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内生性增长 endogenous growth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-09 09:40:48


内生性增长 endogenous growth英语短句 例句大全

内生性增长,endogenous growth

1)endogenous growth内生性增长

1.The development of Zhanjiang s industry should meet the inherent demand of the new industrialization development and,with a backward environmental and a less open economy,Zhangjiang should cultivate itsendogenous growth by scientifically allocating its resources,adjusting its industrial structure,planning its industrial districts and supporting its small businesses.湛江工业发展要遵循新型工业化的发展内涵要求,在其所面临的经济发展软环境仍滞后,经济外向度低等环境制约因素下,应努力开拓工业内生性增长的途径,合理配置资源,积极调整产业结构,合理布局工业园区,积极发展中小企业。

2.This paper reviews the traditional theories of the gap of regional development, introduces the theory ofendogenous growth and analyzes the relevantly statistical data, then points out the human resources is a important aspect of the development of Western region of China.本文对区域发展差距的传统理论进行了回顾 ,并通过对内生性增长理论的介绍和相关统计资料的分析 ,提出在实施西部大开发战略中应充分重视对人力资源的开发。

3.Research shows that the development of Beijing\"s economy due toendogenous growth,and there is a clear path dependence.研究表明,北京的经济发展主要源于内生性增长,经济增长存在明显的路径依赖,奥运会的举办没有改变原有的发展路径。


1.Village Elite: the Endogenous Growth Point of Rural Social Capital;乡村精英:农村社会资本内生性增长点

2.An Empirical Analysis of the Possibility of Chinese Endogenous Consumption Growth;对我国消费内生性增长可能性的实证分析

3.The Stochastic Model of Endogenous Growth with Congestion;拥挤性政府支出的随机内生增长模型

4.Liquidity Risk,Bank Crises and Endogenous Growth;流动性风险、银行危机与内生经济增长

5.Environment Impact and the Learn by Doing Endogenous Growth Model;环境外在性与“干中学”内生经济增长

6.A General Analysis on the Internal Economic Growth Theory of Japan;日本内生经济增长理论的一般性研究

7.An Endogenous Economic Growth Model with Exhaustible Resources Use and R&D;耗竭性资源、R&D与内生经济增长模型

8.Research of Dongguan inner economy growth route东莞内生经济增长路径的一般性研究

9.The Research of the Correlation between Public Expenditure and Economic Growth in the Framework of Endogenous Economic Growth Model;基于内生增长模型框架的财政支出与经济增长的相关性研究

10.A Study on Endogenesis Relationship between Regional Informationization Level and Economy Growth;地区信息化水平与经济增长内生性关系研究

11.The General Study of Endogenous Economic Growth Theory and Fiscal Policy;内生经济增长理论与财政政策的一般性研究

12.Exhaustible Resources Management and Human Capital Accumulation Endogenous Economic Growth;耗竭性资源管理与人力资本积累内生经济增长

13.R&D, R&D Spillovers, Endogenous Growth and Endogenous Convergence;R&D、R&D溢出、内生增长和内生收敛

14.Significance of Angiostatin (Endostatin) in Hypertrophic Scars of Rabbit Ear;血管生长抑制因子(内皮抑素)对兔耳增生性瘢痕的作用及意义

15.Expression of VEGF in the Epidermis of Some Proliferative Lesions;血管内皮生长因子在某些增生性皮肤病皮损表皮的表达

16.Study on Human Endothelia Cell Proliferation Stimulated by Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor;碱性成纤维细胞生长因子促进人血管内皮细胞增生的研究

17.Effect and Study Progress of VEGF in Hypertrophic Scar血管内皮生长因子在增生性瘢痕中的作用与研究进展

18.Implement Endogenous Development Strategy,Activate Endogenous Growth Power推行内源发展战略 激活内生增长动力


consumption endogenous growth消费内生性增长

3)endogenous growth内生增长

1.Endogenous growth model of the interdependence of industry and agriculture;工业与农业相互依存的内生增长模型——工业反哺农业的理论基础

2.An Endogenous Growth Model Based on Product-adding Innovations and Human Capital;一个基于产品水平创新和人力资本的内生增长模型

3.Environmental Pollution,Endogenous Growth and Sustainable Development;环境污染、内生增长与经济可持续发展

4)endogenous growth theory内生增长理论

1.Theendogenous growth theory and the evolutionary growth theory emerged in response to the crisis of neoclassical growth theory.内生增长理论与演化增长理论都是应对新古典增长理论的危机而出现的。

2.On the basis of the former theories of economics, some economists have established theendogenous growth theory as one of the neo-classical growth theory since the mid-1980s.罗默、卢卡斯等经济学家提出了内生增长理论。

3.The western economic development depends on applyingendogenous growth theory properly, attaching importance to science and technology,establishing and perfecting the mechanism of encouragement and restraint,and giving full scope to human capital.西部经济的发展有赖于正确运用内生增长理论,重视科学技术,建立健全人力资本的激励和约束机制,充分发挥人力资本的作用。

5)endogenous economic growth内生经济增长

1.Optimal tax on theendogenous economic growth model;内生经济增长模型中的最优税收

2.Applied Study of Endogenous Economic Growth Theory and Structural Equation Model;内生经济增长与结构方程模型应用研究

3.In this paper,beside endogenesising technologic progress and human capital simultaneity,exhaustible resources were added into production function to establish anendogenous economic growth model with the restriction of exhaustible resources.将技术进步、人力资本内生化的同时,将耗竭性资源纳入生产函数,构建了一个在资源约束下简单的内生经济增长模型,利用动态优化得到模型的平衡增长解,同时也讨论了经济要取得可持续发展,资源要得到持续利用,人力资本的增长率以及技术进步的增长率所必须满足的条件。

6)endogenous growth model内生增长模型

1.Congested government expenditure in a stochasticendogenous growth model;随机内生增长模型中的拥挤性政府支出

2.Endogenous Growth Model under Regenerative Resources Condition;可再生资源约束下的内生增长模型研究

3.Based on Lucasendogenous growth model,this article proposes a newendogenous growth model,which offers a new theory explanation for environmental Kuznets curve.以Lucas内生增长模型为基础,通过建立一个新的内生增长模型,在经济可持续发展的前提下,分析环境质量与经济增长之间的关系,为环境库兹涅茨曲线提供了一个新的理论解释。


国际贸易的内生性增长新理论长期以来,许多经济学家认为国际贸易的增长可以带动国内生产效率的提高。以哈伯勒代表的经济学家认为国际贸易是新观念、新技术、新管理和其他技能的传播媒介,国际贸易可以充分利用没有开发的国内资源、刺激国内生产者提高效率,同时通过市场规模的扩大,贸易使劳动具有了经济规模性,因此国际贸易可以称为%26ldquo;经济增长的动力%26rdquo;。 为了从国际贸易和经济增长的长期关系角度进一步揭示国际贸易产生的正面作用,经济学家罗莫和卢卡斯提出了内生性增长理论,他们认为一国减少贸易壁垒并促进国际贸易后,将长期取得加快经济增长和发展的效应,这主要因为国际贸易可以使该国加快技术引进、吸收、开发以及创新过程,扩大生产经济规模,减少价格扭曲提高资源利用率等 .
