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公民的基本权利 the basic rights of human beings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-09 13:10:09


公民的基本权利 the basic rights of human beings英语短句 例句大全

公民的基本权利,the basic rights of human beings

1)the basic rights of human beings公民的基本权利

1.By analyzing the essence of rule by law ,the basic rights of human beings and the due process of law,the author interpret the essence of citizens rights to access to justice .本文通过对“法治”的本质含义的分析 ,结合对公民的基本权利及法律的正当程序的探讨 ,阐述了公民的接受裁判权的实质 ;并以我国审判实践中的民事立案规则为例 ,对司法实践中对公民接受司法裁判权的妨碍进行分析 ,并提出了相应的解决构想。


1.On the Right to Food Safety is the Citizens"Basic Rights In China论食品安全权是我国公民的基本权利

2.The right to work and enjoy social security is fundamental and concerns the interest of the general public.劳动和社会保障权利是公民的基本权利,关系广大公民的切身利益。


4.Suggestions of the Amendments on:The Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens in the Constitution of the People s Republic of China;对宪法《公民的基本权利和义务》一章的修改建议

5.Right to work is the basic right which is defined by the International Convention on Human Rights and protected by law.劳动权是国际人权公约确定的基本人权之一,是我国法律保护的公民的基本权利。

6.The Right to Receive Education is one Fundamental Civil Right--Talking from the Children Beggars Right to Receive Education;受教育权是公民的基本权利——从儿童乞丐的受教育权谈起

7.The constitution enshrines the basic rights of all citizens.宪法中神圣地记载着全体公民的基本权利.

8.The constitution enshrines the basic rights of all citizens宪法中神圣地记载著全体公民的基本权利.

9.Constitutionalized Human Rights--the Essence of Fundamental Rights;宪法化的人权:公民基本权利的本质

10.The right to work is a basic right of the citizens.劳动权是公民的一项基本权利。

11.The right to vote is a base civil right.选举权是公民的一项基本权利。

12.basic rights and duties of citizen公民基本权利和义务

13.The Right of Social Security--The Human Right and Basic Civil Right of Modern Society;社会保障权——现代社会的人权和公民基本权利

14.On Improving the Enactment of the Citizens Basic Rights in the Constitution;论宪法公民基本权利设定方式的完善

15.Constitution Judicialized: Another Way to Protect the Citizens Basic Rights;宪法司法化:公民基本权利保障的路径

16.Constitutional Analysis on Judicial Safeguards for Fundamental Civil Rights;公民基本权利司法保障的宪法学分析

17.On the Judicial Protection of Chinese Citizens Constitutional Fundamental Rights;论我国公民宪法基本权利的司法保护

18.On the Basic Tourism Rights of Citizens and its Legal Basis论公民的基本旅游权利及其法律依据


Antagonism of constitutional right公民基本权利的对抗性

3)basic civil rights公民基本权利

1.The constitution of China has more or less restricted thebasic civil rights while it has Clearly acknowledged the existance and values of the rights.现代国家都在宪法内明文肯定公民基本权利的存在和价值的同时,也或多或少规定了公民基本权利的限制问题。

4)basic rights of citizens公民基本权利

1.The most important and core value of a constitution is to protect thebasic rights of citizens.近代宪法是在保障公民基本权利的过程中产生的,保障公民的基本权利是宪法永恒的主题。

5)citizens basic rights公民基本权利

1.All these lead to the problem of "constitution nominalized" andcitizens basic rights cannot be well protected.由于宪法本身具有高度的抽象性,法官缺少运用宪法的知识和理念,人们对宪法属性认识不够以及司法实务界对相关司法解释存在认识上的偏差等原因,导致我国宪法存在严重的"虚置"问题,公民基本权利也难以保障,这样宪法司法化就势在必行。

6)citizens basic right公民基本权利

1.In the present Chinese constitution text,Take the 51st,10th,13th as representative,the provisions of limitingcitizens basic right have the defects as follows: lacking correct value orientation,fair operation procedure and full relief mechanism.我国现行宪法文本中以第51条、第10条、第13条为代表的限制公民基本权利条款存在着以下不足:缺失正确的价值取向、缺乏公正的操作程序、缺少充分的救济机制。

2.On the basis of comparing the Constitutions of different countries,(we learn) there are three ways to regulatecitizens basic rights,including listing,concluding + listing,and indexing;and there are three ways to re- straincitizens basic rights,such as:specific restraint,legal restraint,and principled restraint.在比较各国宪法的基础上,讨论三种公民基本权利的规定方式,即列举式、概括+列举式和指引式。


