode of Providing for the Aged in China;构建具有中国特色的养老方式——推进以家庭养老为主、社区养老为支撑的养老方式

12.Research on the Urban Community Providing for the Aged in the View of the Social Capital Theory;社会资本理论视野下的城市社区养老问题研究

13.The Support of Social Capital and the Innovation of the Endowment Rural Community;社会资本支持与农村社区养老创新研究

14.Exploring the Function of Medical Social Work in the Community Care for the Elderly探讨医务社会工作在社区养老中的作用

15.The Major Approaches Of Aging Security In Rural Area And The Development Of Rural Community Service;农村养老的主要形式与农村社区养老服务的异军突起

16.The Community of Old People--A New Mode of Providing for the Old People in Future Chinese Cities;老龄社区——未来中国城市养老新模式

17.On the Community-based Housing Support: The New Choice for the Elderly-care Patterns in Urban Cities in China;论社区居家养老:中国城市养老模式的新选择

18.Urban Old-Age Home-Taking Wuxi Social Community as Examples;城市老人居家养老的现状与对策——以无锡社区居家养老服务为例


the old-age community养老社区

3)situation of China population"s aging社区养老现状

4)community service for the aged社区养老服务

5)community institution for t he aged社区养老机构

6)family support in the community fashion居家式社区养老

1.Under the background of community function transformation and family support function weakened, "family support in the community fashion"is the best way that meets the elderly s will and fits the tradition of China.在社区功能转型和家庭养老功能弱化的背景下,“居家式社区养老方式”是符合老人意愿、中国养老传统、具体国情的最佳选择,社区养老能力与老人需求之间存在着较大的差距,加强社区养老能力建设是当务之急。


《寿亲养老新书》《寿亲养老新书》 《寿亲养老新书》 养生学著作。四卷。宋·陈直原撰,元·邹铉续增。刊于1307年。本书是陈真《养老奉亲书》一书的增补本。卷一即《养老奉亲书》原文;卷二-四属新增部分,邹氏从其他各种著作中收集并阐述有关养生、老年保健与食治诸方。所收资料较为广泛,切于实用。有重要参考价值。唯编排较零乱,体例不一。现存元、明、清多种刻本,1949年后有排印本。
