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表达方式 expression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-15 23:39:01


表达方式 expression英语短句 例句大全



1.Bioavailability andexpression method of vitamin A,folate and vitamin E in foods;食物中维生素A、叶酸和维生物E的生物利用和表达方式

2.Analysis of Japanese Auxilary Verbs in the Expression of Imperative Mood;论日语授受补助动词在请求表达方式中的应用

3.Theexpressions of Chinese and English euphemisms;英、汉语中委婉语的表达方式


1.a style of expression that is direct and to the point.直接中肯的表达方式。

2.an indirect way of expressing something.一种间接的表达方式。

3.y+n is an exponential expression.y+n是幂的表达方式。

4.a (new) mode of expression(新的)表达方式 [说法]

5.Situation, Intention and Expressive Acts --Mode of Expressives at a Micro-level情境、意向、表达行为——表达方式探微

6." In the family way" is an old-fashioned expression meaning" pregnant" .“Inthefamilyway”是一种老式的表达方式,意为“怀孕”。

7.Aesthetic Expressions for Formal Aesthetic Perception of Art Design论艺术设计形式美感的审美表达方式

8.Take the Fable as the Metaphor: A Study on the Cognition Way and Expression Way of "Liezi";以寓言为隐喻:《列子》认知方式和表达方式研究

9.Research on the thinking pattern and the differences of expression way between Chinese and English中英文表达方式差异与思维方式的研究

10.This is the autor" s peculiar mode of expression.这是那位作家所特有的一种表达方式。

11.an expressive style that uses excessive words.使用过多词语的一种表达方式。

12.a style that involves indirect ways of expressing things.一种间接风格的表达方式。

13.inappropriate and unpleasing manner or style esp of expression.表达方式或风格不适当,让人不愉快。

14.deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression.以言辞或某种艺术表达方式涉及。

15.These two expressions come down to much the same.这两种表达方式,意思几乎完全一样。

16.the manner in which something is expressed in words.使用词汇表达的方式。

17.expressed nonlexically.用非言语的方式表达。

18.An expression used to distinguish or separate other expressions in a quantity or an equation.判别式在一个量或方程式中,用于区分或区别其他表达式的表达式


Expression way表达方式

1.This paper attempts to analyze similarities and difference in expression ways between English and Chinese.本文对比分析英汉两种语言的表达方式的异同,在错综交叉的英汉关系中,理出头绪,寻找“窍门”,使英语学习者有意识地从母语中“借用”,来改进其语言运用。

2.However the achievement distinguishes between the masculine, feminine drawing actually has her unique angle of view and the language expression way.然而作为区别于男性的女性绘画却有着她独特的视角和语言表达方式。

3)way of expression表达方式

1."Nothing Value"in"Dreams of Red Mansion"can t cover its whole content,and it is in contradiction with the author s purpose of propagating "love","Nothing value"expresses a kind of idea,but it doesn t manifest it,which is just a kind of dramaticway of expression,putting the value into the whole context of the novel and making it delightful.明确宣示一种思想观念,却并不为表现这一思想观念,正是一种戏剧化的表达方式,以之融入整个作品的语境,使其情味化。


1.Variousexpressions of causes and reasons in English;英语中多种“原因和理由”的表达方式

2.between Chinese and English,"ban" in Chinese is not completely equal to "ban" in English in grammatical functions,semantic meanings andexpressions,etc.由于语言自身的特点和文化的差异等原因,现代英汉语言中的"半"在语法作用、语义及表达方式等方面也不尽相同。

3.Business correspondence focuses more on theexpressions of appropria.它有别于丰富多彩、自由烂漫、讽刺辛辣、戏谑狡辩、夸张缩小的文学家的笔调,讲究的是得体贴切、简洁有力、明了清晰的表达方式。

5)ways of expression表达方式

1.This article mainly discusses definition and classification of English and Chinese pun,and their differences inways of expression and function of rhetoric.本文主要探讨英汉双关语的定义、分类,及其在表达方式和修辞功能上的相异性。

2.And there are sixways of expression of the airs in Xin s Ci.辛词之气可分为六种表达方式。

6)Anger expression style怒表达方式


外贸英语--货物保险英语表达方式F.P.A.standsfor"FreefromParticularAverage".FPA代表平安险。 W.P.A.standsfor"WithParticularAverage".WPA代表水渍险。 insurancefreeof(from)particularaverage(FPA).平安险(单独海损不赔) insurancewithparticularaverage(WPA),basicrisks.insuranceagainstallrisks.综合险,应保一切险 riskofbreakage破碎险 riskofclashing碰损险 riskofrust生锈险 riskofhookdamage钩损险 riskofcontamination(tainting)污染险 insuranceagainsttotallossonly(TLO)全损险 riskofdeterioration变质险 riskofpackingbreakage包装破裂险 riskofinherentvice内在缺陷险 riskofnormalloss(naturalloss)?途耗或自然损耗险 riskofspontaneouscombustion自然险 riskofcontingentimportduty进口关税险 insuranceagainstwarrisk战争险 AirTransportationCargoWarRisk航空运输战争险 overlandTransportationInsuranceWarRisk陆上运输战争险 insuranceagainststrike,riotandcivilcommotion(SRCC)罢工,暴动,民变险 insuranceagainstextraneousrisks,insuranceagainstadditionalrisks附加险 riskoftheft,pilferageandnondelivery(TRND)盗窃提货不着险 riskoffreshand/ofrainwaterdamage(wetting)淡水雨淋险 riskofleakage渗漏险 riskofshortageinweight/quantity短量险 riskofsweatingand/orheating受潮受热险 riskofbadodour(changeofflavour)恶味险,变味险 riskofmould发霉险 ondeckrisk舱面险
