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收购价格 purchasing price英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-19 21:00:14


收购价格 purchasing price英语短句 例句大全

收购价格,purchasing price

1)purchasing price收购价格

1.Through implement of MBO in the past,it has exposed a lot of question,such as purchasing main part,purchasing price,purchasing fund hazard.笔者对以往实施MBO所暴露出许多诸如收购主体、收购价格、收购资金风险等问题及对策提出拙见。

2.The increase ofpurchasing price for peasants farming initiative has been considered as an effective way to solve these in problems in agriculture.近几年,中国农产品产量一直徘徊不前,通过引入市场竞争提高农产品收购价格,刺激农民务农积极性一直被视为解决“三农”问题的有效途径之一。


1.the government"s increase in its procurement prices (for farm products)提高农产品收购价格

2.purchasing price of products for export出口商品外贸收购价格

3.price index number of agricultural product purchase农产品收购价格指数

4.general index of purchasing price of farm produce农副产品收购价格总指数

5.A Correlation Test on Chinese Agricultural Product Output and Purchasing Price;农产品产量与收购价格的相关性检验

6.The purchase process is not open enough and often at very low price,which leads to public confusions with MBO.收购过程不透明,且收购价格过低,这是人们对管理层收购的两大质疑之处。

7.A Granger Causality Test on China s Agricultural Products Output and their Purchasing Prices;农产品产量与收购价格的因果关系检验

8.Exploration of Content Definition and Evaluation to Urban-Land and Purchase Price;城市土地收购价格内涵界定与评估思路探讨

9.Which Leads to the Output Fluctuation of Agricultural Products, Calamity or Purchasing Price?;农产品产量波动:灾害所致还是收购价格所致?

10.What happens if the fair market value of the assets of an acquired company is less than the purchase price of the company?如果被收购公司的公平市价低于对该公司的收购价格,会出现什么情况?

11.Our waste materials collection depot purchases old newspapers in quantity and pays the highest cash price in the city.本回收站大量收购旧报纸,现货购进,现钞结算,价格全市最高。

12.He received a price list and specifications for ordering just about any kind of novelty degree(假学历).他收到订购任何捏造来的文凭的价格和细节。

13.The state offers fairprices for scrap-iron to be melted down for reuse.国家以合理价格收购废铁以便回炉后重新使用。

14.Farm and sideline products of the peasants are purchased by the state at reasonable prices.农民的农副产品由国家按合理价格收购。

15.A Microeconomic Model Analysis Based on M&A Income and Transaction Price;基于企业并购收益和交易价格的微观模型解析

16.The Debate of the Transfer Price of State-Owned Stock in MBO;管理层收购中国有股权转让价格的辩析

17.Credit price赊购价格、挂帐价格

18.The state buys agricultural products at standard prices while the peasants suffer no loss, and, what is more, our purchase prices are gradually being raised.我们统购农产品是按照正常的价格,农民并不吃亏,而且收购的价格还逐步有所增长。


purchase price收购价格

1.Taking advantage of US s MBO experience combined with China s concrete environment,this paper analyzed some problems in the practice,such as the illegal purchase body;unfairpurchase price and non-normative sources of fund.借鉴美国管理层收购的实践经验,结合中国具体的实施环境,分析了管理层收购(MBO)实践过程中存在收购主体不具备合法性、收购价格不公平合理和资金来源缺乏规范性等方面的问题,提出了进一步推进我国MBO的政策建议,认为应进一步减少实施MBO的法律障碍、增加收购透明度、拓宽融资渠道等。

3)purchasing price of tobacco leaf烟叶收购价格

1.In recent years,as thepurchasing price of tobacco leaf is irrational,Chinese peasants are not positive to plant tobacco leaf,it greatly influences the development of tobacco leaf production in China.近年来,由于我国烟叶收购价格不合理,导致农民的种烟积极性下降,对我国烟叶生产的平稳发展带来很大影响。

4)land purchase price土地收购价格

1.The principles to define urban-land purchase price, the rights and benefits for the urban-land buyer and seller, the requirement of the urban-land purchase and reserve system to the reserved land are analyzed.分析了土地收购价格内涵界定的原则 ,城市土地收购双方对被收购土地拥有的权利和利益 ,城市土地收购储备制度对储备土地的要求 ,提出了城市土地收购价格评估的基本思路 。

5)the farmer price of aquatic products水产品收购价格

6)market purching price市场收购价格


