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翻译家 Translator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-14 01:09:20


翻译家 Translator英语短句 例句大全



1.Professor Sun Zhili is a well-known Chinese literary translator, having published 25 quality translation works during his 25 years of translation career.孙致礼先生是我国著名的英美文学翻译家。

2.As a translator,He put forward his ideas in different perspectives on the quality of a translator,the motive of a translator,the poem translation and the theory that translation was equivalent to creation.郭沫若作为翻译家,就翻译者的素质、译者的动机、诗歌翻译、以及翻译创作论等提出了自己独到的见解。

3.With his supreme skills and singular style in translation,insightful theories on translation,and outstanding translation works,Fu Lei established himself as an authoritative translator of the French literature,especially of Balzac,in China,and has cast a far-reaching influence in the Chinese circle of translation and in the Chinese readers.在半个多世纪的漫长时间里,傅雷视翻译为崇高神圣的事业,以自己显赫的译绩、别树一帜的译论、精益求精的译技、自成一家的翻译风格和堪称楷模的译德,奠定了他法国文学特别是巴尔扎克作品权威翻译家的地位,在中国译界和广大读者中产生了深远影响。


1.He is both a writer and a translator.他又是作家又是翻译家。

2.A Study on Translator Sun Zhili-an Advocate of Translation Ethics;翻译伦理的倡导者翻译家孙致礼研究

3.The Researching of Translation Master GUANFACEN and His Translation Works 《Virtue and Stupid Scripture》 s Translation Skills;翻译家管·法成及其译作《贤愚经》的翻译技巧研究

4.A Study of Russian-Chinese Translator Cao Ying s Translation Thoughts and Translation Course, In-depth Discussion on Translator s Subjectivity;论俄罗斯文学翻译家草婴的翻译思想与翻译人生

5.Discovery" and Research of Translation Subject -A Critical Review of Translator Studies in China;翻译主体的“发现”与研究——兼评中国翻译家研究

6.Bing Xin as Translatress: A Study of Her Chinese Translation of Gitanjali;女翻译家冰心及其译作《吉檀迦利》研究

7.On Feminism Awareness in Translation Works of Chinese Female Translators;浅谈中国女翻译家译著中的女性意识

8.A Galaxy of Women Translators and Their Translations--Overview of Chinese Women Translators in the Twentieth Century;译家辈出 译品上乘——二十世纪中国女性翻译家群貌概观

9.Those Who Interpret:The Case of Fiction Translators at the Turn of the 20th Century;论译者的“阐释者”身份——以清末小说翻译家为例

10.Lu Xun s"Intermediate"Consciousness and the Methodological Changes in His Early Career as a Translator;翻译家鲁迅的“中间物”意识——以鲁迅早期翻译方式的变换为例

11.A Translator Gives Latin Writers a New Home介绍拉美文学翻译家拉巴萨

12.On the Translation of "Nongjiale"以语境化实现翻译的忠实原则——“农家乐”翻译论

13.The Chinese Translation of TranslationeseTranslationese:翻译体?翻译症?翻译腔?

14.Lin Yutang: A Dialectical Translation Theorist and Practitioner;林语堂:辨证主义翻译理论家和实践家

15.The Intention of Translation:Towards the Five English Versions of Feng-Qiao-Ye-Bo;翻译的本意——《枫桥夜泊》的五种汉学家译文研究

16.The Views on Translation Advanced by Jin Yue lin and He Lin;哲学家眼中的翻译——金岳霖、贺麟译观探微

17.A Descriptive Study on the Two Chinese Versions of Tess of the D"Urbervilles对《德伯家的苔丝》两个中译本的描述性翻译研究

18.We are the best suppliers, only a temporary shortage!外贸翻译:我们是最好的供应商,只是暂时缺货!求大家帮忙翻译!



1.This paper reviews the translation and introduction of Tagore in China in the 20th century and analyzes his influence on two Chinesetranslators: Guo Moruo and Bing Xin.本文拟对泰戈尔在中国的译介情况做一简单回顾,并分析他对中国两位著名翻译家郭沫若、冰心所起的重要影响。

2.During this period, there emerged a large number of outstandingtranslators and French literature specialists, and substantial achievements have been fulfilled; yet a lot of roundabout courses and setbacks have also been observed.从19世纪末以来,法国文学、特别是法国小说在我国的译介和研究,至今已经有一个多世纪的历史,期间涌现了许多优秀的翻译家和法国文学专家,取得了丰硕的成果,但是也走过不少弯路,经过许多挫折。

3.For scholars to engender an in-depth and impartial evaluation of a translator,it\"s necessary to construct a systemized interdisplinary evaluation mode oftranslators,which includes three parts.为了客观、全面地评价翻译家,评价者需要一个相对统一、跨学科而可操作的评价模式。

3)famous translators翻译名家


1.Bing Xin as Translatress: A Study of Her Chinese Translation ofGitanjali;女翻译家冰心及其译作《吉檀迦利》研究

5)Confucian Translations儒家翻译

6)Distinguished translator大翻译家


国际皮革化学家和工艺学家协会联合会国际皮革界最大的学术组织。由世界上各个国家级的皮革学会推派代表组成。1873年,奥地利制革学家W.艾特纳在奥地利建立了世界上第一个皮革研究所,以后欧洲一些国家也相继建立皮革科研机构。1897年,W.艾特纳等人与欧洲其他国家的皮革研究所商议建立国际性组织,以便交流制革技术并制订共同的皮革测试方法。从此逐步开展了皮革专业的国际活动。1948年,由英国、法国、比利时皮革学会发起,有20多个国家的代表参加,在法国巴黎成立国际皮革化学家和工艺学家协会联合会,并决定在正常情况下每两年召开一届大会。联合会有主席、副主席、司库和秘书(主管日常事务)等8人,每4年改选一次。联合会的驻地随秘书的所在国而转移。联合会的任务是:①在各成员协会之间以及联合会同其他与皮革工业有关的国际组织间建立定期接触和保持有效联系,以便互相交流,促进皮革学术的发展。活动方式包括召开全体大会(以发表和宣读皮革学术论文,交流科技进步等内容为主), 举办各种专题讨论会等。②负责批准国际皮革联合委员会推荐的国际联合方法(IU-methods),以及促进这些方法的正确使用。
